Housing, construction; D_II

For technicians!




This chapter handles components of the housing and mechanical construction of the scanner DESK_II (D_II).





Following improvements are done in Pannoramic DESK scanners, delivered since summer 2016


These modifications do not result in another scanner type, but to bundle all the modifications, the term DESK_II was created and is used internally.

Scanners, delivered since summer 2016 including all the following improvements and modifications, appropriate replaced units, used in previous versions are no longer delivered in new scanners.



DESK_II's housing dimensions has changed, it is now nearly twice in width

The slide door was modified, it is now enlarged to handle slides with double width easily, the shift mechanics was modified.

The painting of the lower cover is black.






  • Mounting of the X-Y-stage unit to the scanner plate was modified, so vibration, resonance and noise is reduced.
  • The scanner plate has a rectangular cut out for placing the X-Y stage unit's base plate into it.
  • The unit's base plate is mounted to the bottom of the scanner plate with three L-shaped holding elements and springs.



  • Using of 5-Phase stepper motors improves smoothness of the rotor’s movement to reduce vibration and resonance.
  • Newly designed spindle mounting allowing simplified, easily adjustments and exchange.
  • Using an integrated, slippage-free transport module (includes transport nut and counter nut) simplifies adjustments.
  • X-direction prolonged to reach the double width of the slide.



  • Using of improved X-rails and the modified distance between the X-rails increases stability in X-direction.
  • X-direction prolonged to reach the double width of the slide.
  • Newly designed Y-rail solution increases stability in Y-direction.


Specimen holder

  • Modifications of the specimen holder allowing the movement of slides with a thickness of 1.2mm in the DESK_II.
  • The DESK_II can also hold slides of single width (25mm) by using a simple adapter or double width (50mm); hereby the adapter is removed manually.



Focus unit


Shutter mechanics removed

Because the scanner unit of the DESK is never able to scan slides in FL scan mode, the mechanical shutter is also not required.

The ex-center of the focus unit may now rotate unlimited.

In DESK, the shutter unit was implemented for the Hardware limits and to keep compatibility with SCAN and MIDI type scanners.


Hardware limits not required

Because the shutter wire is removed, the rotation of the ex-center is no longer limited. The ex-center may rotate unlimited.


Ex-center position visualization pin

In the position of the shutter arm of the ex-center, now only a visualization pin is implemented to make the ex-center position adjustment possible.


Stepper motor type exchanged

In the DESK, there was a 2-phase stepper motor with 200 full-steps/revolution used, so a resolution of the 3200micro-steps/revolution is possible.

In the DESK_II a 5-phase stepper motor is implemented, this guarantees a higher full-step resolution,  and more smooth movement of the rotor and so, vibration and noise are also reduced.

The revolution of the 5-phase motor's rotor after transforming is now done in 6400µ-steps/revolution.


Increased slide thickness

The modified focusing solution allows now focusing of slides with a thickness of 0.95mm to 1.20mm. 


Modified focusing mechanics

To focusing slides with a thickness of 1.20mm, the movement range of the focus pin had to be increased.

To reach this, the relation of the divider was modified to 1:4 and the stepper motor's step angle was decreased.

The focus range is now 1600µ-steps, because the rotor's step size is now reduced to the half, the rotor revolution is done in 6400µ-steps/ revolution.



Watch video:            DESK II









Remove the upper housing

Remove the lower housing

Mount the lower housing

Mount the upper housing

Slide door

Configure DESK_II


The DESK housing consists of an upper and a lower housing; the upper housing is mounted to the lower housing by four bolts, two from the left side and two from the right side. The lower part of the upper housing is held by clamps; these acting independently if the upper housing is shifted frontward.


If the mounting bolts for the upper housing are removed on both sides, the DESK can be opened.


Watch video:            DESK II Cover


Remove the upper housing

1.       Remove the upper cover mounting bolts on both sides

2.       Pull the rear part of the upper housing upward of about 5mm and

3.       Shift the upper housing in direction to the front.

Watch video:            Remove upper cover





Remove the lower housing

4.       Remove the camera protector as required.

5.       Rotate the DESK to the right and put it onto its right side. Take care on the painting, do not scratch it!

6.       Loosen (or remove) the 3 mounting bolts of the lower housing from the base plate.

7.       Rotate the DESK return onto the feet and shift the entire lower housing backward.











                         Allowed slide dimensions


Single width

Length:            75.00 to 76.00 mm

Width:               25.00 to 26.00 mm

Thickness:       00.95 to 01.20 mm


Double width

Length:            75.00 to 76.00 mm

Width:               50.00 to 51.00 mm

Thickness:       00.95 to 01.20 mm


  • If the first character of the serial number is an S the tool is used to check the slide dimensions of single width slides; thickness = 0.95 ... 1.05mm.
  • If the first character of the serial number is a P the tool is used to check the slide dimensions of single width slides; thickness = 0.95 ... 1.20mm.


