Copyright � 2010 � 2018 3DHISTECH LTD all rights
Version update
� If a version of the manual already
exists on your HDD, an update of the manual may be performed by downloading and
extracting of only relevant files; accordingly information can be found in the
following table or load down the files with newer date.
� Detailed information about the
manual�s download and update procedure can be found in the chapter �Create a local version� and "DL_Assistant"
Version number Release date |
Main improvements; Enhancements;
Notes |
Related, affected chapters; Links |
To actualize your local version, please load down and expand |
Will not be
continued |
Development of this manual is
finished here |
This website might
be removed any time |
Please refer to Service and support |
3.28 June 29, 2018 |
P250; Magazine unit New pictures, new videos, ���������������������� � and more Please load the last version
into a separate folder. If all is working well, the
folder of the previous service manual can be deleted. |
Start: DL_Assistant\UD_Assistant_06_28.bat |
3.27 June 11, 2018 |
P250 Housing, construction New pictures, new videos, ���������������������� � and more |
Description of |
Start: DL_Assistant\UD_Assistant_06_11.bat |
3.26 May 14, 2018 |
SCAN_II, Magazine unit MIDI_II Tray unit P250_Camera changer, new images User guides of SW versions 1.23
and 2.0 implemented������������������ ������������������ � and more |
Description of |
Start: DL_Assistant\UD_Assistant_05_14.bat |
3.25 April 06, 2018 |
NEW: ����� UD_Assistant� Update the manual ��������������� DL_Assistant; Download
the manual ��������������� MIDI_II, continued ����������������������� � and more |
Description of MIDI_II |
Start: ������� UD_Assistant_04_06.bat |
3.24 March 02, 2018 |
NEW:������ DL_Assistant; Download the
manual NEW:������ Quick reference ��������������� MIDI_II, SCAN_II continued ����������������������� � and more |
Table of
scanners, components; Quick
reference Description of MIDI_II and SCAN_II |
3.23 February 01, 2018 |
Release notes for scanner software MIDI_II, SCAN_II
continued Auto_extract.bat����������������������������������������� �
and more |
Common/ 10. Release
notes MIDI_II,����������� SCAN_II DL_manager; �Read_me_Download |
3.22 December 21, 2017 |
NEW:����� Fluorescent
exciting |
Common/Miscellaneous/FL exciting |
All files, |
3.21 November 10, 2017 |
NEW:����� S_II_RTU
belt driven |
SCAN_II/S_II_belt_driven_RTU |
3.20 October 21, 2017 |
NEW:����� Pannoramic
SCAN_II Under construction |
3.11 April 30, 2017 |
NEW:����� Pannoramic
DESK_II Please load the new version
into a separate folder. If all is working well, the
folder of the previous service manual can be deleted |
All chapters with a number in
the first character position |
3.10 March 23, 2017 |
NEW:����� Stepper motors; ������������������ RGB
BF illumination; ����������������������� Improvements_2016 |
������� Stepper motors �������� RGB_BF_illumination �������� Improvements_2016 |
3.00 March 03, 2016 |
iSaCS ���������������������� Under
construction������������ � and more Please load the new version
into a separate folder. If all is working well, the
folder of the previous service manual can be deleted |
All Chapters |
All files, |
2.19 December 18, 2015 |
S_M_D: (links, images); Videos implemented ������������������� Bug fixing;������������������������������� � and more ��������������� P250: (links, images); Videos implemented Bug fixing; Images exchanged��� � and more PCON: (links, images);
Videos implemented � and more Please load the new version
into a separate folder. If all is working well, the
folder of the previous service manual can be deleted | All Chapters |
All files, |
2.18 July 07, 2015 |
NEW:������������� ����������� Fastening, joining, parts (Not finished) A selection guide with links
of used fastenings, joining and small components was implemented. Bug fixing;�������������������������������������������������� �
and more |
� COMMON � 7. Fastening; joining � |
2.17 June 05, 2015 |
NEW:��������� Individual zoom of images realized. Folder �main� moved from �control�
to the folder �website/Descriptions�. The folder �main� will be created
during expansion of the folder control! Bug fixing; Images exchanged � and more Please load the new version
into a separate folder. If all is working well, the
folder of the previous service manual can be deleted |
All�������������� See �Main window� � |
All files, |
2.16 May 07, 2015 |
