Copyright © 2010 – 2018 3DHISTECH LTD all rights reserved.


Version:   3.28


Last updated:   June 28, 2018









         Browser settings


         Setup browser; Desktop, Laptop

         Setup browser; Tablet, Android

         Local version

         Aid and thanks

         Rights and trademarks



         Structure of the navigator

                   Control of the manual


                   Main window

                   Page indicator


See also:       Version history














Please browse this manual with the internet browser “FireFox®”.

·       Start the file “Index.htm”.

·       Via the web:


·       After some modifications in the layout handling, now other browsers may be used as follows:



            Desktop and laptop computers


                         Windows7® 64bit

·       The layout was tested with Google chrome®, Safari® and Opera® also and works.

·       With other operating systems and browsers tests are not performed, but it may work also.



            Tablets and android


                         Android 4.0 ICS ®        (Ice Cream Sandwich)


·       For best results, please use on tablets and androids, Google chrome®.

·       Some preinstalled browsers for android have difficulties to display the navigation window’s content correctly (found beside the vertical center of the opened main page)!

                        The reason is unknown, might also be, only some options or settings of the browser should be modified.

                        In such cases, the search function works, and you may find the required chapter via “SEARCH” also or select via CONTENTS.





                   Browser settings



Often it’s very helpful to clear the content of the browser’s cache, if you have difficulties to open the website or to handling the manual or parts of it, even after updates are performed.

·       Please clear the browser’s cache if a new version should be started after downloading or upgrade!

·       Please clear the browser’s cache and start the browser and the manual again!

·       Because the online manual is expanded and updated continuously, we recommend clearing the browser’s cache after start! Detailed information about updates of the offline manual can be found in the chapter “Version update history



·      If the browser shows a corrupt file, it means, the file download had an error, please clear the browser’s cache, close the browser and start the manual again!

·      A transmission error occurred. This error was detected some times during downloading of videos only.

·      This error message may also occur, if the video player is not or wrong defined or is not able to play mp4-file format!


By “overriding automatic cache management”, a larger buffer size may be defined and so, the flow of the video may be more smooth!





















Allow pop-up windows




·       Uncheck the option “Block pop-up windows” or

                                    Allow the website separately, explicitly.


·       Check the option “Block pop-up windows”

·       Press “Exceptions”

·       Copy the address of our website into the field “Address of website:”

·       Press “Allow”

·       Close the window with “Close”

·       Close the dialogue “Options” with OK.

·       Restart the browser



















         Check java script enabled state


The manual requires java script to run!

If any difficulties exist, please check the value of “javascript.enabled”; it has to be in the state “true”.


1.      Type in the command line the text:         about:config                       and press Enter

2.      Scroll the shown parameter list, until     javascript.enabled            is found

3.      By double click in the line of the parameter, the Boolean value changes from false to true and vice versa.

·       Set the option          javascript.enabled   to “true”

·       Start the manual again












·       Internet browser FireFox®, Google chrome®, Safari® or Opera®


  • Internet connection                                   to link external articles
  • Adobe® Acrobat® Reader                        to read internal and external files in PDF-format.
  • Videos, shown in external links requiring an appropriate player.                          
  • Some interactive tutorials, linked in this description, requiring “Adobe® Flash Player®”.
  • Windows Media Player® or any equivalent media player (*.mp4-file format) to play videos and slide shows, related to Pannoramic scanners.
  • Windows Office® Excel or Open Office® Excel to use calculation tables.






·      All videos, related to Pannoramic scanners are created with a resolution of full HD 1080p (1920x1080pixels); see also:      Images”.

·      If the speed of the internet connection is slow (or the bandwidth is too small), the opened video may show an erratically (jerkily) flow (the video is not played continuously). In these cases, please load down it and play the video in the memory!

·      A second reason might be the processor speed and available memory capacity because the video file will be decompressed before playing.


                Please open the folder “Video” and select the file of interest!










Setup the browser for desktop and laptop



The desktop version of the browser is available from the web. If you have no internet connection to download the browser, you may use the stored version in this description.



