Camera changer; P250

For technicians and partly for sales managers!




This section describes the installation, checking and adjustment procedures for the camera changer unit and the 90º camera tube of the “Pannoramic 250” scanner. For resolving problems with the camera changer unit, a hardware description of the used components and adjustment procedures are added.

This description is based on the software version 1.15.


The described adjustments are only done if the camera changer is new, was exchanged, disassembled or a part of it was exchanged.

The adjustment procedures can be used for executing checks and helping to understand the functionality of the camera changer unit.




·         General

·         Configuring the unit

·         Functional overview of the camera changer unit

·         Components and construction

·         90º camera tube

·         Adjustment tools.

·         Adjustment techniques

·         Adjustment procedure

·         Dismount and mount the camera changer unit























The camera changer unit is a component added to the Pannoramic 250 scanner. It allows using different cameras in brightfield and fluorescent scan sessions without any image restrictions. The camera exchange is controlled by the software at the beginning of the appropriate session.



The user can operate different cameras for the brightfield and for the fluorescent scan sessions.


·         Without physical camera exchange

·         Without additional driver installing

·         Without additional camera adjustments

·         Without additional optical and illumination adjustments

·         Only installed cameras can be used for scanning


Note! Do not change the camera settings after the appropriate settings are defined in the “Microscope Settings” dialog until the camera is not exchanged physically.


















90º camera tube

If only 1 camera should be used in the Pannoramic 250 (in the version brightfield scan only) a 90º camera tube is used, instead of the camera changer unit. This camera tube contains the same mirror as used in the camera changer unit; its position can be also adjusted, but the motor and motor mounting does not exist.

The mirror is used in a fixed position; the mirror disc is modified.

The image path is reflected to the camera position 2 of the camera changer unit where the CIS-camera is mounted.









          Optical path and Field Of View














Protect the optics of the camera changer always against dust by the use of the appropriate dust cups or equivalent means if the camera changer or the cameras are removed!



If the motor mounting is removed, the mirror disc with mirror may fall out of the housing; the mirror may be damaged!

During movements, please hold the housing so, that the tube lens shows always downward and / or secure the mirror disc with your hand!






The exchange of the camera changer unit is possible,

















Attention:     Do not mix the versions of SlideScanner.exe and SlideScannerService.exe! Always use these programs with the same version number. Otherwise the SlideScannerService.exe program could produce unwanted results and SlideScanner.exe does not work correctly or even freeze!
















Configuring the unit


In the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”, the camera changer unit is enabled or disabled respectively, according to the presence of the camera changer unit or the 90º camera tube.




If the 90º camera tube is present






















If the camera changer unit type is “CC_None” (not present), the appropriate values in the sections [HardwareLimits] and [CameraChanger_VT] are not used; not interpreted by the software (don’t care).











If the camera changer unit is present
























CameraChangerVT_Min=-1270  ; for information only; do not use this value!

CameraChangerVT_Max=380     ; for information only; do not use this value!




[CameraChanger_VT]        ; at the end of the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”

Position1=-1280                  ; for information only; do not use this value!

Position2=370                     ; for information only; do not use this value!











Functional overview





Principle of camera changing


By rotating the mirror in the camera changer, the common brightfield and fluorescent image path, incoming from the tube lens will be divided into a separate fluorescent image path and a brightfield image path.

The mirror in the camera changer reflects the image in an angle of 90 degrees to the image sensor of the camera.

If the other camera should be selected, the mirror rotates exactly by an angle of 180 degrees and so the image arrives to the image sensor of the opposite camera.

The rotation of the mirror is performed by a stepper motor.

























Position of the camera changer unit

The position of the camera changer unit is rotated by an angle of 120º against the plumb vertical; so the edge of the brightfield camera is parallel to the edge of the magazine unit.

This adjustment can be done only if the tube mounting of the camera changer unit is loosened.

















Camera positions on the camera changer unit

The camera positions are 180 degrees rotated in relation to each other.


Because the mirror in the camera changer reflects the image by 90 degrees from the camera tube to the CMOS device or the CCD of the camera, the image will be mirrored.

If the mirror position is changed from the camera position 2 to the camera position 1 (or vice versa), the mirror rotates by 180 degrees and so the top and the bottom of the camera is also rotated by 180 degrees in relation to each other.



          Usable scan cameras” of the file “Prerequisites











90º camera tube interfaces only the brightfield camera




          If the 90º camera tube is present
















Components and construction



























The camera changer unit consists of:


The mirror can be rotated by the help of the mirror disc in an angle of 180 degrees and so the image is reflected to the camera adapter 1 or 2 respectively.



