Handling the INI files

For technicians!






The following chapter contains information about the *.ini-files with explanation of used parameters and their meaning.

The sample, etalon file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” is stored as “MicroscopeConfiguration.txt” containing all the parameters, used in the software 1.18 and may be used as starting file for upgrading to the appropriate software version.



·       The scanner specific parameter values of the etalon ini-file in the sections [HardwareLimits], [PreviewAndBarcodeScanning] and other sections should not be copied to the ini-file of the scanner in front of you!!

·       The etalon ini-files should be used only to verify the existence of the required parameters; values are mostly unique in each scanner!

·       Please make a security backup of the existing ini-files before manipulating parameters and values!

·      If modifications are done in the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”, the scan software “SlideScanner.exe” has to be started again; only so the modifications take effect (this is true for some parts of the service program also).



If you working with the service program, please refer also to “SlideScannerService







Construction of “MicroscopeConfiguration”

Sections in the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”
















            [WaterFeeder];         PCON

            [Shutter];                   PCON


Etalon ini-files









As commonly known, the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” and the file “MicroscopeSettings.ini” contain scanner specific information and are unique for each scanner.


Before the software version 1.9 these files were named as “tdhmic_config.ini” and “tdhmic_settings.ini”.


Since the software version 1.9, the files are named as “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” and “MicroscopeSettings.ini”.


The file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” contains hardware specific parameters and values concerning the scanner hardware; these should be modified only during system integration or repair procedures by a qualified technician!


The file “MicroscopeSettings.ini” contains settings information concerning the used camera(s), installed objective type(s) and magnification as well as implemented filters for fluorescent scan mode. These values are updated during the saving procedure of the dialogue “Microscope settings”.


The original versions of the ini-files are stored in the EEPROM of the Scanner’s USB controller also; please refer to “EEPROM



·       The parameter values of the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” are not collected in a dialogue, so the technician has to patch the values by the use of a simple text editor, then the file has to be saved as a file without formatting information; as a “txt only” type file with the extension ".ini".



Information about the path of the appropriate ini-file can be found in the chapter “Paths and locations








Construction of the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”



The entire file is divided into sections; the sections starting with the section name, and this is defined within brackets. The length of the section, the section body, is defined until the next section name is found.




The sections are following each other sequential in the file.

Inside the section body, the parameter value is found by comparing the parameter name.



·       A semicolon “;” behind the value is used to define comment text in the appropriate line

·       If a line starts with a semicolon “;” in the first character position of the line, the entire line is comment text only. This is often used to exclude parameters and values from the appropriate section; so variants of the parameter value can be tested easily and quickly.








·       Each section contains specific parameter names; the parameter names are unique in the entire file.

·       The value, assigned to the parameter name, is shown on the right side of the equal sign “=”.

·       Negative values starting with a minus (-) sign!

·       Values related to the moving part of the unit and defined outside the hardware limit are cut to the hardware limit by the scan software!












Sections in the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”




Section [Version]


It contains information about the construction of the ini-file; usually the slide scanner software version number is used since the modification of the ini-file handling is done. This value defines how to handle the ini-file.



CurrentInifileVersion=1.8; the construction is realized in the file “tdhmic_config.ini”


·       If the section [Version] or the parameter “CurrentInifileVersion=” does not exist, the file format is handled like in the file “tdhmic_config.ini”


Because new parameters are implemented in the software version 1.9 the construction of the ini-files was modified.

·       To decide, how the ini-file must be handled, the version number was increased.





Since the software version 1.9, the content and the structure of the files was modified.


The file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” contains hardware specific parameters and values concerning the scanner; these should be modified only during system integration or repair procedures by a qualified technician!


The file “MicroscopeSettings.ini” contains user specific settings concerning the used camera(s), installed objective type(s) and magnification as well as implemented filters for fluorescent scan mode. These values are updated during the saving procedure of the dialogue “Microscope settings”; please see “Setup filters” for example.



·       An example of the sections since the version 1.9 is shown on the right.


