Batch test program

For technicians!

(Under construction)




The description is based on “b-test.exe” version 1.13 until the software version 1.14.


·       Since the software version 1.15, the “Batch Test” is implemented as a part of the service program.

·       The mechanics and addressable units of all 3DHISTECH scanners may be moved or tested!





Features. 2

Requirements  2

Install the program “Batch test” 2

Multi USB communication  3

The batch windows

Editing tools

Units and control

Commands and examples








  • This program is used to move units or parts of the units of the scanners Pannoramic Confocal, 250, SCAN, MIDI and DESK.
  • The technician or the user is able to construct its own sequence of commands to start and stop motor movements by the use of events (sensor transition, sensor level, evaluated time or step number done).
  • The programmed actions can be arranged into a cycle by using the do – while commands; the while command has a cycle number.
  • If the appropriate file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini” is assigned, the parameter value of the specified parameter can be used also to define a number of steps to go; so the correctness of the values can be checked.
  • The program allows the connection of maximal 4 USB-controllers to one computer; the USB-controller may handle an entire scanner or only connected units.
  • The test sequence can be constructed in offline mode also; hereby the units or the scanner must not be connected during the development.
  • Load and save operations of partly or fully constructed batch file allow a quick check of connected units or the construction of the batch file in intervals.
  • With “merge” the batch module of an unit may be used as a part of a more complex test sequence; existing batch files may be assembled to a complex batch file.





The construction of the USB controller powering on the board does allow the drive of maximal 3 stepper motors at the same time!


·      Please do not move more than 3 stepper motor units of the same USB controller at the same time!






·    To create a test batch file, programming knowledge is not required; all the steps to create and run a batch file can be done by the use of logic.

·    Deeper construction knowledge of Pannoramic scanners and their units.

·    Installed Pannoramic scanner (or USB-controller with connected units) to run the test sequences.

·    The installed version of the test program B-test.exe.





Install the program


The program does not need a special install procedure.

·   Create a folder of the program “batch test” with version number on the drive C:\; e.g.  C:\BatchTest_1_13

·    Copy the file “bTest.exe” and other required files into this folder

·    Create a desktop icon

·    The installed scanner driver

·    Start the program



·    See also:         windows XP “Install the driver “ftdi2xx.inf”; win7 “Setup the USB driver



See also:       Setup Service program;



Multi USB communication




Open ports

The program searches for connected USB-controller units and lists the found serial number of the USB-controller unit behind the appropriate radio button. The scanner or the connected units are identified via the serial number of the connected USB-controller unit.




Select device

There can be maximal 4 USB-Controllers (scanners) connected; this allows the test or move of units of the same type (or entire scanners) from the same computer; each unit of the same type can be checked with its own, assigned batch file and the assigned MicroscopeConfiguration.ini file.

The scanner (connected unit) is identified by the serial number of the USB-controller; it can be found in the near to the FireWire connector box or can be read out with the service program “SlideScannerService.exe”.

The program will be started for each connected USB-controller; so the program is running 4 times if four units (USB-controllers or scanners) are connected.







For improved differentiation of the units a text can be defined, this text (e.g. the serial number of the scanner) is shown on the bottom of the screen. This option becomes important if more then only one USB controller unit is connected.









Only editing

This option can be used to construct and edit batch sequences without connected scanner. To test and run the batches, the appropriate scanner or unit(s) must be connected!


Close port

Disconnect an USB-controller.



Leaf the program.



After starting the program “b-Test.exe” and pressing the button “Open port” (1) the program checks the installed driver and lists the found serial numbers of the USB-controllers in the field “Select device”. By click on the serial number (radio button) the unit to be started is selected. Type a “Description” of the unit (if required) and start the work screen by pressing “OK”.






Batch windows




The program has two batch file windows, the “Batch construction window” on the left and the “Batch execution window” on the right. In the “Batch construction window” the steps and the sequence of the commands are arranged and can be edited, during the “Batch execution window” contain the batch for execution and load / save operations. The batch file transfer between both windows is realized with the buttons “Apply” and “Get”.







































Actions with the batch file

·    Load a batch

·    Append batch (Batch files can be merged)

·    Save batch

·    Save batch as ...

·    Load ini; Assign the appropriate file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”

·    Run the batch

·    Pause / continue the batch

·    Stop the batch

·    Stop the batch in emergency events







Load a batch program

On the right side of the “Batch execution window” a predefined batch file can be assigned to the appropriate batch load button. By pressing the button “Browse”, the batch file can be selected and its name will be assigned to the batch load button; by pressing it, the assigned batch file is loaded into the “Batch execution window”.

