Objective Changer; PCON

For technicians and partly for sales managers!







These instructions describe the procedures to install and adjust the Objective Changer of the scanner Pannoramic Confocal. The Objective Changer is a separate unit in the optical path. To help resolve problems with the Objective Changer a hardware description of the implemented components and adjustment procedures are added.


Software relevant settings are based on the software version 1.19.


·     The unit is derived from the Objective Changer Unit of the scanner P250.

























The Objective Changer unit (OC) is mounted into the optical path separately and allows the consecutive use of two, preinstalled objectives. The selection or changing of the objective is initiated by software before a slide scan session is started and may be altered between 2 slide scan procedures. The movement of the objective holder disc is executed via a DC-motor and the position is sensed via Hall sensors. Each objective position has a separate hall sensor, so the software knows always which objective is actually in use. To guarantees the proper position of the objective in the light path, the final objective position is fixed in the optical path via a form-fit mechanism.



The unit was developed for the use of objectives of the following types:


Plan-APOCHROMAT 20x/0.8      and    C-APOCHROMAT 40x/1.2 W Corr M27



If the mechanical dimensions do not exceed the size of the C-APOCHROMAT 40x/1.2W type objective, the mechanical mounting is identical and the focus distance of the objective to the tissue is not closer then 0.25mm, other kind of objectives can be used also but it is strongly not recommended!



·     Always check with 3DHISTECH first if a different objective should be used!




Automatic scan

In the slide scan table of the scan program “SlideScanner.exe” you can assign the objective with which the slide should be scanned. In other words, the objective can be changed any time between two slide scanning procedures. If the slide scan table does not contain information about the objective, the scan procedure will be done with the actually selected objective.



Manual scan

 The objective can be changed any time, before the scan procedure is started.



The bus connector supplies power and control information for the Objective Changer via the cable CON-12.




The exchange of the Objective Changer is possible:


  • If the DC motor or the electronics of the Objective Changer unit is faulty.
  • If the shape of any part is deformed or a part is broken.
  • If the focus unit or the Objective Changer has any fault and you are unable to fix it.



  • Service program for slide scanners (SlideScannerService.exe) with actual license file
  • Slide scanner (version 1.19 or higher) and Slide scanner Viewer software (SlideScanner.exe, MView.exe) with actual dongle or license
  • 1.5, 2.5, 3 and 5 mm hex key wrenches,
  • Hardware and construction knowledge of the scanner Panoramic Confocal


Attention:  Do not mix the versions of SlideScanner.exe and SlideScannerService.exe! Always use these programs with the same version number. Otherwise the SlideScannerService.exe program could produce unwanted results and SlideScanner.exe does not work correctly or even freeze!











Main differences to the Objective Changer Unit of the P250


·     The unit is separated from the focus unit and is mounted to the tilting table by two brackets.


·     Bus extender cable is removed


·     Mechanical mounting of parts is modified.


















Working distances of objectives



As you can see, the gaps between cover slip and objective are very small, especially if the objective C-APOCHROMAT 40x/1.2 W Corr M27 is used.

Because both objectives can be used without adjustment of the objective position after exchange, the previously developed focus unit (the focus unit for SCAN, MIDI and DESK) must be modified for the consecutive use of the 20x and 40x objectives. The worst case is defined by the parameters of the 40x objective.






























40x objective


On the scale of the 40x objective, the thickness of the cover slip should be selected.


  • If the real thickness of the cover slip differs from the selected or adjusted value, the quality of the scanned FOV may be reduced!














Objective position


In Pannoramic type scanners the objective is mounted into the middle of the focus range, offered by the movement limits of the focus pin during focusing.


  • It is very important, that the objective position is adjusted well; otherwise, if the objective position does not match the focus range, offered by the focus pin movement range, a focused camera image can never be produced!
  • Because the slide thickness can vary from 0.95 to 1.05 mm, the thickness of the slide, used to adjust the objective position, is also important during the objective position adjustment.
  • See also “Adjust the objective position”. 


































Configure the Objective Changer unit



Since the software version 1.15 the units of the scanner are configured in the file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”, section [Microscope].


·      The path of the file MicroscopeConfiguration.ini, in the software version with the operating system Windows® 7 is:



































Change the objective



Software handling


Following sequence describes the steps, done by software, to change the objective!


·     Please do logically the same steps (depending on the task), if you are working with the service program



1)    Memorize the actual position of the X- and Y-stage.

2)    Move the X- and Y-stage to a save position (collision with the slide or the specimen holder must not be possible).