·      Not required sections may be left out from the sequence.

·      The sequence of the sections is unimportant and may vary in the ini-file of the scanner in front of you!








Section [Microscope]




The section [Microscope] contains scanner specific information concerning the implemented units and components.

An explanation about parameters and values can also be found in the chapter “Configure …” of the appropriate unit.




SerialNumber=xxxxxx;                                                         a six digit number defines the serial number of the P250, so the file MicroscopeConfiguration.ini is assigned to the hardware. The serial number should be equal (at least partial) with the serial number on the label of the scanner. The serial number may contain 15 alphanumerical characters.

MicroscopeType=3DMic9;                                                   3DMic9 means Pannoramic 250, see “ScannerType

ScanCameraType=;                                                             not used, defined in the “MicroscopeSettings.ini”

                                                                                                 see Scan cameras

PreviewCameraType=CVrmc_m8_pPro;                          the preview camera type; see Configure preview unit

BarcodeReaderType=PreviewCamera;                            Barcode reading is done by the preview camera

LoaderType=SL_9Mag_25Slide_Sensor_Vertical;        Magazine unit type, see: Configure magazine unit

CameraChangerType=CC_3DH_2Pos;                           see: Configure camera changer

ReflectorTurretType=RT_3DH_10Pos_Belt;                    see: Configure the turret unit

;BrightfieldLightSourceType=FlashLight2010;               see: Configure brightfield light source

BrightfieldLightSourceType=FlashLight2012;                see also: Configure ND filter unit

ObjectiveChangerType=OC_2Pos;                                   see: Configure objective changer

ObjectGuideXYZType=OGXYZ_FLASH3;                       see: Configure the X-Y-stage unit

FlashUnitType=FlashUnit_Type2;                                    see: Configure electronics components

NDFilterType=NDType2;                                                     see: Configure ND-filter unit

PreviewLightType=PreviewLightUnitType_Type2;         see: Configure the preview unit

PowerSwitchBoardType=PowerSwitchBoard_Type1;   see: Configure electronics components



See also if MIDI_OC or SCAN_OC:                               Focus unit OC” and “Configure the scanner


·      Not required parameters may be left out from the parameter sequence

·      Wrongly defined parameter names and values will be ignored (as it would not be present) or causes a software error

·      The sequence of the parameters is unimportant so it may vary in the ini-file of the scanner in front of you!






              Parameter options of the section


·      Wrongly defined parameter names and values will be ignored (as these would not be present) or causes a software error



MicroscopeSubtype=Confocal;                       modular MIDI used in Pannoramic Confocal surrounding

MicroscopeSubtype=SCS;                              modular MIDI used in 3DHISTECH iSaCS surrounding



Preview Camera

PreviewCameraType=CVrmc_m8_pPro;                         S_M_D, P250, PCON, Preview camera for delivered scanners since SW version 1.15

PreviewCameraType=DFK21F04;                                    S_M_D type scanners; Preview camera for delivered scanners until SW version 1.14

                                                                                               Following software versions handling the DFK21F04 furthermore!

PreviewCameraSerialNumber=000XXX;                          SCS; because there are several VR-magic cameras connected via USB to the same computer, the serial number is used to distinguish the cameras.

PreviewCameraType = CVrmc_m8_pPro_Double;         DESK_II; the extension "Double" is used to indicate that the capturing procedure is done twice.

PreviewCameraType= CVrmc_m8_pPro;                        the camera VRMC-8+/C is also recognized by the previously code for delivered scanners since SW version 1.23 in SMD_II, P250, PCON




Preview Illumination type

PreviewLightType=PreviewLightUnitType_Type4;         since SW version 1.20; P250 Flash; Preview and barcode illumination connected to XYZND controller, SCAN_II

PreviewLightType=PreviewLightUnitType_Type3;         since SW version 1.20; S_M_D, MIDI_OC; SCAN_OC;Preview and barcode illumination connected to DC-controller, as usual in MIDI and DESK type scanners.