If the motor mounting is removed, the mirror disc with mirror may fall out of the housing; the mirror may be damaged!

During movements, please hold the housing so, that the tube lens shows always downward and / or secure the mirror disc with your hand!





















One of the main components of the camera changer is the mirror; mounted in an angle of 45 degrees into the image path.  

The mirror is surface coated, so the image path will not be affected; the image quality is practically not reduced.









































Mirror disc and mirror mounting


If the motor mounting is removed, the mirror disc with mirror may fall out of the housing; the mirror may be damaged!

During movements, please hold the housing so, that the tube lens shows always downward and / or secure the mirror disc with your hand!



























Mirror disc



























Movement limiters


Because the stepper motor uses a high frequency current (more 10 kHz) in the coils to hold the actual step position, a very little movement of the rotor can be expired.

If we would use the stepper motor’s stop position to adjust the correct mirror position, the mirror will vibrate in the same way as the rotor of the motor does; the seen image would be blurry or out of focus.

To eliminate these vibrations of the rotor, two adjustable limiter positions are created.

By the use of compression springs in the clutch, the mirror disc will be pressed against the appropriate limiter and so, vibrations will not take effect and are eliminated.




















The guaranteed movement range of the unit is exactly 180º (= ½ revolution) of the mirror plane, but the rotor does more than 1600steps (= ½ revolution) because the springs in the clutch are pressing the limiters against the bumpers.

Because the position of the clutch pins on the motor axle is not defined in the center of the guaranteed movement range (between the adjustable bumper positions), the position Home1,2 may meet the guaranteed movement range more 100steps away from the center; this is shown as “Variable position”. In other words, the position Home1,2 is only in exceptions in the center of the movement range.

























Because the position of the “Pin connection” is not defined on the motor axle if the motor stays in Home1,2, a so called “Variable position” exists.


·       The position of the pin connection in relation to the motor axle’s Home1,2 position may be anywhere in the guaranteed movement range of the mirror disc, but the limit Home1 must not be reached!





          How to define hardware limits” and “Limiter position range




























The positions “C” must not exceed the limit “Home1”.



          How to define the hardware limits



















Stepper motor implementation


The stepper motor electronics gets its commands via the cable STJ-5.

The address of the stepper motor electronics is 10.

If the motor found the position Home1,2, anywhere between the two limit positions (during start up), the motor will be rotated to the camera position 2. Thereafter the software rotates the mirror always by -180° or +180° respectively by using the step number for the given camera position.



           adjustment techniques.





If the motor mounting is removed, the mirror disc with mirror may fall out of the housing; the mirror may be damaged!

During movements, please hold the housing so, that the tube lens shows always downward and/or secure the mirror disc with your hand!
















Stepper motor connection


The clutch is realized with 2 clutch slots in the mirror disc and two pins on the clutch part of the motor.


The motor is rotated about 10 … 20 steps more as required for the mirror working position. With this solution, the compression springs in the clutch part of the mirror disc are pressed; the limiters of the mirror mounting disc are pressed onto the appropriate bumper (the mechanical stop position) and any slip or vibration of the mirror is eliminated. Please take this into account, if you are doing the adjustments.


The compression spring presses the ball bearing of the mirror disc into the housing and so the mounting will be slippage-free.























The clutch































90º camera tube




This part is a simplified version of the camera changer unit; it allows a more cost-effective solution if only 1 camera should be connected.

In practice, the mirror is mounted in a fixed position; the stepper motor with clutch is left out.

This solution is used in the Pannoramic 250 BF (brightfield scan only).



            If the 90º camera tube is present

            Differences between P250BF and P250FL.
























The modified mirror disc is mounted in a fixed position by 3 bolts; it can be rotated in a small range, some tenth mm, only.
































Adjustment tools




2 windows tube

In the center of each window of the 2 windows tube a drilling can be found; this is the marker position for the adjustment.

The window 1 is used to find the position of the mirror plane by shifting the mirror on the optical axis.

The marker in the window 2 is used to determine the inclination angle of the mirror against the optical axis.


If the LASER-beam of the autocollimator crosses the markers of both windows, the adjustment is correct.































Autocollimator adapter

The autocollimator adapter is used to mount the autocollimator onto the tube part.



























An autocollimator is an optical instrument for non-contact measurement of angles. They are typically used to align components and measure deflections in optical or mechanical systems. An autocollimator works by projecting an image onto a target mirror, and measuring the deflection of the returned image against a display with a scale, either visually or by means of an electronics detector. A visual autocollimator can measure angles as small as 0.5 arc seconds.