This way, nine different batch files can be selected very quickly.

·    A batch file can also be loaded from the menu “File”.










Actions to define a test sequence

·    Select and parameterize the step of the test sequence in the section “Control”

·    Test; execute the defined step

·    Add the step to the “Batch construction window’s” list

·    Undo step or modification

·    Delete selected

·    Modify selected

·    Get from list (settings of the highlighted step are load into the control field)

·    Apply    Copy the content of the “Batch construction window” to the “Batch execution window”.

·    Get        Copy the content of the “Batch execution window” to the “Batch construction window”.






The content of the “Batch construction window” is transferred to the “Batch execution window”; then the program can be started. The content of the “Batch execution window” will be overwritten; unsaved content is lost.






The content of the “Batch execution window” is transferred to the “Batch construction window”; then the program can be edited. Unsaved content of the “Batch construction window” will be lost; the content of the “Batch construction window” will be overwritten.













The cursor highlights the “New line” or the command to be edited by “The batch construction tools”. The command to be inserted is always inserted before the cursor position.




The “New line” shows always the momentarily end of the program; further commands will be always inserted before the “New line”, if the “New line” is the cursor position also.



·    To highlight or select a command use the cursor buttons “Up” / “Down”; or click on the command line.






Each line is a command also; each command is one line long and contains all the parameters and values, defined in the field “Control”. By pressing the button “Add to list” the defined command is transferred to the batch construction window and will be inserted before the actual cursor position.











The highlighted command is moved one line (command) upward (in direction to the start of the program).








The highlighted command is moved one line (command) downward (in direction to the end of the program).













Editing tools






Add to list

 The command, selected and parameterized in the field “Control”, is inserted into the batch construction window; the actual position is defined by the cursor position; see also above “The cursor”, “The command” and “New Line”.



Get from list

Select a command by moving the cursor on it or by clicking onto the desired command.

By click on “Get from list” the values, defined by the selected command will set the field ”Control”; the parameters and values of the control field are set by the command.








Delete selected

Highlight the command to be deleted, then press “Delete selected”. The command will be removed from the sequence.




Modify selected

·    Highlight the command to be modified then press “Get from list”.

·    Modify the parameters and / or the values in the field “Control”.

·    After all modifications are done, press “Modify selected”.

The highlighted command is modified by the new values and options, according to the actual settings in the field “Control”.




Keyboard commands

used in the “Batch construction window”

                        Del:     deletes all highlighted commands

                        *    :     Inverts the selection

Shift + cursor movement:  highlights commands and parts of a command

Ctrl + c:          Selected items are copied to the clipboard (as usually in windows)

Ctrl + v:          inserts the content of the clipboard at the first highlighted position.

Ctrl + x:          Copies the highlighted commands to the clipboard and deletes them from the construction window.





Units and control




The field “Control” contains all the units, parameters, values and options to create and control the command line for the unit to be tested or moved.

·    Unit specific options are only available in the lower part of the field “Control”, if the appropriate unit is selected.






Selectable units and commands

The following units, included in the scanner can be moved and checked. Because the check is reduced to the unit itself, the scanner type is included in the specified unit (e.g. MIDI slide loader). If such special units are tested, the scanner type should be included in the batch file name also (e.g. MIDI slide loading or SCAN slide loading).


·    All the unit names are command names also; so the use of radio buttons allows selecting of only one command type at a time.







Batch control


Stop test; the processing of the batch file ends here.

This is often the last command of a test sequence.

If the stop command is missed, the test runs endless until the button “Stop” or “Emergency stop” is pressed.


Restart test

The command sequence is started again at the first command of the sequence.



The command “Do” is placed before the first command to be executed in the cycle; it signalizes the start of the loop and has no further parameters.



The command “While” signalizes the end of the cycle (loop) and depending on the actual value of the “While count”, the program execution is continued by the next command in sequence after the command “While” or the program control executes the command after the command “Do”.


·    The actual value of the “While count” is decreased by 1 before checking.

·     If “While count”= 0:   execute the next command in sequence after “While”

·    If “While count”≠ 0:    execute the command after “Do”

·    Do – while cycles can be nested


Sensor check


Sensor name:          Select the sensor to be checked from the list


State to check:         High / Low


If the condition of more sensors should be checked at the same time, the sensors and their active state can be defined by using the mask.