  • Please check the slide dimensions before insertion of slides!





















Mount the lower housing

8.       Shift the lower housing from the rear to the front so, that the mounting slots of the lower housing are shifted between the base plate and the washers of the mounting bolts.

9.       Rotate the DESK to the right and put it onto its right side. Take care on the painting, do not scratch it!

10.   Press the rear part of the lower housing against the base plate so, that there is only a very small or no gap and tighten the fixing bolt on the front left side.

11.    Rotate the DESK to the left and put it onto its left side. Take care on the painting, do not scratch it!

12.   Now press the right part of the lower housing to the front and tighten the appropriate mounting bolt in the front.

13.   Finally, tighten the mounting bolt on the rear.

14.   Put the DESK return onto the feet and mount the upper housing.












Mount the upper housing

15.   Insert the lower fixings into the appropriate slots of the lower housing and push the upper housing in direction of the rear.

16.   Fit the rear part of the upper housing with the upper part of the lower housing and drive in the mounting bolts from the left and right side.



Watch video:            Mount upper cover






                   Slide door

The mechanical construction of the slide door allows the shift of the door to the left or to the right respectively. Please shift the door to the left to open the door and shift the door to the right to close the door.  

If the slide door is opened during the scan process is in progress, the scan process will be stopped until the door is closed again; to avoid finger squeezing.



Please do not pull the door to open the door!







Watch video:            Open and close the slide door


































                                                             Configure DESK_II



Since the software version 1.15, the scanner units are configured in the “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” file, in the section [Microscope].



SerialNumber = PDESK-02xxxxxx

MicroscopeType = 3DMic12

ScanCameraType = ;value is unimportant

PreviewCameraType = CVrmc_m8_pPro_Double

BarcodeReaderType = PreviewCamera

LoaderType = SL_1Slide_DoubleWide

CameraChangerType = CC_None

ReflectorTurretType = RT_None

BrightfieldLightSourceType = RGBLedLight

ObjectiveChangerType = OC_None

ObjectGuideXYZType = OGXYZ_TypeDouble

FlashUnitType = NoFlashUnit

NDFilterType = ND_None

PreviewLightType = PreviewLightUnitType_Type3

PowerSwitchBoardType = PowerSwitchBoard_None



For more information about the parameters, used since software version 1.15, see the chapter INI-Files and the section [Microscope].



















The mechanical construction of the DESK includes a base plate and the scanner plate only. In this chapter components are shown and adjustments are described.



Base plate

Scanner plate

Specimen holder fixing


Preview unit

Focus unit

RGB illumination

Image path

Adjust the scanner plate position

Adjust the door switch position

Adjust the specimen holder fixing

Adjust the supporter






Watch video:            D_II_Construction  


·       For safety regulations regarding human health and scanner functionality please refer to:         Precautions















                   Base plate

The base plate contains the USB- and the DC-electronics box.

The scanner unit mounting is realized with three distance peaces.

·    The scanner plate is mounted to the distance peaces with 5mm hexagon key bolts from the top.

·    Position of the scanner plate is adjustable.


























                   Scanner plate


In the DESK, like in the MIDI also, the RGB BF illumination  is mounted onto the scanner plate from beneath. The illumination mirror reflects the light directly to the condenser of the focus unit.


       RGB BF illumination unit




The mounted main units of the scanner plate are:



Watch video:            Dismount units

                                   Mount units



















                   Specimen holder fixing


Because the slide is inserted or removed manually into the DESK, the specimen holder must be fixed during these actions.

If the specimen holder is in the Home1,2 position or anywhere in direction to the negative limits, the slide action can be done. In this position, the specimen holder is fixed on the right side and supported by the specimen holder supporter on the left side. With this solution, the slide insert or remove action can be done safely, without bending the specimen holder or the parallelogram.








The right hand supporter of the specimen holder fixing contains chamfered edges in –X- and –Y-direction, so the specimen holder fixing guide will not jam if the specimen holder is moved in negative direction.









































The X-Y-Stage unit is used to move the slide into the appropriate positions during slide insertion and remove, during the preview creation process and barcode capturing to the positions of the preview camera's field of view and during the specimen scan process, the slide is moved continuously to capture the Field Of Views for the scan camera.


