Precautions; Summary

For technicians, sales managers and users!



This chapter contains important precautions against life-threatening events as well as warnings for the scanners and accessories.

In all cases, take care on your healthy and handle the scanner with care, especially during movements, shipping and assembling or disassembling.



Mirrors and lenses

Electrostatic discharge

            Handling of extension cards and electronics devices

            FireWire and USB interface

            Connect the camera

Fluorescent light source


Pannoramic SCAN

Pannoramic MIDI

Pannoramic DESK



Important remark


·      After maintenance or services and performed tests of the scanner are 100% finished, protective ground connections and other safety regulations, related to hazardous voltages, accessible conductive parts and dangerous to life parts have to be checked (again).








Technical employees

Technicians are persons who have adequate knowledge in the field of microscopy, scanning devices, fine mechanics, optics, controller electronics technique and generally acknowledged rules of engineering as a result of their education, training and experience.

Technicians are familiar with the relevant occupational health and safety regulations, enabling the technician to move and to handle the equipment (scanner, computer, etc.) for service purposes and repair operations.


During the processing and execution of service and repair actions the technician has to follow manufacturer regulations respectively shall observe the applicable accident prevention regulations, other safety regulations and the generally accepted safety and occupational health ordinances.


The distributor’s service department is bound to teach their technical employees global and local safety regulations and accident prevention regulations at least once in every year.


Topics for training


 Human health

·        Movement of (very) heavy equipments (P1000, PCON, iSaCS).

·        Handling and disposal of poisonous and/or caustic chemicals (iSaCS).

·        Avoiding of electrical shocks.

·        Always use safety goggles during slide loading adjustments.

·        Always pay attention to the safety labels in the equipment, and act accordingly.

·        It is important to be aware, that the LASER beam may harm the retina of your eye! Be extremely careful with the LASER beam during adjustments.

·        The Flash pulse of the flashlight source may harm the retina! Be extremely carefully while adjustments.

·        The fluorescent light source may destroy the retina of your eye! Be extremely carefully while adjustments! See also: FL light source

·        Be cautious when gathering the possible glass shards in the equipment; use recommended tools!

·        Do not put hands into the running equipment, because very painfully finger squeezing may occur!

·        Do not lean into the equipment.

·        Insert only slides with specified dimensions. 

·        Do not service or maintain the equipment while it is under power.

·        Read and follow safety regulations of aggregates and components, used in the equipment.


Equipment functionality


·        Movement, transport and shipping of the equipment.

·        Dismounting and mounting of covers.

·        Handling of optical components.

·        Handling of mechanical components.

·        Handling of electronics devices and components.

·        Exchange of units and components.

·        Disassembling and assembling of units.

·        Always check the functionality of the entire equipment after service, maintain and repair procedures as well as after transport and movements.

·        Insert only slides with specified dimensions. 

·        Magazine and slide loading procedure (SCAN and P250-type scanners).

·        Tray and slide loading procedure (MIDI-based scanners).

·        Handling, setup and analyzing the preview of SlideScanner.exe

·        Checking and analyzing the scan quality of the scanned result with slide viewer.


See also:       Following paragraphs of this chapter, Tools and requirements and cleaning optics. Further safety regulations can be found at the description of the appropriate unit.

Please refer also to adequate healthy rules and safety regulations of your country!






               Mirrors and lenses


Never touch the surfaces of mirrors, lenses, filters of the filter block or the CCD cover glass of the camera with fingers. To clean such surfaces, use always the appropriate materials and liquids only; take into account, that mirrors and lenses are often surface coated!


·       Further information about cleaning of optics can be found in the chapter “Cleaning optics”.






               Slide loading processes


·       Please use always safety goggles if the slide loading test is in progress and you are looking closely at the loading procedure!

·       It may happen that a slide can fly in peaces during the process, mainly if the adjustment is incorrect!


















               Electrostatic discharge


The electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a very harmful occurrence in conjunction with electronic devices; it may destroy the device (camera), the interface board or the entire main board of the computer. Therefore, to avoid ESD, the following precautions should be abode.


