Install the viewer program



These instructions describe the procedure to install the viewer program “MView.exe” on a computer with the operating system Windows® 7 x 64bit; used with ALL scanners!

The shown procedure is based on the install DVD of the software version 1.16; and is used to install the program for:


·      Viewing of virtual slides; it makes the virtual slide(s), previously scanned by the program “SlideScanner”, visible on the screen.




Install               the Pannoramic Viewer Program “MView.exe”








·      Installed operating system Windows® 7 x 64bit

·      The install CD / DVD of the software version to be installed


See also:      Software and driver installation


·      The installation should be done from a HDD, DVD or a pen drive.



If the viewer will be uninstalled, all the licensed, previously installed viewer modules must be installed again after the setup procedure of the viewer is finished!












Start the file

<Drive>:\Pannoramic Viewer\Pannoramic_Viewer.exe

















·      Welcome screen of the Pannoramic Viewer wizard










Press “Next”
















·      Check for installed version





Press “Uninstall”






















·      Welcome screen of the uninstall wizard










Press “Next”




















·      Remove the found version from the folder




If the viewer will be uninstalled, all the licensed, previously installed viewer modules must be installed again after the setup procedure of the viewer is finished!







Press “Uninstall”


















·      Exit uninstall wizard











Press “Finish”


















·      Welcome screen “Setup wizard”


·      Check for installed version








Press “Next”















·      Read the “End-User License Agreement”









Select “I accept …”




Press “Next”















·      Check for installed prerequisites




·      List of installed parts







Press “Next”






















·      Install the version to the destination folder







Press “Next”



























Press “Install”




















·      Install in progress























·      Installation finished


Select options


·      Check to place shortcuts only for current user

·      Show user’s guide






Press “Finish”















Install service pack “SP2”



Start the file

<Drive>:\Pannoramic Viewer\Pannoramic_Viewer_SP2.exe



















·      Welcome screen Setup wizard










Press “Next”

















·      Read the “User License Agreement”









Select “I accept …”




Press “Install”



















·      Install in progress


























·      Installation of the service pack “SP2” finished










Press “Finish”














·      After installing the new version, please reconnect the Scanner and Viewer dongle to the USB port.

·      Now install the licensed viewer modules!

·      Start the program “Slide Viewer” by clicking the icon “Pannoramic Viewer” or from its folder.



The path is

C:\Program Files(x86)\3DHISTECH\Viewer\MView.exe












·      Please read the user’s guide. Pannoramic_Viewer_1.15.2_UG_EN_Rev2.pdf