PCON: (links, images); Videos implemented � and more S_M_D: (links, images); Videos implemented � and more P250: (links, images); Videos implemented Bug fixing; Images exchanged � and more |
2.15 April 03, 2015 |
S_M_D: (links, images); Videos implemented P250: (links, images); Videos implemented Bug fixing; Images exchanged
2.14 March 04, 2015 |
S_M_D: RTU gear; Preview; Optics, illumination
improved P250: RTU belt; Preview; Camera Changer improved
(links, images); Videos implemented PCON; Housing (Motorized door opener),
Construction, Power, control improved Videos implemented Bug fixing; Images exchanged
S_M_D P250 PCON |
2.13 February 02, 2015 |
P250 improved (links,
images) PCON improved Videos implemented Bug fixing; Images exchanged
P250 PCON |
2.12 January 06, 2015 |
PCON Construction improved Videos implemented Bug fixing; Images
exchanged; layout improved To save download time in the
future, the folder �Video� was split Please delete the entire
manual before download or save the new version to a separate folder |
S_M_D P250 PCON |
2.11 October 10, 2014 |
Objective Changer PCON
improved Videos
implemented |
See: � PCON � 7. Objective
changer � 7. 1. Introduction � COMMON � 9. Slide show;
Video � 9. 4. All�� PCON��� OC_PCON.mp4 |
2.10 September 20,
2014 |
Preview Offset calculation
table corrected Videos
implemented |
See: � COMMON � 7. Miscellaneous � 7. 5. FOV
and preview � 7. 5. 12. Calculation_table |
2.09 August 28, 2014 |
NEW:�������� Preview Offset calculation
table newly designed and expanded with new cameras; S_M_D_P250 Links implemented and
repaired Please delete the content of
the folder �P250/Files__� before expanding |
See: � COMMON � 7. Miscellaneous � 7. 5. FOV and preview � 7. 5. 12. Calculation_table P250_Preview Preview_S_M_D� |
2.08 August 22, 2014 |
NEW:�������� Videos and slide
shows implemented PCON and P250 Links implemented and
repaired Please delete the content of
the folders �Video� and �Descriptions� before expanding |
See: COMMON >>9. Slideshow; Video |
2.07 updated August 13, 2014 |
Contents list (probably helpful for
Tablets and Androids) |
2.07 updated August 07, 2014 |
Define HW limit Y-max SCAN; P250; improved and expanded PCON enhanced Tray unit slide handling and its tree updated |
How to define
hardware Y-limit S_M_D How to define
hardware Y-limit P250 Find the hardware limit Y-max;
SCAN Find the
hardware limit Y-max; P250 |
2.07 updated August 05, 2014 |
PCON enhanced |
2.07 updated July 30, 2014 |
PCON enhanced Please delete the content of the folder
...\Descriptions\Pconf/*.*� before
expanding |
Menu Common: 9. Slide show; Video Created Links repaired and implemented |
2.07 updated July 23, 2014 |
PCON enhanced Please delete the content of the folder
...\Descriptions\Pconf\Files_ before expanding |
2.07 updated July 04, 2014 |
PCON enhanced |
2.07 updated June 10, 2014 |
PCON updated Please delete the content of the folder
...\Descriptions\Pconf� before expanding |
PCON Power
and control |
2.07 May 30, 2014 |
New:���������� Under construction |
2.06 April 15, 2014 |
New:����������������� Focus unit OC; SW ver. 1.18 ������������������ Configure the scanner |
Updated April 10, 2014 |
New:����������������� FOV and
preview New: ������� User
guides Version 1.18 ������������������ implemented |
Preview unit; �Adjust the pixel position of preview ����������������������� camera� � COMMON � 7. User guides �
Scanner � SW ���������������������������������� version
1.18 |
Updated March 31, 2014 |
Text, images and links |
Descriptions, S_M_D and P250 |
2.05 March 17, 2014 |
Download via ��������������������������� �finished |
Updated March 5, 2014 |
New; ������� General construction of INI files |
Updated February 28, 2014 |
New:����������������� Maintenance of
Pannoramic scanners |
maintenance |
Updated February 25, 2014 |
Options and function description of the service program |
USB and DC control P250_Power and control |
2.04 February 11, 2014 |
Text and images |
P250_Turret_unit |
Updated January 21, 2014 |
Text links checked and updated Version history created (this
file) Download via under
construction |
Magazine_unit;_slide_handling_P250 Magazine_unit;_slide_handling_SCAN |
2.03 January 06, 2014 |
Text and images |
Magazine_unit;_slide_handling_P250 Magazine_unit;_slide_handling_SCAN |
2.02 December 13, 2013 |
Modifications related to the online
version |
menus �Control� and �Navigation� |
2.01 November 18, 2013 |
Related to construction |
menus �Control� and
�Navigation� |
2.00 November 01, 2013 |
Creation of the website layout; improvements
relating chapters, text and images |
All |