To reach the required movements, a spindle driven mechanics is used in both directions, so a resolution of 1µm/rotor step is realized.

The spindles are driven by a 5-phase stepper motor with a transformed resolution of 3200µ steps/revolution, so a distance of 3.2mm movement is done after 1 revolution of the rotor.



The parallelogram allows shifting of the slide (and so the specimen) in Z-direction during focusing, the movement is possible over the entire focus range (and a bit more). By using a parallelogram, an inclination of the specimen during focusing is avoided.


          Specimen holder

Newly designed specimen holder mechanics allows the insertion and scanning of single width and double width slides with a thickness of up to 1.20mm.

By using a removable single width adapter, the software knows whether a single width slide (adapter present) or a double width slide (adapter removed) should be scanned.

The adapter is inserted or removed manually by the user.















                   Preview unit


The preview unit creates the preview of the slide, so the user knows the position of the sample on the slide and may select the tissue for scanning or only parts of interest.


          Single width slides

If single width slides are inserted, the entire preview of the scan area is made by 3 images of the camera, the fourth image is the barcode area.

The 3 images are assembled by software to the preview, shown in the preview window of slidescanner.exe.


          Double width slides

Because the slide width is doubled, the preview creation process is also doubled.

The preview camera makes 6 images of the slide's scan area and assembles these to the preview, shown in the preview window of SlideScanner.exe




       Preview unit



















          Single width slide adapter and sensor


As mentioned above, the specimen holder may hold slides with single width and double width.

If single width slides should be inserted into the specimen holder an adapter is used.

To tell the software, that the adapter is present, a Hall sensor, mounted on the preview unit's sensor mounting plate is used.

If the sensor shows the active state in the slide insert position, the adapter is present, slides with single width will be inserted.





Move the X-Y-stage with the service program to the slide insert position and insert and remove the adapter more times. During these actions, the presence or absence of the adapter have to be surely and correctly.


  • Check this behavior more times.


If checks failed, adjust the sensor position more precise












                   Focus unit



Physically, the focus position is defined by the distance of the objective to the tissue. If the tissue is in the focus of the objective, a sharp image is seen by the camera. Because the tissues are different from each other in thickness, and the thickness can change inside the same tissue also, the focus position must be checked and corrected always, during the scan procedure.


  • In Pannoramic scanners, as well as in the DESK_II, the real focus position is found by moving the slide toward or away from the objective via the focus pin.


  • The focus position is influenced by both, the fixed (adjustable) objective position and the actual position of the focus pin.


Furthermore, if the slide as well as the objective will be changed, the specimen holder must be moved away from the objective to avoid collision.



       Focus unit
























                   RGB illumination

Watch video:            RGB BF Illumination unit


Monochrome cameras requiring monochrome illumination.

The construction of the BF optical path uses only a monochrome camera, so only monochrome images can be produced.

To create color information of the tissue with a monochrome camera, we illuminate the tissue with monochrome light.

If the tissue is illuminated by blue light, and we are making an image of the Field of view, the gray scaled camera image contains the intensity of the blue parts in the tissue.

Because the pixel resolution of the camera is very high and the resolution of the image's gray scale is 10bit per pixel (or higher), very detailed information of the blue part in the FOV related to the appropriate pixel can be reached.

If we repeating the procedure with the colors Green and Red, 3 images of the same FOV are produced and so, the software knows detailed color information about each pixel of the Field Of View.

By using the software coloring method the true color information of each pixel is found.

By using cameras with a large image sensor low shutter time and high pixel resolution (small pixel size), the scan time of the tissue can be held in acceptable boundaries and the result is an image with high resolution and high color fidelity.




       RGB BF Illumination unit















                   Image path

The optical path can be devided principially into an illumination part and an image part.

The border between both is the specimen.

The bottom of the specimen is illuminated, while the top of the specimen emits the image.



In the DESK_II the specimen's illumination is done by an RGB illumination unit, an illumination mirror and the condenser.

The RGB illumination unit creates monochrome light in the wavelength of Red, Green and Blue, sequentially, so, the specimen's Field of View is three times illuminated.

The control of the illumination is mainly done by the shutter time of the camera (triggering), the timing may be done hardware or software controlled.

The created monochrome, parallel  wavelengths are reflected by the illumination mirror in an angle of 90° to the condenser and this focuses the lightrays to the field of view, observed by the Objective.



The Quality of the image is mainly influenced by its size, resolution, brightness and contrast.

Size and resolution is influenced by the camera adapter and the sensor parameters of the scan camera, while other image parameters are mainly influenced by the construction of the image path, the image illumination and image magnification.