3)    Start the Objective Changer DC-motor in forward direction.

4)    Watch the sensor states “Sensor 1” and “Sensor2”. If one of the sensors changed to the active state (the permanent magnet arrived over the appropriate sensor) switch off the DC-motor.

5)    Wait 500ms

6)    Move the X- and Y-stage return to the memorized position.

7)    If live view: actualize the focus position (by using the Z-offset, defined in “MicroscopeSettings.ini”).















Use the service program






The tools of the Objective Changer in the service program are shown on the right.


Check the Objective position 1


1.     With the service program set the Y-stage to Home1,2.

2.     Set the X-stage to Home1,2.

3.     In the tab “Objective Changer”, select the sensor 1 and press the button “Forward”; the 20x objective should move into the working position of the Objective Changer unit, in the specified movement direction and the form-fit mechanics should snap in correctly.


Set the Objective position 1


1.     If the working position 1 is not correct after the check, remove the entire Objective Changer unit.

2.     Connect the power and control cable

3.     In the service program, select “Sensor 1” and press the button “Forward”.

4.     If now the 40x objective is in the working position, remove the Transport Disc.

5.     Rotate the Objective Disc by a ½ revolution so, that the 20x objective stays in the optical path.

6.     Mount the Transport Disc ant the PGB.

7.     Doe the check of the working position with both objective positions several times; hereby, the Objective Changer unit should be hold in its working position!

8.     Mount the PCB cover.

9.     Mount the Objective Changer.


See also:      Service program” and “Objective Changer

















Working principle







The objective change procedure is initiated by the user, if the manual scan mode is selected, or by software, if the automatic scan procedure is in progress. In both scan modes, the objective change may be executed only between 2 slide scan sessions, if momentarily a scan procedure is not in progress.


During the objective change procedure, the Transport Disc is rotated by a DC motor; always in mathematical positive direction, if we are looking onto the objectives.

The Transport Disc moves the transport pins situated in the transport holes, by a half revolution.

Just before the working position of the objective is reached, the DC motor will be switched off by the appropriate sensor and the final movement into the exact working position (into the optical axis), is done by the form-fit mechanism.


  • The Transport Disc can be rotated manually, but do it carefully!
  • The unit does not need maintenance.


Watch video:          Change the objective” (P250)


Watch slide show:   OC_PCON

















                   Transport Disc


The geared ring of the Transport Disc is driven by the gearwheel of a DC-motor gear.

·     Together with the Transport Disc, the transport holes will rotate also.






























                   Objective Disc




·     The transport pins, mounted on the Objective Disc and situated in the transport holes rotating the Objective Disc.

·     By rotating the Objective Disc exactly by a ½ revolution, the other objective position will be moved into the working position.





























                   Position sensors



If the permanent magnet, situated in the top part of the Transport Disc arrives to its appropriate Hall sensor, the DC-motor stops driving the Transport Disc.



  • Each objective (position) has its own sensor and its own permanent magnet also; the positions are named as “Objective position 1” and “Objective position 2”.


  • In the objective position 1 always the 20x objective has to be mounted; in the objective position 2 the 40x objective is situated.
  • The objective positions 1 and 2 of the Objective Disc are decided, if the Transport Disc will be mounted; see also: “Set the objective position 1” and  Mount the Transport Disc”






























                   Form-fit mechanism



If the ball bearing of the transport pin even crossed the dead point of the form-fit arm, the permanent magnet arrived over the appropriate Hall sensor and the  DC-motor stops driving the Transport Disc.


The form-fit arm, together with the force of the spring presses the ball bearing of the transport pin into the shape of the form-fit arm and the objective is correctly aligned into the optical axis.


·     The position of the transport pin’s ball bearing in relation to the dead point is critical for switching off the DC-motor.

·     The correct position will be found by adjusting the permanent magnet position.







Watch video:          P250_Objective change



































Components and construction






The Objective Changer consists of:


·     Mounting brackets (holder)

·     The drive unit with Transport Disc, DC motor and control electronics.

·     The electronics cover and

·     The Objective Changer mechanics with Objective Disc, form-fit mechanism and objective mounting.

























                   Electronics cover


The spacer in the electronics cover keeps a distance between cover and PCB and avoids so a shortcut in the electronics.

























                   Sensors and mountings




  • The address of the control electronics is 09.



  • The units do not need maintenance or adjustments.






