The scale of the autocollimator can also be used to qualify the adjustment. If the reflected beam is near to the center (or in the center of the display; then the beam is not displayed on the scale) and both marker positions in both 2 windows tubes are crossed, the adjustment can be assumed as finished.










·       To avoid harm of your eye, please do not look directly into the beam of the autocollimator!










How to check the autocollimator’s calibration

The check






Calibrate the autocollimator


The calibration of the autocollimator makes the LASER beam centermost in relation to the mounting of the autocollimator.

To reach this, the LASER diode is often situated in a tube and the end of the tube can be positioned by 3 bolts; these are arranged in an angle of 120 degrees to each other.

By driving 1 bolt outward and the other two bolts inward or vice versa, the position of the tube end will be modified and so the LASER beam can be centered. After each modification of the adjustment bolts check the result as described above.





Adjustment tools mounted




Mount the components for checks and the adjustment as shown.


Drive each mounting until it stops!





















Adjustment techniques


All here described stepper motor movements are done with the tab “CameraChangerVT” of the service program. The accuracy of the stepper motor limits is 10 steps.




Check the hardware limits

Check the hardware limits by using the values of the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”, section [HardwareLimits] for this, actual camera changer unit.


1)            In the service program set the value of the parameter “CameraChangerVT_Min=” and move the stepper motor to this limit.

2)            Press Home1 only; there should not be steps lost.

3)            If there are steps lost, define the appropriate limit again; see “Find the hardware limits”.

4)            Set the value of the parameter “CameraChangerVT_Max=” and move the stepper motor to this limit.

5)            Press Home1 only; there should not be steps lost.

6)            If there are steps lost, define the appropriate limit again; see “Find the hardware limits”.


Check the working positions

·         Find the working positions in the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”, section [CameraChanger_VT] for this, actual camera changer unit.


7)            Set the value for the camera position 1 and move the stepper motor with the service program to this position; a click should be listened.

8)            Press Home1 only; there should not be lost steps.

9)            Set the value for the camera position 2 and move the stepper motor to this position; a click should be listened.

10)        Press Home1 only; there should not be lost steps.

11)        If there are steps lost or a click sound is not audible, define the hardware limits and the values for the camera position 1 and 2 again; check also the movement of the mirror disc, it should move easily and smoothly between the limit positions.




Find the hardware limits


To define the hardware limits the bumper positions have to be adjusted correctly, all the optical adjustments have to be finished and the camera changer unit has to be fully assembled.


          How to define the hardware limits



Find the positive limit

1)                      With the service program, in the tab “CameraChanger_VT” Press Home1,2 and then go with the step button “100 steps” forward (in positive direction), until a click sound is audible; memorize this step number.

2)                      Type in the found number of steps in the field “Step” of the tab “CameraChanger_VT”

3)                      Press Home1,2.

4)                      Go forward (in positive direction) the (new) step size number and then backward again.

5)                      Press Home1 only.

6)                      If there are no steps lost, increase the number of steps in the field “Step” by 10.

7)                      Repeat from step 3 until no steps are lost.

8)                      If there are steps lost the first time (more then 2 steps) then the position (D) of the example on the right is found.

9)                      Decrease the number of steps in the field “Step” by 10.

10)                 Press Home1,2.

11)                 Go forward the new step size number and then backward again.

12)                 Press home 1 only.

13)                 If there are no steps lost (not more then 2 steps) then the position (C) of the example on the right is found; memorize this number.

14)                 Type in the memorized step number for the audible click sound, check and define this step number more precise, then the position (A) of the example on the right is found.

15)                 Calculate the number of steps, used as hardware limit with the formula B=A + ((C - A) / 2); now the value (B) is found.

16)                 Update the value of the parameter “CameraChangerVT_Max=” in the section [HardwareLimits] of the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” with the value of (B) and save the file.













Find the negative limit

17)                 In the tab “CameraChanger_VT” press Home1,2 and then go with the step button “-100 steps” backward (in negative direction), until a click sound is audible; memorize this step number.

18)                 Type in the found number of steps in the field “Step” of the tab “CameraChanger_VT”

19)                 Press Home1,2.

20)                 Go backward (in negative direction), the (new) step size number and then forward again.

21)                 Press Home1 only.

22)                 If there are no steps lost, increase the number of steps in the field “Step” by 10.

23)                 Repeat from step 19 until no steps are lost.

