Step motor firmware upgrade; S_M_D

For technicians!






The firmware of stepper motors in the serial number range from 31200 000 to 31200 271 have to be upgraded, the reason is probably the modification of the hardware reset circuit.

This upgrade implements the software reset as “brown-out detection”; the controller stays in reset until the power rose up to 4.0V and only then starts the controller, after switch on.

The previous version of the firmware together with the new, modified hardware produced address modification of the motors; the motor lost its address or two motors had the same address and were no more reachable for the software; it seemed to be the motor or its electronics is faulty.




The AVR tools, AVR studio4 and the firmware files of the stepper motors are stored in this description in compressed form. Before upgrading, the compressed content must be expanded before use; only then related links will be available.


·       Please run the file “...Website\Descriptions\Files_\ATMEL\”Firmware_312 00.exe






Start the Atmel programmer software


Install “Atmel AVR Tools” and “AVR Studio 4”

Programmer unit




·    Service program “SlideScannerService.exe”

·    Installed version of “Atmel AVR Tools” and “AVR Studio 4”

·    AVRISP mkII In system programmer unit

·    Program “Serial.exe

·    Hexagon key wrenches 1.5, 2.5 mm male

·    Network connection to the server















·    Read the serial number with the Low Level Service part of the service program, check it for upgrade and memorize it if necessary.


·    In the following, this serial number (this motor) is used as example; the serial number is inside the range from 31200 000 to 31200 271.


·    The serial number is found also on the housing of the motor and on the controller itself.
























1.      Switch off the power supply of the scanner.

2.      Remove the 3 bolts of the stepper motor’s electronics cover and the cover itself.

3.      Compare the serial number on the controller with the serial number, read with the service program; they should be equal. 

4.      Connect the programmer cable connector pins into the socket of the firmware update connector; the white marker on the cable shows to the controller.

5.      Connect the programmer to an USB 2.0 port; connect the stepper motor cable if it was removed previously.

6.      Switch on the power supply of the scanner.































Start the Atmel programmer software




Start the “Atmel AVR Tools” and “AVR Studio 4”.













1. Select “AVR”














2.      In the tab “Main


3.      select AT mega 8.

4.      Press “Erase Device”.






















5.      In the tab “Lock Bits” check the settings as shown.




If LOCKBIT differs from 0xFF, the settings are incorrect.





















6.      In the tab “Program” Select the files to be programmed (7, 8).


7.      In this pull down menu find the Flash file with the extension “hex” in order to the serial number.

Find the directory “Firmware_31200”; the following directories (7a; 8a) containing all the files with the first digit of the serial number to be upgraded, in our example, we have to open the folder “1” (the first digit of 146).


In the directory “1” select the directory “4”, the second digit of our serial number to be upgraded.


In the directory “4” select the directory “6”, the third digit of the serial number to be upgraded.


In this folder select the file with the extension “hex”, STM4.hex (7b).






























Repeat the steps described in the step 7 with the file for the EEPROM; in the last folder select the file with the extension “eep”; STM4.eep (8b).



















8.      Select the tab “fuses”.


9.      Select Brown-out detection at Vcc=4.0V.


10. Select Ext. Crystal/Resonator HighFreq. Start up time: 1K CK+64ms.


11. Check the checkbox  BODEN

Check the values for HIGH and LOW as shown.


LOW = 0x0F


If these values are not met, previous settings are incorrect.



12. Select the tab “Auto”


13. Check the settings as shown.


14. Press Start


15. Check for finishing the programming.


16. Leaf the program with “Exit”.


If any error or mistake occurred or the programming procedure is not finished with OK, repeat the procedure from step 2.


Disconnect the programmer from the firmware upgrade connector of the motor.


If the firmware upgrade of the motor is finished, please check the serial number of the motor with the service program, see above “Prearrangements”. The serial number should be the same as before the upgrade procedure; otherwise, do the upgrade procedure again.




















After the firmware upgrade is finished successful, the address of the stepper motor inside the scanner must be set, because the programmed files containing the address “03”, it means the address of the X-Stepper motor. In our example, the focus motor was upgraded, so the address has to be modified to “05”, this is the internal address for the focus unit; see also “USB and DC controlling”, “Addresses”.




The address number of the unit can be defined or modified with the program “Serial.exe’.

The following procedure can be left out, if the address of the motor used in the scanner is 03, the X-motor; if the firmware of the X-motor was upgraded.


Switch off the power supply of the scanner.


Disconnect all stepper motor cables from the stepper motor electronics; except the cable of the motor, that address should be modified.


Switch on the power supply of the scanner.


Start the program “Serial.exe”; it can be found in the folder:


                                                           … website\Descriptions\Files_\Serial.exe



Select the actual address of the stepper motor to be changed in the menu “Old”.


In the menu “New” select the number of the motor address, used in the scanner; in our example 05.


In our example, we defining the actual address (03 = X-motor) to the address of the focus motor (05 = Focus motor).



Press “Change ID”.











If the settings are correct, press “Yes”.



Leave the program with “OK” and press “Exit”.


Switch off the power supply, mount the focus unit, connect the cables to the motors, switch on the power supply and check the correct function of all motors with the help of the service program.

Check the serial number of the motor (that was firmware upgraded) with the service program, see above “Prearrangements”. The serial number should be the same as before the upgrade procedure.

If the focus motor (and all other motors also) working correctly, switch off the power supply and mount the cover of the focus motor electronics.


Stick the label “FOK” (Firmware upgrade OK) onto the motor housing near to the serial number of the motor; so it is visible from outside that the procedure was done.


Update the upgrade action in the file


<Server>:\3DHWork\Production_Sales_Logistics\Production\ 2010_01_20_Átcímzõdés_motor_lista.xls













Install the “Atmel AVR Tools” and “AVR Studio 4”






·    On the home page of ATMEL find the version “AVR Studio 4.18 (build 684) (or use the most recent version) and load it down after registering.



o       A less recent version (used in the demo example above) can be found in:

... website/Descriptions\Files_\ATMEL\AVRStudio\ aStudio4b589.exe



·    Execute the downloaded setup software; after installing, the program is found in “Start”, “All Programs” ...


·    Copy the folder “Firmware_31200” to the hard disk to a specified place, e.g. “C:\ Firmware_31200”.


·    Continue with “Prearrangements

















Programmer unit



The “AVRISP mkII Main unit” is used to realize the connection between the stepper motor controller and the software “AVR Studio 4”.


The pins (connections) of the AVR programmer header must be modified to the upgrade header, used in the stepper motor controller.


















1. Reset         (white marker)

2. PDI             Program data input             to the motor controller

3. PDO           Program data output           from the motor controller

4. SCK           Serial clock

5. GND          Ground

6. Vcc             Power supply, +5V



·    Continue with “Prearrangements