See also:      Power and control” and “Addresses

                    USB-Controller” and “Connections

























                   Transport Disc


The Transport Disc is used to rotate the Objective Disc.

The permanent magnets are deciding the objectives’ position via Hall sensors.


·     To cross the dead point of the form-fit arm safely, the permanent magnets’ position is adjustable!




  • The unit does not need maintenance.



























·     The geared ring is driven by the DC-motor.

·     If the Transport Disc rotates, the transport holes are rotating the Objective Disc via the Transport Pins.



































                   Transport Disc drive


·     The gearwheel on the motor (gear) axle drives the geared ring of the Transport Disc.

·     The motor with gear is mounted by two bolts as shown



  • The unit does not need maintenance or adjustments.


























                   Position of permanent magnets


·     If one permanent magnet position is moved backward (or forward) the permanent magnet in the opposite position should be moved also backward (or forward) by the same distance!

·     To reach a correct adjustment, the distance of the permanent magnets to each other has to be always 180º!!







































With this solution, and by adjusting the magnet position, the dead point of the form-fit mechanism can be always crossed surely.


See:   “Adjust permanent magnet position”


Watch video:          P250_Objective change



·     If one permanent magnet position is moved backward (or forward), the permanent magnet in the opposite position should be moved also backward (or forward) by the same distance!

·     To reach a correct adjustment, the distance of the permanent magnets to each other has to be always 180º!!



























                   Objective Changer mechanics


  • The Objective Disc holds the objectives and is driven by the transport pins.
  • The form-fit arm, together with the ball bearing of the transport pin guarantees the proper and constant objective position in the light path, even if the objective has been exchanged.


  • The unit mounting of the Objective Changer mechanics should not be loosened or removed (bolts, named wit “K”), because the working position of the objective in relation to the optical axis is adjusted here; see first Align the objective”.







The Transport Disc can be separated from the Objective Changer mechanics unhesitatingly, but please do not remove the Objective Changer mechanics from the holder brackets (bolts, named wit “K”); see Align the objective into the optical axisfirst!




















                   Objective Disc


The Objective Disc realizes the exchange of the objective between two slide scan sessions.


If the Transport Disc (not shown) rotates by a half revolution, the Objective Disc will be rotated also as long as the connection between transport hole and transport pin exists. The force of the form-fit mechanism is defined by its spring and this holds so the objective (the ball bearing of the transport pin) always in the proper position until a new objective change command is executed.



·      The Objective Disc can be rotated manually in any direction to reach the required objective position.

·      The form-fit mechanism should always fix the objective position; otherwise, the optical axis will be incorrect!











  • The unit does not need maintenance or adjustments.











                   Objective mounting


  • The objective is driven into the threaded M27 mounting until it stops. The adjustment of the objective position is done elsewhere, not on the Objective Changer unit.
  • See:   “Adjust the objective position”




Remove the objective

·     Drive the appropriate objective out of its mounting



Mount the objective


·     Drive the appropriate objective in


After finishing the objective mounting procedure, please check the tightness of each objective (again)!!


  • See also “Adjust objective position”





















                   Form-fit mechanism


The form-fit mechanism acts in the Transport Disc’s stop position; the final objective position (the real working position) will be reached and the transport pins will be disconnected from the transport holes.

The force of the spring as well as the shape of the form-fit arm guaranties always the proper and constant position of the objective in relation to the optical axis.




·     Because the dead point must be crossed, the transport pin will not stay in the center of the transport hole if the optical axis is reached, but a gap has to exist between both transport holes and pins in the working position; the transport hole has to release the transport pin if the DC-motor is switched off.













The disc is always driven in direction from the spring to the mounting of the form-fit arm (while normal operation); the reason for this is the shape of the form-fit arm.

The use of ball bearings on essential, important mountings guarantees the proper position of the objective in the image path.


If the ball bearing of the transport pin arrives to the form-fit arm, and the dead point of the form-fit mechanism is even crossed, the transport wheel stops the movement and the ball bearing of the transport pin will be locked in the shape of the form-fit arm by the force of the spring.





The transport hole of the Transport Disc moves the Objective Disc with the help of the transport pin until the appropriate magnet arrives over its sensor. This position is so defined, that the dead point of the form-fit mechanism is even crossed.


































                   Dismount, mount the objective


  • The following procedure assumes that the Objective Changer is mounted and should not be dismounted.
  • If the Objective Changer is already removed from the tilting table, you can easily dismount or mount the objectives.