PreviewLightType=PreviewLightUnitType_Type2;         P250 and Flash types; Backgrund and DF Preview illumination present; BF and FL scan

PreviewLightType=PreviewLightUnitType_Type1;         P250 and Flash types; DF preview illumination removed; BF scan only



Reflector turret type

ReflectorTurretType=RT_None;                             any scanner without turret unit mounted; BF scan only type scanners

ReflectorTurretType=RT_3DH_10Pos_Belt;        P250, SCS; S_M_II

ReflectorTurretType=RT_3DH_10Pos_Gears;    SCAN and MIDI type scanners, BF and FL scan modes (full version)



Camera Changer type

CameraChangerType=CC_None;                         MIDI_OC; SCAN_OC; PCON, SCS; S_M_D_II, any scanner without motorized camera changer

CameraChangerType=CC_3DH_2Pos;                P250, any scanner with motorized camera changer mounted

CameraChangerType=CC_3DH_Fix1PosType1; since SW-version 1.18.2; 90° camera tube present



Objective changer type

ObjectiveChangerType=OC_None;                       S_M_D type scanners without motorized objective changer or parameter not used

ObjectiveChangerType=OC_2Pos;                       any scanner with motorized objective changer



Loader type

LoaderType=SL_9Mag_25Slide_Sensor_Vertical;             P250 and Flash types; the magnet disc stops with the rising edge of the sensor

LoaderType = SL_6Mag_25Slide_NoSensor_Vertical;      SCAN; the magnet disc stops with the falling edge of the sensor; 3Dmic6 and 3Dmic8

LoaderType = SL_6Mag_25Slide_NoSensor_Vertical_2; SCAN 150, PSCAN, S_II the magnet disc stops with the rising edge of the sensor; 3Dmic8

LoaderType = SL_1Mag_12Slide_Sensor_Horizontal;      MIDI, MIDI_OC;

LoaderType = SL_1Mag_12Slide_Sensor_Horizontal2;    PCON;

LoaderType = SL_1Mag_12Slide_Sensor_Horizontal_SCS; special tray for iSaCS; the transporter can reach the tray position 1 of the modular MIDI

LoaderType = SL_1Slide_DoubleWide                                DESK_II, single and double width slide

LoaderType = SL_1Mag_12Slide_Sensor_Horizontal3;    MIDI_II



Brightfield scan illumination type

BrightfieldLightSourceType=BLS_Halogen_5W; MIDI_OC; SCAN_OC; S_M_D type scanners

BrightfieldLightSourceType=FlashLight2012;       P250 Flash types; BF scan with 40x magnification possible

BrightfieldLightSourceType=FlashLight2010;       P250; BF scan with 40x magnification impossible

BrightfieldLightSourceType = RGBLedLight;        RGB illumination unit, PCON, S_M_D_II


Power distribution and switch board type

PowerSwitchBoardType=PowerSwitchBoard_None;         MIDI_OC; SCAN_OC; S_M_D type scanners

PowerSwitchBoardType=PowerSwitchBoard_Type1;        P250 and Flash type scanners, iSaCS



Object guide type

ObjectGuideXYZType=OGXYZ_1;                          S_M_D; MIDI_OC; SCAN_OC; 1.0mm slides; Step motor contains control electronics

ObjectGuideXYZType=OGXYZ_FLASH2;             Y-stage=89600steps; 1.0mm slides; step motor control realized in XYZND-controller

ObjectGuideXYZType=OGXYZ_FLASH3;             P250, P250 Flash; Y-stage=89600steps; XYZND-controller; slides 1.2mm

ObjectGuideXYZType=OGXYZ_FLASH4;             Flash2; Stepper motor firmware upgraded

ObjectGuideXYZType = OGXYZ_TypeDouble;    D_II 

ObjectGuideXYZType = OGXYZ_1.2mm               MIDI_II


Flash unit type

FlashUnitType=NoFlashUnit;                          MIDI_OC; SCAN_OC; S_M_D type scanners