Firefox®         (checked with PC and Laptop; Windows7 x 64bit)


                                   Online Version       Web:  Mozilla FireFox        please press “Ctrl” during clicking!




                                               Local Version         FireFox Setup 24.0.exe (stored in this description; use this, if you have no Internet connection)


                                    Path:  ///X:\Pannoramic_scanners\website\Descriptions\Files_\Mozilla_FireFox\ Firefox Setup 24.0.exe (stored).



·       The option:        Allow pop-up windows” have to be enabled, otherwise “SEARCH” and others will not work”


Remark: If the browser FireFox® does not link some chapters, please check if a content filtering service is active in your computer (content filtering services may block web browsers to visualize correctly the documentation content). For aid to resolve any existing problems please contact your information technology support group (qualified system administrator).









Google chrome®           (checked with PC and Windows7 x 64bit)


Online Version       Web:  Google chrome for Windows                      


·       The option:        Allow pop-up windows” have to be enabled; otherwise “SEARCH” and others will not work”



Remark: If the browser Google chrome ® does not link some chapters, please check if a content filtering service is active in your computer (content filtering services may block web browsers to visualize correctly the documentation content). For aid to resolve any existing problems please contact your information technology support group (qualified system administrator).












Safari®   for windows           (checked with PC and Windows7 x 64bit)


Online Version Web     Safari 5.1.7 for Windows   


o       System requirements      PC with operating system  Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista or Windows 7



·       The option:        Allow pop-up windows” have to be enabled; otherwise “SEARCH” and others will not work”



Apple - Safari®                         (not checked)


Online Version Web     Safari for Apple                   



Remark: If the browser Safari® does not link some chapters, please check if a content filtering service is active in your computer (content filtering services may block web browsers to visualize correctly the documentation content). For aid to resolve any existing problems please contact your information technology support group (qualified system administrator).









Opera®           (checked with PC and Windows7 x 64bit)


Online Version       Web:  Opera / Computer


·       The option:        Allow pop-up windows” have to be enabled; otherwise “SEARCH” and others will not work”



Remark: If the browser Opera ® does not link some chapters, please check if a content filtering service is active in your computer (content filtering services may block web browsers to visualize correctly the documentation content). For aid to resolve any existing problems please contact your information technology support group (qualified system administrator).







Setup Adobe® Acrobat® Reader




Online Version       Web:

·       You may have to disable your antivirus software during setup




Local Version         Acrobat Reader: 10.0.1 (stored in this description; use this, if you have no Internet connection.

Path:   ///X:\Pannoramic_scanners\website\Descriptions\Files_\Adobe\AdbeRdr1001_en_US.exe.


·       You may have to disable your antivirus software during setup








Setup Adobe® Flash PlayerTM



Online Version       Web:


                                               Download the most recent version of Adobe Flash Player


















Setup for android or mobile






FireFox®                (Ver 24.0 is not the best solution)


            Online Version       Web:             please press “Ctrl” during clicking!



·       More detailed information about useable androids and tablets can be found on the appropriate website.














Google chrome®           (Checked with Sony Xperia Z)


                        Online Version       Web:


·       More detailed information about useable androids and tablets can be found on the appropriate website.


















                   Local version



            Setup from a DVD


Because the voluminous description can be handled only very slowly on a DVD, we recommend copying the description onto your hard disk drive or another media with low access time.

Please, make a folder named “Pannoramic_scanners” and copy the content of the DVD into it.


·       Start the file “Index.htm”.




            Download via the web


The “Pannoramic scanners’ service manual” (pssm) exists as a download version also, so you may setup the entire version of the manual to your hard disk drive.

·       For more information, please refer to     Download procedure














                         Aid and thanks


Thanks a lot to all my colleges for the aid during creation of the “Pannoramic Scanners’ Service Manual”.


Special thanks to Mr. Ferenc Szipõcs for consultations, assistance in English and the technical support.


Special thanks go also to Ulix, for the construction and programming of the numerous features and the new web layout of the manual.



Success during discovering the scanners, approaching the stuff and resolving problems with the help of the manual wishes


the author


Friedemann Berth
Electronics Engineer

Öv utca 3.