1.      With the program SlideScannerService.exe Set the X-Y-stage to the positions Y-Home1,2 and X-Home1,2.


2.     In the tab “Objective Changer” of the service program move the objective (position), to be dismounted or mounted into the working position.


3.     Select the option “Time out”, set a numerical value of 1300 ms and press the button Backward.


4.     Dismount or mount the objective by hand.


5.     Select the appropriate sensor and press the button forward; the actual dismounted position or the mounted objective should move into the working position.


6.     Repeat the steps 2 to 4 with the other objective (position), if required.


7.     If the 40x objective was mounted, check and set the thickness of the cover slip; see also “The 40x objective.











                   Remove the Objective Changer unit


·     Disconnect the power and control cable.

·     Remove the bolts “A”.

·     Pull the unit upward and remove it from the tilting table.

























                   Remove the electronics


·     Remove the bolts “C” and

·     Pull the electronics cover upward




Remove the spacer also

























·     Remove the bolts “A” then

·     Remove the electronics upward and to the right.































                   Remove the Transport Disc



·     Remove the bolts “B” and move the Transport Disc with holder to the left.



1.     Remove the Objective Changer unit.

2.     Remove the PCB cover and the electronics mounting bolts.

3.     Remove the mounting bolts of the Transport Disc.

4.     Easily separate the Transport Disc from the Objective Changer mechanics.























                   Remove the motor


·     Remove the motor mounting bolts and pull out the motor to the right.






































                   Mount the objective(s)


·     Drive the objective manually into its mounting until it stops!

·     Momentarily, if the Transport Disc is not mounted, the position is likewise.


If the Transport Disc is mounted:


With the service program set:

·     the objective position 1 and mount the 20x objective.

·     the objective position 2 and mount the 40x objective.



























If the Objective Changer unit should not be dismounted


With the service program

·     Rotate the appropriate objective position into the working position

·     Rotate the objective position by 1300ms backward with the option “Timeout”.

·     Drive in the objective manually, until it stops.

·     Rotate the Objective Disc into the working position by using the radio buttons “Sensor 1 and 2” respectively

·     Check the functionality of the Objective Changer in its mounting position with the service program several times; rotate the disc always forward!







Watch video:          P250_Objective change



























Set the Objective position 1


·     Rotate the 20x objective into the working position manually

·     Rotate the Transport Disc in relation to its holder so, that the permanent magnet of the “Position 1” (the outer magnet) stays over its sensor, before mounting the Transport disc.




































                   Mount the Transport Disc

·     Fit the transport holes “E” onto the transport pins and

·     Fit the mounting “B” of the Transport Disc holder to the appropriate drillings

·     The gearwheel should engage the geared ring



























·     Drive in the bolts “B”






























                   Mount the electronics PCB





·     Fit the control cable connector mechanically into the bracket

·     Place the PCB as shown and

·     Drive in the bolts “A”


1.     Connect the cable CON-12 to the bus connector.

2.     In the tab “Objective Changer”, of the service program select the sensor 1 and press the button “Forward”.

3.     Check the correct movement of the Objective Changer and its mechanics with the service program.

4.     If the form fit mechanism does not snap in during the normal exchange operation, modify a little bit the appropriate permanent magnet position until the dead point of the form fit mechanism is crossed correctly.

5.     Continue with the next step.


















                   Check the Objective position




Check Objective position 1 and 2


4.     Connect the power and control cable.

5.     Start the service program.

6.     Hold the Objective Changer unit in its mounting position! In the tab “Objective Changer”, select the “Sensor 1” and press the button “Forward”; the 20x objective should move into the working position of the Objective Changer unit, in the specified movement direction and the form-fit mechanics should snap in correctly.

7.     Doe the check of the working position with both objective positions several times!



Set the Objective position 1


10. If the working position 1 is not correct after the check, remove the Transport Disc and adjust the Transport Disc correctly.

11. If the form-fit mechanics does not snap in (the dead point will not be crossed surely), adjust the permanent magnet position more precise.


Watch video:          P250_Objective change” and listen the sound also!












                   Mount the PCB cover





·     Fit the bolts into the appropriate drillings


·     Fit the spacer onto the bolts























·     Mount the PCB cover; drive in the bolts “C”.




























                   Mount Objective Changer unit


·     Remove the power and control cable.

·     Place the Objective Changer unit into the tilting table and drive in the bolts “A”.

·     Connect the power and control cable and Check the working position of both objectives several times with the service program!