24)                 If there are steps lost the first time (more then 2 steps) then the position (D) of the example on the right is found.

25)                 Decrease the number of steps in the field “Step” by 10.

26)                 Press Home1,2.

27)                 Go backward (in negative direction), the new step size number and then forward again.

28)                 Press home 1 only.

29)                 If there are no steps lost (not more then 2 steps) then the position (C) of the example on the right is found; memorize this number.

30)                 Type in the memorized step number for the audible click sound, check and define this step number more precise, then the position (A) of the example on the right is found.

31)                 Calculate the number of steps, used as hardware limit with the formula B=A + ((C - A) / 2); now the value (B) is found.

32)                 Update the value of the parameter “CameraChangerVT_Min=” in the section [HardwareLimits] of the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” with the value of (B) and save the file.




The hardware limits are correct, if:



Define the mirror disc working position

The mirror disc (and so the camera) working positions are easily defined by reducing the found, absolute values for the hardware limits by 10 steps.




If the Hardware limits are found as shown:


CameraChangerVT_Min=-1270  ; for information only; do not use this value!

CameraChangerVT_Max=380     ; for information only; do not use this value!


The working positions for the cameras will be:


[CameraChanger_VT]                   ; at the end of the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”

Position1=-1260                             ; for information only; do not use this value!

Position2=370                                 ; for information only; do not use this value!














Mirror plane position adjustment



The proper result of the following adjustments depends highly on the calibration of the autocollimator and the correctness of the mounting between autocollimator and adapter. If there is a deviation from the center, the result includes this deviation also; see above, “The autocollimator”!


The mirror plane position alignment can be divided into 3 main actions:

·         Shifting,

·         Inclining and

·         Rotation of the mirror plane.

These actions are described separately, but during the adjustment, these actions are combined as necessary to reach the proper mirror position; always the momentarily check decides, what to do next.


How to check the rotation angle




How to check the shift position




How to check the inclination angle








Mirror plane position adjustment



The proper result of the following adjustments depends highly on the calibration of the autocollimator and the correctness of the mounting between autocollimator and adapter. If there is a deviation from the center, the result includes this deviation also; see above, “The autocollimator”!


The mirror plane position alignment can be divided into 3 main actions:


·         Shifting,

·         Inclining and

·         Rotation of the mirror plane.


These actions are described separately, but during the adjustment, these actions are combined as necessary to reach the proper mirror position; always the momentarily check decides, what to do next.










How to check the rotation angle




How to check the shift position



          Aligning techniques













How to check the inclination angle



          Aligning techniques

























Aligning techniques
























Shift the mirror plane on the optical axis




















Incline the mirror plane























Rotate the mirror plane









          The bumper position


















Bumper position


As discussed previously, the bumper position is used to define the rotation angle of the mirror disc in an angle of exact 180 degrees.

Before the motor with its mounting will be removed, the bumper position should be checked and / or adjusted.


Check the bumper positions

1)     Disconnect the motor cable.

2)     Remove the camera changer unit.

3)     Mount the adjustment tools.

4)     Rotate the mirror disc by hand a little bit away from the bumper and toward the bumper again, more times and observe the movement of the LASER beam.

5)     Decide, whether the bumper position adjustment would correct the mirror plane or not.

6)     If the bumper position seems to be correct, repeat the procedure, described from step 4 with the opposite bumper position.


Adjust the bumper position

7)     Loosen the counter nut of the appropriate bumper adjustment bolt and drive the bolt outward a little bit.

8)     Press the mirror disc against the bumper by hand and drive in the adjustment bolt until the marker position in both windows are met.

9)     Hold the adjustment bolt in its position and tighten the counter nut.

10) Check the bumper position from step 4.

11) Check the LASER beam in relation to the markers in the opposite bumper position also.










 Remove the motor and mounting


This operation should be done only, if the plane position of the mirror must be aligned or the mirror should be cleaned. This procedure is usually not done in the field and assumes that the previous adjustment “Check or adjust the bumper position” is finished and correct.


1.      Set the motor to the position Home1,2. Thereafter do not rotate the motor axle until the clutch housing is assembled again.


2.      Disconnect the cable STJ-5.


3.      Remove the 4 mounting bolts.


4.      If all 4 mounting bolts are removed, pull the motor carefully away from the mirror disc.


5.      To clean the mirror, you can also pull out the mirror mounting disc carefully.



If the motor mounting is removed, the mirror disc with mirror may fall out of the housing; the mirror may be damaged!