The objective gathers the light rays, passed through the image and arranges these, together with the tube lens to an image.

The size and resolution of the image may be varied in limits by the magnification of the camera adapter.



       Optics, Illumination














If the limit in –X-direction is reached, a small gap of about 0.1mm should exist, so jam may not occur in –X-direction.



















































              Adjust the scanner plate position


To ensure, that the scanner plate and any internal part do not touch the housing, its position can be adjusted.

The mounting of the scanner plate consists of 3pillars, mounted to the base plate from beneath, the scanner plate is mounted with the bolts 1,2 and 3 to the pillars.

The long holes in the base plate allow a positioning of the scanner plate in the mathematical X-direction and the long holes in the scanner plate allow the positioning in Y-direction.


·    Mount the lower housing (see above “To mount the lower housing”).

·    Adjust the position of the scanner plate so; that no internal part touches parts of the correctly mounted lower housing.

·    Especially, check the distance of the focus plate and 4:1 divider of the focus unit in relation to the rear part of the lower housing, no part of the focus unit should touch the back wall; a gap of about 0.5 ...1 mm is required (adjust the Y-position)!

·    Fit the upper housing, open the slide door and check the gap between specimen holder and right side of the housing, if the specimen holder is in the negative limits; there should be a gap of about 1 mm (adjust the X-position).

·    Furthermore, check the position of the mirror tube; it should be nearly in the middle of the housing opening.

·    If the scanner plate position was modified or adjusted the following adjustments have to be done or checked:

o       The door sensor acting position (see “The door closed position” and “To adjust the door sensor position

o       The specimen holder fixing position (see “Adjust the specimen holder fixing”)

o       Adjust the supporter position (see “Adjust the supporter position on the left side of the specimen holder”)


















The “Door closed” position

The door sensor should signal the “door closed” state safely, if the door is closed; therefore the door sensor should acting about 1 ... 2 mm before the door is really closed. Check this behavior with the service program.







Adjust the door switch position

This adjustment should be done only, if there are problems with recognizing of the “door closed” state, e.g. if the scan process is interrupted without any interpretable reason; if the mountings or adjustment bolts was loosened or the position of the scanner plate was adjusted or modified.

This adjustment assumes that the scanner plate position is correct, see above “Adjust the scanner plate position”.


1.      Remove the upper cover (see above).

2.      Loosen the mounting or adjustment bolts.

3.      Move the switch to the front or to the rear as desired and tighten the fixing bolts.

4.      Fit the upper cover as required for the normal work, but do not drive in the cover mounting bolts.

5.      Check the “door closed” position with the service program.

6.      Repeat from step 1 until the door closes correctly.

7.      Check this adjustment again if the upper cover is fixed with the bolts.

























                   Adjust the specimen holder fixing




This adjustment assumes that the scanner plate position is correct, see above “Adjust the scanner plate position”.


  • During these adjustment, the parallelogram must not be strained!



Position adjustment


1.      Loosen the bolts of "Adjust gap size"

2.      Set the X-Y-stage to the limits Y-min and X-min, (see also “The X-Y-stage” and “Find the hardware limits for the X-Y-carriage”).

3.      Position the entire specimen holder fixing so, that the fixing guide of the specimen holder has a gap of about 0.1mm in the hardware limit positions X-min and Y-min.


Adjust the height

4.      Set the X-Y-stage to X-Home1,2 and Y-Home1,2.

5.      Insert a slide.

6.      Loosen the bolt "Adjust fixing height".

7.      Set the focus position to +1300 steps (SW position = 2650).

8.      Fit the height of the specimen holder fixing to the specimen holder guide and tighten the fixing. To reach this, move the X-Y-Stage in 

















Adjust the supporter

This adjustment assumes that the specimen holder fixing position on the right side is already adjusted.


9.      Loosen the supporter fixing bolts.

10. Set the X-Y-stage to X-Home1,2 and Y-Home1,2.

11. Move the supporter downward, then upward until the supporter part of the specimen holder is reached; there should be no pressure against the specimen holder.

12. Tighten the supporter fixing bolts.



Define the slide insert and remove parameters


The following parameter values defining the slide insert and remove position for the specimen holder in the DESK. The values are often 0, it means Home1,2; the values for the parameters “InsertSlide PositionX“, “RemoveSlide PositionX1“, and “RemoveSlidePositionX2“ can be used to adjust the specimen holder position to the housing, but the size of the gap is not critical.

If any value would be more the 1000 steps, the scanner plate position must be corrected (see above “Adjust the scanner plate position”).



Relevant parameters in the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”


The shown values are for information only!







