Install the Matrox Imaging Library version 9.0 with SOLIOS board


These instructions describe the procedures to install the Matrox Imaging Library version 9.0 (MIL_9) onto a computer with the operating system Windows® 7 x 64bit and an installed SOLIOS board; used with the P250, SCAN, MIDI or DESK!

The shown procedure is based on the install DVD of the software version 1.16; and may be used to install the Matrox Imaging Library version 9.0 for:

·      Barcode reading (only)          dongle and license are required     and

·      To install the drivers for the Solios board(s); the presence of the board(s) is required. 



The Matrox Imaging Library (version independent) has to be installed always prior to the program Slide Scanner. Is the program slide scanner already installed, install the Matrox Imaging Library version 9.0, then remove the program slide Scanner and install it again!



·   The barcode dongle, issued together with the version “MIL 8.0” will not work with the version “MIL 9.0”!!

·   The barcode dongle, issued with the version “MIL 9.0” will not work with the version “MIL 8.0”!!

·   From outside, the dongle versions are undistinguishable!



If an upgrade from the version MIL 8.0 to the version MIL9.0 is required, please execute the following steps:

·      Remove the program “Slide Scanner” Version 1.14 or earlier.

·      Remove the Matrox Imaging Library MIL 8.0

·      Install the Matrox Imaging Library MIL 9.0; Windows XP x32bit

·      Install the program “Slide Scanner” Version 1.14.










Remove the Matrox Imaging Library

Install the version MIL 9.0

Install the update 5 of the MIL 9.0

Install further updates 1

Install further updates 2

Check the installation result













·      Installed operating system Windows® 7 x 64bit

·      The install CD / DVD of the software version to be installed

·      The implemented Solios board(s) for the camera CIS VCC-F52U25CL, the camera CIS VCC-FC60FR19CL and / or the camera PCO.edge; the connection of the cameras to the Solios board is not required during the install procedure!

·      The barcode dongle; issued together with MIL 9.0.


See also:      Software and driver installation


·      The installation should be done from a HDD, DVD or a pen drive.

·      Never install the Matrox Imaging Library via network!









Remove, modify or upgrade the Matrox Imaging Library version


If the Matrox Imaging Library version 9.0 (MIL_9) already exists on the computer and modifications should be done or if an upgrade of the MIL_9 is required, the existing Matrox Imaging Library version has to be removed first; before installing.




Start the file:        

<Drive>:\Drivers\MIL 9.0\MIL 9.0\ SilentUninstall.exe


·      The uninstall operation will be done mostly without dialogues!






·      A notice in the taskbar shows the state of the uninstall procedure; if the notice disappeared, the uninstall operation is finished.











·      If any application of the Matrox Imaging Library is in use during the uninstall procedure, a dialogue occurs.









Press “OK”











Install / Setup the Matrox Imaging Library version 9.0

·      The installation of the Matrox Imaging Library assumes, that the software “SlideScanner.exe” is not installed; otherwise, remove the scan software!



Start the file:                    <Drive>:\Drivers\MIL 9.0\MIL 9.0\Setup.exe











·      If the Solios board is installed, check the options “Mil Runtime” and “Intellicam”.


·      If the installation is done for “Barcode reading only”, check the option “Mil Runtime” and uncheck the option “Intellicam”.







Press “Next”


















·      If the Solios board is installed, check the option “Solios”.


·      If the installation is done for “Barcode reading only”, uncheck the option “Solios”.









Press “Next”















·      Read the AGREEMENT










Press “I AGREE”

















·      If the Solios board is installed, use a non-paged memory size of 2048MB!

·      Type in the value 2048!

·      In exceptions, a lower value e.g. 1024MB can be used.

·      If the installation is done for “Barcode reading only” the default value of 32MB can be accepted.



If a lower memory size of 1024MB is used, the scan procedure can not be executed with the 40x magnification!



Press “Next”





















·      The setup procedure is in progress

·      Messages occur.

















·      Ignore the error massage







Press “OK”

















·      Check the option    “Yes …”








Press “Finish”











Install the update 5 of the MIL 9.0

Start the file:

<Drive>:\ Drivers\MIL 9.0\MIL 9.0 Update 5\M900U05B32x64.exe















·      The install procedure for the update 5 is starting




























·      Ignore the warning






Press “Next”













·      Messages occur.

















·      Check the option    “Yes …”








Press “Finish”













Install further updates 1


Without this upgrade installation, the operating system may crash or “Blue crash screens” may occur!


Start the file:

<Drive>:\Drivers\MIL 9.0\MIL 9.0 Update 49 (Solution for the blue screen problem)\M900U49B18x64.exe
















·      Ignore the warning





Press “Next”





















·      The install procedure is in progress




























Press “Finish”
















Install further updates 2

Without this upgrade installation, the operating system may crash or “Blue crash screens” may occur!



Start the file:

<Drive>:\Drivers\MIL 9.0\MIL 9.0 Update 49 (Solution for the blue screen problem)\ M900R2EF36B01x64wr.exe




















Press “Next”



















·      Check the option    “Yes …”








Press “Finish”













Check the installation result

Start the file:         (If the path was setup by default)

C:\Program Files\Matrox Iimaging\Tools\milconfig.exe
























·      Check the installation of the Solios board(s)
























·      Connect the barcode dongle; issued together with MIL 9.0

·      Check the presence of the dongle

·      Check other components as required

·      If the dongle is connected but not seen by “MIL Config”; Exit “milconfig.exe” and start it again!


·   The barcode dongle, issued together with the version “MIL 8.0” will not work with the version “MIL 9.0”!!

·   The barcode dongle, issued with the version “MIL 9.0” will not work with the version “MIL 8.0”!!

·   From outside, the dongle versions are undistinguishable!


Finish the program with “Exit”.


If required components are not installed or not found, remove the MIL 9.0 and do the installation again.


See also:      milsolios_update_5_.pdf