·    Remove the electrostatic protection bag from the electronic equipment (extension card) only just before it will be implemented.

·    Before you are unpacking electronic units or interface boards discharge yourself by touching with both hands, grounded, unpainted metal parts, e.g. the housing of the computer with connected power cable for some seconds!

·    Electronic devices should be touched only on parts that have a connection to ground (mountings, cover).

·    Before the computer housing will be opened unplug the power cable from your computer.

·    The insertion of cards should be done uninterrupted and with a minimal movement of your body. Electrostatic charge is produced if different materials of the clothes are rubbing on each other!

·    Reconnect the power cable only if the entire housing is mounted again.




If the damage of devices, boards or the camera is the result of ESD, the warranty of the destroyed unit is lost!



More information about ESD can be found:

·       Electrostatic discharge                              Wikipedia

·       Prevention and control of ESD               Copyright©  Mini-Circuits®           PDF, stored

















                   Handling of extension cards and electronics devices


The interface cards should be touched only on the card mounting or, if the card will be inserted, you can press the card into the slot on the edges shown with the green lines.


Very important


In all cases, avoid touching of electronic components on the board and the connector part for the PCI slot.



                   FireWire and USB interface


The FireWire IEEE 1394 and the USB 2.0 interface is a so-called “hot plug” interface; the cable can be connected or disconnected to or from the computer or device without switching off the power supply.

Nevertheless, hot plugging of cameras in regard to ESD is not recommended!

If it’s unavoidable, abode at least the precautions, described in the paragraph above “Electrostatic discharge”.








Connect the camera

To increase the ESD protection for the camera, please handle the camera in the following sequence:


·    Connect the camera cable always first to the computer; touch an unpainted part of the computer housing with connected power cable and then plug the cable into the camera.

·    If the camera should be disconnected, touch the computer housing first; unplug the cable from the camera and only then disconnect the cable from the computer.









                   Chemical hazards



3DHISTECH iSaCS – Staining, Wash and rinse procedure


There are several chemical materials and fluids used during the staining, washing and rinsing procedure; these are partially


·      very poisonous and

·      very caustic.


The hazardous waste container contains hazardous fluids.

Some staining materials in the vials of the vial chain may contain poisonous and /or caustic substances.

To avoid physical harms, the usage of protective gloves and goggles is highly recommended.


Primary protective clothes                  Secondary protective clothes


·      Protective gloves                            Protective cloth

·      Protective goggles                          Protective mask
















                         Slide scanner program and service program

Attention: Do not mix the versions of SlideScanner.exe and SlideScannerService.exe! Always use these programs with the same version number. Otherwise the SlideScannerService.exe program could produce unwanted results and SlideScanner.exe does not work correctly or even freeze!


Please refer also to:            Service program and Setup “SlideScannerService.exe”








                         Do not use shown values


In adjustment procedures are often parameters and values of the file MicroscopeConfiguration.ini shown to find appropriate parameters easily and to show the certain magnitude of the value. 


  • We know, that these values are unique in each scanner!


These values can be used as starting value for the adjustment with the service program, but never must be copied into the ini file of the scanner in front of you without painstakingly checks, these values do not replace the adjustment procedure!


  • Never use example values without painstakingly checks!











Fluorescent light source

Used in:         PCON, P250, SCAN and MIDI


The light source is used to illuminate the field of view, if the fluorescent scan modus is selected.



Never look directly into the beam of the fluorescent light source! The lamp emits also ultraviolet light with very high intensity. To prevent your eyes from harm (damage) use always sun glasses with a high filter factor of UV light if the fluorescent light source is switched on and you are adjusting the beam mainly if the cover of the unit is removed.


·        Always shielding your eyes!

·        Always protect exposed skin with clothes! 

·       For further precautions please, refer to the manual for the fluorescent light source you are using!


See also:       X-Cite Series 120Q” and “Xcite120PC_UserGuide








 Possibly hazardous optical radiation emitted from this product. Do not stare at the output of the light engine. It is harmful to the eyes.

 The brightness of this light source is higher than most commercial lighting fixtures and is intended to couple directly into a microscope or other bioanalytical instrument.