Watch video:          P250_Objective change























Check the objective position


See above “Check the Objective position



Check the “Stage skew








Check and adjust the objective distance to the slide



Adjust the scanner unit base plate position in height to the nominal focus position!



  • This adjustment assumes that the ex-center position of the focus unit is adjusted well and so, the sine wave crosses the X-axis at +500 steps and the appropriate objective is mounted.

To adjust the focus position you can use a slide with a thickness in the range from 0.95 to 1.05 mm. Important is, that the slide thickness, used to adjust the objective position, is measured and known. The focus position will be calculated with the table “Nominal focus position”. The cover slip is excluded from the slide thickness measurement!


8.     Start the program SlideScanner.exe with the service password.


9.     Clean the cover slip and the slide bottom, then insert the measured slide with the known thickness.


10.  Check the correct holding of the slide in the specimen holder!


11.  Check the tightness of the objective(s)!


12.  Select a FOV of the tissue inside the preview window with the positioning tool.


13.  Select the focus tab and live view.


14.  Press auto focus.


15.  If the found focus position is equal with the calculated focus position for that slide (a deviation of + - 50 steps is possible) the objective position does not need adjustments; the check is finished.


16.  If an adjustment of the objective position is required, set the calculated number of focus steps in the live view.


17.  Drive the bolts of the base plate and so, the entire scanner module, toward or away from the objective until the tissue becomes into focus and the focus position is reached.



Please drive all 3 bolts by the same angle 1/4 revolution or 1/3 revolution or ½ revolution! Otherwise, the entire scanner part will not move perpendicular and the slide’s Z-axis will be inclined in relation to the optical axis! See also: “Stage Skew Check    


18.  If the tissue reached the focus position; press the button “Auto focus” and repeat from step 17.


19.  Check the result again by pressing the button “Auto focus” some times.


20.  If there are more then 50 steps difference to the nominal (calculated) focus position, repeat the adjustment from step 18.


21.  Check the focus position on different positions of the tissue.


22.  Change to the other objective position (tab “Service”, “Microscope control” select the other objective position and go back to the tab “Focus”, adjust the exposure time) and check or adjust the focus position for the other objective by repeating the previous adjustment from step 13.


23.  If the 40x objective was adjusted, check and select the thickness of the cover slip; see also “The 40x objective


24.  After finishing the objective position adjustment check the tightness of each objective (again)!!


25.  Execute the “Stage Skew Check


26.  If the objective position and parallelogram adjustment is correct, check and adjust the condenser position (again)!









Check the objective position alignment




By executing the alignment check, adjustments might be lost!


1.     With the service program set the Objective Changer into the default position by pressing the radio button “Sensor 1” and the button “Forward” of the tab “Objective Changer”; the objective 20x should be in the optical path.

2.     Disconnect the cable of the Objective Changer.

3.     Remove the Objective Changer.

4.     Exchange the 20x objective with the objective aligner.

5.     Mark the condenser position (e.g. with a pen), then remove the condenser.

6.     Make sure, the mechanical shutter is open.

7.     Insert the condenser aligner into the condenser mounting.

8.     If the condenser aligner moves easily in or out in the condenser mounting (if it would falling out by gravity) and the form-fit mechanics fix the objective position correctly, the adjustment is correct.

9.     If the condenser aligner can not be inserted or moves strong, the objective is misaligned; execute the aligning procedure.

10. If the aligning result is acceptable, remove the condenser aligner and mount the condenser again (until the previously signaled position).

11. Remove the objective aligner and mount the 20x objective again.

12. Connect the cable.

13. With the service program check the functionality of the Objective Changer unit as well, the 20x objective has to be in the working position if ‘Sensor 1” was selected.

14. Check or adjust the objective distance to the slide.

15. Check the focus position

16. Check or adjust the condenser position.

























The mechanics of the Objective Changer unit does not need adjustments; the positions of the Hall sensors are fixed, the form-fit mechanics adjustment is done by adjusting the position of the permanent magnets.


The adjustment is limited to the following parts:




Check the working position 1


8.     With the service program set the Y-stage to Home1,2.

9.     Set the X-stage to Home1,2.

10. In the tab “Objective Changer”, select the sensor 1 and press the button “Forward”; the 20x objective should move into the working position of the Objective Changer unit, in the specified movement direction and the form-fit mechanics should snap in correctly.


Set the working position 1


12. If the working position 1 is not correct after the check, remove the entire Objective Changer.

13. Remove the Transport Disc.

14. Rotate the Objective Disc by a ½ revolution so, that the 20x objective stays in the optical path.

15. Mount the Objective Changer drive unit.

16. Mount the entire focus unit with Objective Changer.















                   Adjust permanent magnet position


With the service program rotate the Transport Disc in forward direction.