FlashUnitType=FlashUnit_Type2                   P250; P250 Flash; P250 Flash2; X-Y-Z-ND Flash-controller present



ND filter type

NDFilterType=ND_None;                                 MIDI_OC; SCAN_OC; S_M_D type scanners

NDFilterType=NDType3;                                 Motor driver firmware upgrade to reach the high scan speed in Flash3 type scanners, since SW-version1.18.2

NDFilterType=NDType2;                                 P250; P250 Flash;



Water feeder

WaterFeederType =WF_None;                       PCON; water feeder not present

WaterFeederType=WaterFeeder_Type1;     PCON; water feeder present



Shutter motor

ShutterMotorType=Shutter_Motor;                 PCON; Shutter motor present


ShutterMotorMin= 0

ShutterMotorMax= 300







Section [HardwareLimits]



 This section contains the hardware limits of the moving parts of the units and related values, used in the scanner.

·       Parameter value “min” is always less than parameter value “max”!




ObjectGuideXMin=;           ObjectGuideXMax=


These values defining the real movement range of the moving part of the X-stage unit.


See also:       How to define hardware limits”, “X-direction_P250” and “X-direction_S_M_D





ObjectGuideYMin=;           ObjectGuideYMax=


These values defining the real movement range of the moving part of the Y-stage unit.


See also:       How to define hardware limits”, “Y-direction_P250” and “Y-direction_S_M_D




FocusDeviceMin=;             FocusDeviceMax=


These values defining the real movement range of the moving part of the Focus unit; the shutter off and shutter on positions.


See also:       How to define hardware limits”, “Focus unit_P250” and “Focus unit _S_M_D





ReflectorTurretMin=;                   ReflectorTurretMax=


These values defining the real movement range of the Filter wheel in the reflector turret unit (used in the gear driven version only).


See also:       How to define hardware limits”, “RTU_P250” and “RTU_S_M




StepSizeXinMicrometer=1;                 StepSizeYinMicrometer=1;                 please do not modify


Movement accuracy of the mechanical drive in X and Y-direction

·       These values are constant in all scanner types.




ScannableAreaPositionXMin=;          ScannableAreaPositionXMax=

ScannableAreaPositionYMin=;          ScannableAreaPositionYMax=



·       The scan area is defined just before the focus pin or the objective touches the specimen holder mechanics of the scanner.

·       The value of the parameter “ScannableAreaPositionYMin=” will be modified as a result of the preview calibration procedure.





Detailed information about the scan area of the appropriate scanner can be found in the chapter:


Physical construction of the specimen holder        PCON”, “P250”, “SCAN”, “MIDI” and “DESK


Define the scan area                                                        PCON”, “P250”, “S_M_D




Further parameters can be found in the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” of the PCON, MIDI and the DESK.


·       The area of the slide stud is cut out explicitly from the scan area of the slide; since the software version 1.16 and higher.


Further information can be found in the chapters:


Scan area and specimen holder  PCON”, “PMIDI” and “PDESK




·      Values on the right are for demonstration only!




·       Values, outside the defined hardware limits are cut to the hardware limit by the scan software!









 MidiTrayMoverMin=;                   MidiTrayMoverMax=


The movement range of the tray conveyor unit is defined with these parameters.


More information about the values can be found in the chapter:

Tray- and slide loading, Check the physical limits of the tray loader




MidiFeederArmMin=;                  MidiFeederArmMax=


The movement range of the slide loader is defined with these parameters.


More information about the values can be found in the chapter:


Tray- and slide loading”, Define “MidiFeederArmMin” and “MidiFeederArmMax”











 CameraChangerVT_Min=;                  CameraChangerVT_Max=


These values defining the real movement range of the camera changer stepper motor’s rotor.


·       The sum of both values must exceed the rotation angle of 180º = 1600rotor steps!


See also:       How to define hardware limits”, “Camera changer unit” and “Find the hardware limits













                   PCON, SCAN, MIDI and DESK




This value defines a “pause time” in [ms] between reaching the desired slide position of the X-Y-stage unit and start of FOV capturing.