 Possibly hazardous ultra violet radiation emitted from this product. Do not stare at the output of the light engine. It is harmful to the eyes.

UV emitted from this product. Avoid eye and skin exposure to unshielded product.
















Detailed information about features, precautions, warnings and technical data can be found in the file “Lumencor_Spectra_LE_User_Manual.pdf

























Used in:         P250, SCAN and MIDI


The autocollimator is used to find the correct filter position of the filter wheel in the turret unit.



Never look into the LASER beam of the autocollimator! The emitted LASER beam has often a power of about 0.01watts only but this is enough to damage the retina of the eye!




























General precautions

·         Do not move the equipment manually by manpower.

·         Always use a lifting device for movements.

·         Always break the wheels of the scanner cart if movements are not in progress.

·         Do not service or maintain the equipment while it is under power.

·         Do not remove the cover while the equipment is under power.

·         Do not lean into the equipment.

·         Do not leave hanging cables in the equipment.

·         Do not start scanning if the door of the equipment is open.

·         Always pay attention to the safety labels in the equipment, and act accordingly.

·         Always use safety goggles during loading adjustments.

·         Be cautious when cleaning the syringe and the tray of the equipment.

·         Do not look into the beam of the slide sensing laser and the adjusting laser.

·         Always check the functionality after transporting the equipment.

·         Be cautious not to touch your eyes after maintaining the syringe. Harm of oil can occur.

·         Be cautious when gathering the possible glass shards in the equipment.

·         Do not look into the beam of the flash light source.

·         Do not put hands into the equipment, because finger squeezing or crushing can occur.

















The stability of the stack rail spacer is not designed for any movements or the transport of the scanner; it is not a handle!




·       For any movements of the scanner, please use always the handles, mounted in the corners from beneath.



            See also:       Move the Pannoramic SCAN






















The tray holder is an adjusted component of the MIDI scanner; its position is adjusted and very sensible!


·       This part of the scanner is not situated to use for any movements or transport.


If the adjusted position of the tray holder is modified, the tray loading procedure and the slide loading procedure has to be adjusted again!




·       For movements, please hold the scanner always on the base plate from beneath!


























  • If the slide loader needs to be lifted up manually, please touch the mechanical mounting of the “Rod 1” close to the compression spring, never on the slide loader side, because the mechanics could be bend or deformed!


  • If the slide loader mechanics is deformed, the slides can not be loaded or removed safely!
























  • Never execute the commands Home1,2 for the tray loader with inserted tray!

If a try is inserted and the commands Home1,2 most be executed for the tray loader, remove the tray first by moving the tray backward with the service program and the button +19200 steps or by powering off the power supply and turning the tray loader gear wheel by hand (from beneath). If the tray is fully removed from the tray leader, the command Home2 for the tray loader stepper motor can be executed safely.































  • To take always care on the focus pin, set the focus position to +800 steps if the X-Y stage should be moved with the service program!

This way, the focus pin is as far as possible away from the specimen holder; otherwise, the focus pin will be battered during X-Y-stage movements, mainly if collision with the specimen holder occurs. A well battered focus pin ensures trouble during focusing of many samples!




      Set the focus position to +800 steps

Set the tray loader motor to the position -1920 steps, so the slide loader and the support plate is spread and does not collide with the X-Y-stage while it is moving!

Move the X-Y stage by at least 25 000 steps in +X-direction! This way, the slide tightener is not connected with the release plate and the focus pin movement can take effect. Set the focus position; the set the X-stage to any desired position.

























Slide door


Please do not pull the door handle to open the door!

The mechanical construction of the slide door allows the shift of the door handle to the left or to the right respectively, it is a “one finger action”.





Watch video:                        Handle the slide door






















·       Please shift the lower part of the door handle to the left to open the door and shift the lower part of the door handle to the right to close the door.


·       The construction of the door mechanics keeps the door closed automatically, therefore a resistance can be felt if the door will be opened. 



If the slide door is opened during the scan process is in progress, the scan process will be stopped until the door is closed again, to avoid finger squeezing.