Differences; P250FL and P250BF




The scanner Pannoramic 250 is delivered in two versions, named as P250 BF (only) and P250 or P250 full version or P250 FL.

The difference is mainly made by the existence of the fluorescent reflector turret unit (FL); the P250BF is delivered without the fluorescent reflector turret unit, so it is able to scan tissues only in the brightfield scan mode (BF only).

The following description contains the components, instructions and upgrades as well as the settings for the appropriate *ini-files of the scanner types P250BF and the P250FL.






 Components of the P250 BF

MicroscopeConfiguration.ini for BF only

MicroscopeSettings.ini for BF only

Components of the P250 FL

MicroscopeConfiguration.ini for P250 FL

MicroscopeSettings.ini for P250 FL

Upgrade the P250 BF







Components of the P250 BF






                Turret plate


The turret plate replaces the fluorescent reflector turret unit; it contains the mounting of the BF image path; the camera tube mounting and the image path cover tube.


Components are:




































                BF image path cover tube

The brightfield image path cover tube covers the image path, because the fluorescent reflector turret unit does not exist.


The brightfield image path cover tube is mounted into the camera tube mounting on the opposite side of the camera tube.




























                FL light input BF cover

In the back wall the FL light input connector is covered without a connector opening.


























                Camera tube 90º    

The 90º camera tube replaces the camera changer unit; only 1 camera, the brightfield CIS-camera can be mounted.




       C90° Camera tube































                    Dummy objective

Because in the brightfield scan configuration only the 20x objective is used, a dummy objective must be inserted in the 40x objective position of the objective changer unit. The dummy objective creates a weight in the objective position 2 and this makes sure, that the form fit mechanism of the objective changer unit works correctly; otherwise a weight displacement would occur, the form fit mechanics might not fit correctly, and so the 20x objective stop position might be displaced from the optical axis or image path.



Since the software version 1.16 or higher the BF scan session may be executed with the 20x or the 40x objective likewise.


       Upgrade to the software version 1.16



























                    Cable entry guide

The cable entry guide is situated on the rear wall and covers the cable entry of the camera cables into the scanner.


The cables are fixed by rubber inserts.


The following cables are guided:


·       2x camera link cables of the camera “CIS”

·       1x USB 2.0 cable of the preview camera


























                  Rubber inserts

Because the fluorescent camera and the fluorescent light source do not exist, other types of rubber inserts in the cable entry guide are used, in opposite to the fluorescent scan configuration.


       Cable entry guide  Type: KEL-FG B1; Page 14 and 20




























                    Darkfield preview illumination


Because the darkfield illumination unit is used to make the preview for fluorescent tissues, this unit is not implemented.

















Settings in the file MicroscopeConfiguration.ini for BF only



Important:         Please make a security backup of the original MicroscopeConfiguration.ini file before modifying parameter values.



[Microscope]                                                            since SW version 1.15


MicroscopeType=3DMic9;                                    means the P250 type scanner





CameraChangerType=CC_None;                                  Camera changer unit removed

ReflectorTurretType=RT_None;                          Reflector turret unit removed






PreviewLightType=PreviewLightUnitType_Type1;      Darkfield illumination removed











Settings in the file MicroscopeSettings.ini for brightfield scan only


Important:            Please make a security backup of the original MicroscopeConfiguration.ini file before modifying parameter values.



These settings are set via the Microscope settings dialogue of the program “SlideScanner.exe”



[MainCameras];                                                      since SW version 1.15

MainCamerasCount = 1

MainCameraName_00 = CameraName_CIS_VCCF52U25CL

MainCameraName_01 = <none>;                                  the FL scan camera is removed



MainCameraIsActive_00 = TRUE

MainCameraIsActive_01 = FALSE;                    the FL scan camera is not active

MainCameraAdapter_00 = 1

MainCameraAdapter_01 = 1

MainCameraAngle_00 = -0.421287387609482

MainCameraAngle_01 = 0

MainCameraScanningMode_00 = 1;                 scanning mode is brightfield only

MainCameraScanningMode_01 = 0;                 any scanning mode is disabled in the 2. cam. position


[Objectives];                                                             20x objective only

ObjectivesCount = 4

ObjectiveMagnification_00 = 20

ObjectiveMagnification_01 = 20; default value; objective is not present in the OC position 2

ObjectiveMagnification_02 = 20

ObjectiveMagnification_03 = 20

ObjectiveName_00 = Plan-Apochromat

ObjectiveName_01 = <none>;                             name is not defined, objective position 2 is “dummy objective”