The value is used in the “start-stop” scan mode only and should help to eliminate vibrations.

·       The recommended value is 30ms

·       A value of “0” means “no pause”

·       Higher values decreasing the scan speed (drastically)!







Section [ScanCamera]




This section contains initial parameter values for the scan camera; since the software version 1.12 these values are handled by the scan program SlideScanner.exe; do not modify.



















Section [PreviewCamera]




This section contains initial parameter values for the preview camera; since the software version 1.12 these values are handled by the scan program SlideScanner.exe; do not modify.







































Section [SlideLoading]






Please refer to:        PCON:           Tray_slide_loading


                                   P250:             Magazine unit; Slide handling


                                   SCAN:           Magazine unit; Slide handling


                                   MIDI:              Tray- and slide loading


                                   DESK:           Define slide insert and remove parameters












Section [SlideLoader]




·       Please do not modify these values!











Section [MagazineLoader]








·       Please do not modify these values!






















Section [PreviewAndBarcodeScanning]





Please refer to:        Field of view and Preview Area


                                   S_M_D:         Preview unit


                                   P250:             Preview unit” and “Darkfield preview


                                   PCON:           Preview” and “Darkfield preview

























Section [Focus]




CondenserCoverOn=        CondenserCoverOff=


See:               S_M_D:         Focus unit                         Find the hardware limits


                        P250:             Objective changer                        Find the hardware limits




Since the SW-version 1.17 defines this value a “pause time” in [ms] between reaching the desired slide position of the X-Y-stage unit and start of FOV focusing.

·       The recommended value is 40ms

·       A value of “0” means “no pause”

·       Higher values decreasing the scan speed!


See also:       FocusDeviceMin=; FocusDeviceMax=


·       Please do not modify not explained parameter values!









                        PCON:           Objective changer                        Find the hardware limits
















Section [ReflectorTurret]




·       Defines the correct filter position in [motor steps] related to the illumination and image path.

·       With this value, a deviation to the found position of Home1,2 is defined, so the next or previous filter position will fit exactly the image path also.


                        See also:       S_M:              Find the first filter position


                                               P250:             Find the first filter position


MotorPositionDelta=   Do not modify!


·       Defines the distance between two filter positions in [motor steps] related to the illumination and image path.


                        See also:       S_M:              Drive and limits


                                               P250:             Principle of belt drive







Section [ObjectiveChanger]




·       Please do not modify these values!









Section [CameraChanger_Zeiss]




The unit is not implemented

·       Please do not modify these values!









Section [CameraChanger_VT]





Position1=    Position2=

·       These parameters defining the mirror working position in the camera position 1 and 2


Pleas refer to:           Define the working position

            See also:       Camera changer unit












Section [Lumencor]



Please refer to:        Lumencor SPECTRA light engine” and “Check and update the USB port address

















Section [WaterFeeder]



Used in PCON only


·      Values for information only!










Please refer to the chapter “Immersion liquid feeder_control” and “Immersion Liquid Feeder_optics
















Section [Shutter]



 Used in PCON only


·      Values for information only!


Please refer to the chapter “Shutter mechanics” and “Mechanical shutter










Section [Confocal]


ConfocalCalibationFilterPosition = 1;             During Start-up the Aurox unit will be calibrated in the named filter cube position

Possible values are 1 or 2 or 3




Confocal Midi Shutter motor:



ShutterMotorMin= 0

ShutterMotorMax= 300



ShutterClosePosition= 200











Etalon ini-files




·      The etalon ini-files got the extension “.txt” to avoid an unwanted overwrite of the original ini-file!

·      Use these ini-files to check the existence of parameter names in the appropriate sections of your MicroscopeConfiguration.ini file.

·      Open the file with “NotePad”

·      The values, shown in the etalon ini-files are for information only; please don’t use these without checks!













P250; Flash and Flash2




Without objective changer




SCAN modular; with OC




Without objective changer




MIDI modular; with OC


