If the motor is switched off, the form-fit mechanics should act and the final objective position should be reached surely.

Otherwise, a small gap should also exist between transport hole and transport pin, if the objective stays in the optical axis.


Check this behavior in both objective positions several times with the service program!


Watch video:          P250_Objective change



·     If one permanent magnet position is moved backward, the permanent magnet in the opposite position should be moved also backward by the same distance!

·     To reach a correct adjustment, the distance of the permanent magnets to each other has to be always 180º!!

































Setup and define implemented objectives





If the objective(s) are implemented and the program “SlideScanner.exe” finished the start up procedure, select the option “Microscope Settings” in the menu “Options”.


  • The setup of the objective(s) is done mostly together with the install of the present cameras.
























In the dialogue “Base Settings” the implemented objectives are selected and parameterized.


By default and in the scanner P250

  • Select the type “Plan-Apochromat” (1) and the magnification of 20x (2) in the objective position 1
  • Select the type “Plan-Apochromat” (3) and the magnification of 40x (4) in the objective position 2.

§       If there is only a 20x objective implemented into the scanner, select “<none>” (3) in the objective position 2.



Of course, the dialogue accepts any kind of magnification in any objective position, but in the Pannoramic Confocal the 20x objective should be always in the objective position 1 because this is the default objective and some adjustment procedures (e.g. the preview calibration process) uses the 20x objective in the objective position 1!




















Align the objective position into the optical axis






The alignment of the objective position to the optical axis is already done and finished; this is not a usual adjustment.


The following calibration should be done only, if the Objective Changer unit aligning bolts (K) was loosened, altered or the Objective Changer unit was separated and reassembled to the mounting brackets; so the optical axis will not be strait.


Please check first


  • The following procedure will be used to fit the objective (position) into the optical axis correctly.
  • In any cases, check the alignment first, before starting the adjustment.
  • Check the correct working of the form-fit mechanics also.



The aligning procedure is advised and described for the 20x objective and the objective position 1.

If technical difficulties exist, you can use unhesitatingly the 40x objective position to align the Objective Changer unit!










Alignment tools


The alignment is done mechanically; the objective pupil position (represented by the drilling of the objective aligner) will be fit into the optical axis by the help of the condenser aligner pin. During this fitting operation the Objective Changer unit mounting is barely loosened (except you are checking the correctness of the alignment). The Objective Disc unit mounting bolts will be tightened, if both adjustment tools fitting easily and the form-fit mechanics fix the objective position correctly.


  • In all cases, the objective aligner tool should be fully tightened during the aligning procedure.
  • The alignment tools can also be used to check the objective position alignment if the Objective Changer unit mounting is tightened!













Aligning procedure


1.     With the service program set the Objective Changer into the default position by pressing the radio button “Sensor 1” and the button “Forward” of the tab “Objective Changer”; the objective 20x should be in the working position.

2.     Disconnect the cable of the Objective Changer.

3.     Remove the 20x objective!

4.     Drive the objective aligner into the objective mounting of the 20x objective until it stops.

5.     Mark the condenser position (e.g. with a pen), then remove the condenser.

6.     Loosen the unit mounting bolts of the entire Objective Changer unit so, that the unit becomes barely moveable.

7.     Make sure, the mechanical shutter is open.

8.     Insert the condenser aligner into the condenser mounting and adjust the entire Objective Changer unit position in relation to the mounting brackets.

9.     If the condenser aligner moves easily in or out in the condenser mounting (if it would falling out by gravity) and the form-fit mechanics fix the objective position correctly, the “Aligning bolts” should be tightened.

10. Check the easily movement of the condenser aligner in the condenser mounting again; hereby the form-fit mechanics should fix the objective position correctly also.

11. If the condenser aligner moves strong, repeat this procedure from step 8.

12. If the aligning result is acceptable, remove the condenser aligner and mount the condenser again (until the previously marketed position).

13. Remove the objective aligner and mount the 20x objective again.

14. Put the 20x objective into the working position.

15. With the service program check the functionality of the Objective Changer unit as well, the 20x objective have to be in the working position if the radio button “Sensor 1” and the button “Forward” of the tab “Objective Changer” was pressed.

16. Check or adjust the objective distance to the slide.

17. Check the focus position

18. Check or adjust the condenser position.