ObjectiveName_02 = Default objective

ObjectiveName_03 = Default objective

ObjectiveXOffset_00 = 0

ObjectiveXOffset_01 = 0

ObjectiveXOffset_02 = 0

ObjectiveXOffset_03 = 0

ObjectiveYOffset_00 = 0

ObjectiveYOffset_01 = 0

ObjectiveYOffset_02 = 0

ObjectiveYOffset_03 = 0

ObjectiveZOffset_00 = 0

ObjectiveZOffset_01 = 0

ObjectiveZOffset_02 = 0

ObjectiveZOffset_03 = 0










Relevant components of the P250 FL





                    Reflector turret unit

·       The turret unit is present in the P250 FL

·       Remove the turret plate and insert the turret unit


       Reflector turret unit





















                               FL light input cover


The cover contains the opening in the back wall for the Lumencor FL light source.
































                Camera changer unit

·       The camera changer unit is present in the P250 FL



       Camera changer unit

























                    Cable entry guide

The cable entry guide is situated on the rear wall and covers the cable entry of the camera cables into the scanner.


The cables are fixed by rubber inserts.


The following cables are guided:


·       2x camera link cables of the camera “CIS”

·       2x camera link cables of the camera “PCO.edge

·       1x trigger cable of the lumencor SPECTRA

·       1x power cable of the lumencor SPECTRA

·       1x USB cable of the preview camera























                          Rubber inserts

Because the fluorescent camera and the fluorescent light source exist, other types of rubber inserts in the cable entry guide are used, in relation to the brightfield version.



       Cable entry guide  Type: KEL-FG B1; Page 14 and 20

































                    Darkfield preview illumination


Because the darkfield illumination unit is used to make the preview for fluorescent tissues, this unit will be implemented.














                    40x objective

 in the objective position 2 (optional).




Since the software version 1.16 the BF scan session may be executed with the 20x or the 40x objective likewise.


       Upgrade to software version 1.16



























Modifications in the file MicroscopeConfiguration.ini for P250FL


Please make a security backup of the original MicroscopeConfiguration.ini file before modifying parameter values.



 [Microscope]                                                                       since SW version 1.15.x.xx


MicroscopeType=3DMic9;                                                means the P250 type scanner





CameraChangerType=CC_3DH_2Pos;                                    Camera changer unit present

ReflectorTurretType=RT_3DH_10Pos_Belt;                 Reflector turret unit present (belt driven)






PreviewLightType=PreviewLightUnitType_Type2;      Darkfield illumination present











Modifications in the file MicroscopeSettings.ini for P250FL



These settings are set via the Microscope settings dialogue of the program “SlideScanner.exe”



[MainCameras]                                                                               since SW version 1.15.x.xx

MainCamerasCount = 2

MainCameraName_00 = CameraName_PCOEDGE;             pco_edge camera present

MainCameraName_01 = CameraName_CIS_VCCF52U25CL



MainCameraIsActive_00 = TRUE;                                              the camera is active

MainCameraIsActive_01 = TRUE

MainCameraAdapter_00 = 1

MainCameraAdapter_01 = 1

MainCameraAngle_00 = 7.16221895745428E-02

MainCameraAngle_01 = -9.36229733133516E-02

MainCameraScanningMode_00 = 2;                             Scanning mode 2 = fluorescent scan

MainCameraScanningMode_01 = 1;                             Scanning mode 1 = brightfield scan


ObjectivesCount = 4

ObjectiveMagnification_00 = 20;             the 20x objective is present in the OC position 1

ObjectiveMagnification_01 = 40;             the 40x objective is present in the OC position 2

ObjectiveMagnification_02 = 20

ObjectiveMagnification_03 = 20

ObjectiveName_00 = Plan-Apochromat

ObjectiveName_01 = Plan-Apochromat

ObjectiveName_02 = Default objective

ObjectiveName_03 = Default objective

ObjectiveXOffset_00 = 0

ObjectiveXOffset_01 = 0

ObjectiveXOffset_02 = 0

ObjectiveXOffset_03 = 0

ObjectiveYOffset_00 = 0

ObjectiveYOffset_01 = 0

ObjectiveYOffset_02 = 0

ObjectiveYOffset_03 = 0

ObjectiveZOffset_00 = 0

ObjectiveZOffset_01 = 40;  focus distance between 20x and 40x objective in motor steps

ObjectiveZOffset_02 = 0

ObjectiveZOffset_03 = 0



If the P250 BF should be upgraded to a P250 FL, the named units have to be implemented or exchanged respectively; the appropriate parameter values have to be set accordingly.


















Upgrade the P250BF



In the following, the procedures and adjustments are described or named to upgrade the P250BF to a P250FL.


The upgrade of the P250 BF to P250 FL is done in the following steps