Budapest, H-1141, HUNGARY


Remarks, recommendations, discovered faults and mistakes regarding the Service Manual, its content or construction, please direct to our e-mail address,

Please specify the chapter and passage in question as precise as possible (e.g. Scanner type, main chapter and by copying and pasting the original text passage).

Thank you in advance,                Friedemann Berth











                   Rights and trademarks


  • Microsoft®, Windows®, Microsoft® Word and Microsoft® Excel; Windows XP Professional® and Windows 7® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.


  • FireWire® is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.


  • Hitachi HV-F22CL® and the logo is registered trademark of Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc.


  • Matrox® and the logo is registered trademark of Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.


  • VRmagic® and the logo is registered trademark of VRmagic GmbH.


  • CIS VCC-F51U25CL® and the logo is registered trademark of CIS PHASE 1 Technology Corporation.


  • PCO-edge® and the logo is registered trademark of PCO AG Kelheim, Germany.


  • SPECTRA light engine® and the logo is registered trademark of Lumencor® Incorporation.


  • MIRAX®, AxioCam® and the logos are registered trademarks of Carl Zeiss Corporation.


  • Sony DFW X-710® and the logo is registered trademark of Sony Corporation.


  • Marlin®, Stingray®, ICC1®, Pike® and the logos are registered trademarks of ALLIED Vision Technologies GmbH.


  • DFK 21F04® and the logo is registered trademark of The Imaging Source Europe GmbH.


  • All other brands, names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and owners.











Very sophisticated scripts thanks to:


·       Michael Lösler         Offline Search Engine




                        Offline search engine in JavaScript with URLs to search held in anonymous array


·       Matt Kruse                Tree Navigation




                        Multi level tree navigation produced from plain html unordered list


·       Skriptiny                   Drop Down Index


                        Drop down subject index in form of two level drop down menu


·       Tom Christiansen   Strip HTML Tags


                        Stripping off tags from html and translating entities using regular expressions, i.e. non standard modules avoided 












Structure of the navigator





·        Handles the entire manual of Pannoramic scanners

·       Select the scanner type; PCON, P250, SCAN, MIDI and DESK

·       Show the contents tree in the window “Navigation”

·       The tree may be expanded or collapsed by the button “TREE” in the window ”Control”

·       The appropriate description about the selected item in the window “Navigation” is shown in the window “Main”.

·       Search function activated by pressing the button “SEARCH”

·       The terms to be found may be arranged in “And”, “Or” or “Phrase” connection to each other. You may type in the words or phrases to be found or

·       In the main window “Search”, the “index” opens an alphabetical drop down menu in which the words or phrases for search can be found and selected.

·       The window size can be defined by the user (easily move the window border up or down or left or right by dragging with the mouse), so momentarily not required windows may be minimized to increase the size of the main window (may be useful on laptops or tablets).

·       The browser buttons “Previous link” and “Next link” can be used as usually.

·       By copying the link address of the lowest level item in the window “Navigation”, the address of the appropriate chapter may be send to colleges via e-mail or Skye .





·       The entire construction and tests are done for the browser “FireFox” and windows 7 x64bit only; other browsers might fail options or commands; see also above.



By starting the file “Index.htm” with the browser “FireFox” the screen will be arranged as shown above; “Window structure”.









Control of the manual


Logo; Type


If the option “Home” is selected, the logo of the company is shown; otherwise, the selected scanner type is shown. Momentarily further options are not defined.




This part contains the name of the description; it has no further options.



 Type graphics and type menu


The scanner type selection consists of the graphics part and a drop down menu (Type menu).

By selecting the desired scanner type (or chapter) in the drop down menu, the graphics above will be updated, according to the selected chapter.


































The button “SEARCH” consists of a push button and by pressing it, a new tab or a new page will be opened by the browser.


·       To return to the previous description (before “SEARCH”) please use the appropriate tab in the browser or easily close the tab (or page) “Search”.

·       The text field of search is case sensitive; it means, the search text e.g. “usb” and “USB” will deliver different search results!!