During movements, please hold the housing so, that the tube lens shows always downward and / or secure the mirror disc with your hand!



















Mount the motor and clutch housing


6.      Make sure the spring is on the part of the clutch on the motor side.


7.      During assembling the clutch fit the pins into the slots between the two springs; a little pressure is required. If necessary, rotate the mirror mounting disc, never the motor axle!


8.      Hold the motor mounting under pressure against the mirror disc, mount the clutch housing with the mounting bolts and tighten them.


9.      Connect the cable STJ-5.


10.  Check the clutch connection by checking the hardware limits, see the adjustment procedure above. The connection is correct, if the hardware limits has not changed (if the bumper positions was not altered).






















Adjust the camera changer unit




All procedures and adjustments described below should not be executed in the field, because any manipulation on the mirror position and mirror plane mounting needs a full adjustment of the mirror and the needed adjustment tools are mostly not available in the field.

The shown sequence can differ, according to the task to be done; the used techniques are described above in the chapter “Adjustment techniques” and can be combined as necessary.





How to check the camera changer unit?


Before we are starting to adjust the camera changer unit, and also, if we have finished the adjustment (and the unit is already assembled again), the actual mirror positions and the adjustments should be checked.



          How to define the hardware limits




















Procedure of a full adjustment


Remove the camera changer unit from the scanner P250.

1)     Mount the adjustment tools.

2)     With the service program set active the tab “CameraChanger_VT” and set the stepper motor to Home1,2.

Check the hardware limits

3)     Check the hardware limits by using the values of the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”, section [HardwareLimits] for this, actual camera changer unit.

4)     If there are steps lost, adjust the appropriate limit again.

5)     Find the working positions in the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”, section [CameraChanger_VT] for this, actual camera changer unit.

Check the working positions

6)     Set the value for the camera position 1 and move the stepper motor with the service program to this position; a click should be listened.

7)     If there are steps lost, define the working positions and the values for the camera position 1 and 2 again; check also the movement of the mirror disc, it should move easily and smoothly between the limit positions.


Check the mirror plane position

8)     With the service program, set the value for the camera position 1 and move the stepper motor to this position.

9)     Check the LASER beam in relation to the marker positions in the windows 1 and 2 of the 2 windows tube and check the reflected beam on the scale of the autocollimator also.

10) Set the value for the camera position 2 and move the stepper motor to this position.

11) Check the LASER beam in relation to the marker positions in the windows 1 and 2 of the 2 windows tube and check the reflected beam on the scale of the autocollimator also.

12) Repeat the previous 4 steps as necessary and decide, whether the camera changer unit needs adjustment or not.









If the mirror plane needs adjustment

First check the limit positions (the bumper position) on the appropriate camera position.

13) If further mirror plane position adjustments are required, set the stepper motor to Home1,2 and remove the motor mounting.    

14) Rotate the mirror disc manually into the appropriate camera position and execute the appropriate procedures as described in the chapter “The mirror plane position adjustment”.   

15) Check the adjustment in both working positions in the windows 1 and 2 of both 2 windows tubes and always on the scale of the autocollimator also.

16) If the adjustment is finished, mount the motor adapter.

17) Execute the checks logically as described in the chapter “How to check the camera changer unit”; rotate the mirror disc manually.

18) Check or define the hardware limits and the working positions of the camera.

19) Execute the checks logically as described in the chapter “How to check the camera changer unit” with the found limits and the service program.

20) Mount the camera changer unit.

21) Update the parameter values in the sections [HardwareLimits] and [CameraChanger_VT] of  the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”.

22) Save the files “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” and “MicroscopeSettings.ini” into the EEPROM.

23) Scan one or more tissues and check the adjustment result.

























Dismount and mount the camera changer unit




The entire camera changer unit is mounted to the turret unit via the tube mounting and the tube mounting clamp.


Remove the camera changer unit

1.      Remove the camera adapters with the cameras from the camera changer unit.


2.      Disconnect the cable STJ-5.


3.      Loosen the tube fixing clamp.


4.      Unscrew the camera tube with the entire camera changer from the tube mounting.


5.      Remove the tube fixing clamp from the tube.


Mount the camera changer unit

6.      Fit the tube fixing clamp onto the tube mounting.


7.      Drive the camera tube part into the tube mounting until it stops.


8.      Tighten the tube fixing clamp; see also “Position of the camera changer unit”.


9.      Mount the camera adapters with the cameras.


10.  Connect the cable STJ-5.


11.  Start the program SlideScanner.exe and adjust the camera rotation angle for each camera.