                   Search result


The search result link table lists all the chapters (*.htm-files) of the folder “… website/descriptions”. By click on a link, the chapter will be loaded and opened in a new window or tab of the browser.










                   Found occurrences


The program shows all occurrences of the search text in yellow color; the first occurrence is shown in the top line of the main window.

·       During searching on the server, the yellow background of the found occurrence needs a bit more time until it occurs!


Automatically, the “Find Next” dialogue will be opened; this way, further occurrences in the opened file can be found quickly (these are shown in blue background color).


·       If the dialogue “Find Next” should no more occur, please delete the content of the field “Find what:” before closing.






The button “TREE” is used as a toggle button and expands or collapses the entire tree structure in the window “Navigation”.

If pressed, it changes its inscription "<TREE>" into “>TREE<” or vice versa and the option “expand tree” or “collapse tree” is executed.












  The content of the window “Navigation” is selected by the drop down menu “Type” and can also be used as an expandable Contents list.

By clicking a closed item, shown with “+”, the tree will be expanded, by clicking an opened item, shown with a “-” the relevant sub-tree will be closed.


By clicking a lowest level item, shown with Ҥ

·       The linked chapter will be displayed in the main window.

·       The clicked item is shown in bold and

·       The page indicator will be updated.













·        By right click onto a lowest level item in the navigation window and selecting the option “Copy Link Location” the link address to the appropriate chapter will be copied and may be send to a college via e-mail or Skye by using the option “Ctrl v” in the appropriate text line.
























Main window


The content of the main window contains the appropriate chapter and is selected by the clicked item in the window “Navigation”.


·       Links, opened from the window “Main” will be displayed in the main window or a new tab (or page) will be opened in the browser.

·       The windows can be sized as usual in windows; easily, drag the window border with the mouse.

·       By pressing “Ctrl” and scrolling with the mouse (as usually in browsers) text and images can be enlarged and reduced in size as required.





·      Images with a small blue frame contain a link to the relevant chapter.

·      If the image contains the label “Movie” a video or slide show is linked. Easily click with the mouse pointer inside the image.

·      Movies are mainly used to make the construction and components visible from different views. By stopping the movie play (and later continuing), actual views may be shown for a longer time.

·      The resolution is always full HD and compressed in MP4-format; see also:         Remark





                Image zoom

·      To see more details on the image, an “individual zoom in” function of the image was realized since the version 2.17. Otherwise, if the text is more important, the image may be zoomed out without affecting the text size and the file position in relation to the main window, text scroll will not occur.


Actually, if the entire file is zoomed in or out (with “Ctrl” pressed and rotating the mouse wheel), the window dimensions are affected also and the text parts of the window will move away, because the text will also enlarging or shrinking.

To make the adjustment of the text size more flexible, the image size may be varied individually.



·      If the cursor stays over the text part of the file and the mouse wheel will be rotated, the traditionally scroll function of the browser is executed.

·      If the button “Ctrl” is pressed during scrolling with the mouse, the content of the screen will be enlarged (or reduced; text and images both) as usually in browsers.

·      If the scroll wheel of the mouse will be rotated (without pressing “Ctrl”) and the pointer cursor stays over an image, the image size will be affected, depending on the drive direction of the mouse wheel.


·      The original, starting size of the images will be reached if the chapter will be restarted from the window “Navigation”.


Zoom in

To use the function effectively, position the cursor near to the bottom left corner and rotate the scroll wheel of the mouse by moving your finger toward the screen. The bottom left corner will move to the left and downward, because the images are mostly placed on the right side of the screen.


Zoom out

To use the function effectively, position the cursor near to the top right corner and rotate the scroll wheel of the mouse by moving your finger away from the screen. The bottom left corner will move to the right and upward.



If the mouse has an integrated “Pan” function, the appropriate “Pan” button creates the same effect; it will also affect the image size!











Page indicator


The Page indicator displays the chapter path, based on the tree structure, last selected in the window “Navigation”.


·      If chapters are opened, linked from inside the Main page, the content of the page indicator will not be updated!

·      It remembers us, where we started our discovering tour.