Use mask

Bit 7:   Not used; always zero (0)

Bit 6:   Not used; always zero (0)

Bit 5:   Right magazine sensor

Bit 4:   Left magazine sensor (SCAN; P250) / Tray sensor (MIDI; PCON)

Bit 3:   Slide loader inner sensor (SCAN; P250) / Slide sensor (MIDI; PCON) / Door sensor (DESK)

Bit 2:   Slide loader outer sensor (SCAN; P250)

Bit 1:   Magazine feeder sensor (SCAN; P250)

Bit 0:   Magazine loader sensor (SCAN; P250)


·    Select the sensors to be checked in the bit positions in the line “A” of the mask by typing a “1” in the appropriate position.

·    Select (type in) the active level to be watched in the bit positions in the line “B” of the mask; Low=0; High=1.





























Wait control

The wait control offers the possibility to stop the command sequence after execution of the command for check purposes; the execution of the command sequence can be interrupted until the defined time is evaluated or a key was pressed. The selected option is assigned to the actual command by pressing the button “Add to selected item” or is added to all defined items by pressing the button “Add to all items”.


·    No Wait

The execution of the command sequence is not interrupted; the next command in sequence will be executed immediately.


·    Time (s)

The execution of the command sequence is interrupted until the defined number of seconds is evaluated, then the command sequence is continued with the next command in sequence. Is the number of seconds zero (0), the result is the same as the option “No wait” would be selected.


·    Key press

The execution of the command sequence is interrupted until any key on the keyboard is pressed; then the next command in sequence will be executed.























Cycle control



The command “Do” is placed before the first command to be executed in the cycle; it signalizes the start of the loop and has no further parameters.





The command “While” signalizes the end of the cycle or loop and depending on the actual value of the “While count”, the program execution is continued by the next command in sequence after the command “While” or the program control executes the command after the command “Do”.


·    The actual value of the “While count” is decreased by 1 before checking.

·     If “While count”= 0:   execute the next command in sequence after “While”

·    If “While count”≠ 0:    execute the command after “Do”

·    Do – while cycles can be nested in more levels














Stop test

The command “Stop test” defines the end of the batch program and is the last instruction of the program. If “Stop test” is reached, no further commands are executed.

If the program is not finished by the command “Stop test” (the command does not exist) the program starts again with the first instruction on the top and is running continuously until the button “Stop” is pressed or the power is switched off.






Test button

If a unit is selected and already parameterized, the settings of the field “Control” can be tested on the connected unit by pressing the button “Test”.

It is very helpful if more complicated actions like sensor edges, sensor levels or run time values must be checked before the command is transferred to the batch construction window.


  • The option can not be used in offline mode.




Emergency stop

In any cases, if mechanical jamming occurs, all actions in progress are stopped.

·   Press this button if any action has to be stopped in emergency situations.

·   The power switch on the power supply can also be used to abort any movements.













Commands and examples




Each unit, shown in the field “Select device” is a command also; the command name is equal to the unit name.

The command name is the first part of the command line; all the selected parameters and options are listed after the command name, in the command line.



The USB controller unit is used to switch on or off the brightfield illumination.

1.             Select the unit “USB controller (1)

2.             Check the checkbox “Lamp” (2)

3.             Click on test (3); result: the BF scan illumination is switched on!

Switch off the brightfield illumination

4.             Uncheck the checkbox “Lamp” (2)

5.             Click on test (3); result: the BF scan illumination is switched off!















Implement the steps into the batch sequence


1.             Select the unit “USB controller (1)

2.             Check the checkbox “Lamp” (2)

3.             Click on “Add to list”

4.             Select the unit “USB controller (1)

5.             Uncheck the checkbox “Lamp” (2)

6.             Click on “Add to list”.                        The result is shown in the batch construction window.






The DC-controller is used to switch on or off the Backlight or the barcode illumination. If the parameter value field is zero (0) the appropriate illumination is switched off; if a value different from zero is defined, the illumination is switched on, and the intensity depends on the value (max. value = 255).


6.             Select the unit “DC controller” (1)

7.             Type into the numerical field a number between 1 and 255 as desired, 2a, 2b

8.             Click on test (3)



Switch off the barcode and /or preview illumination

9.             Type into the numerical field zero (0), 2a and / or 2b

10.        Click on test (3)











Implement the steps into the batch sequence


1.             Select the unit “DC controller” (1)

2.             Type into the numerical field a number between 1 and 255 as desired, 2a=255, 2b = 150

3.             Click on “Add to list”.             The result is shown in the batch construction window.



4.             Select the unit “DC controller” (1)

5.             Type into the numerical field zero (0), 2a and / or 2b

6.             Click on “Add to list”.             The result is shown in the batch construction window.








By selecting the unit “X motor” the entire X-carriage can be moved and checked.

In the lower part of the field “Control” the options and parameters for the command are shown.










The value in the numeric field defines the absolute motor position, counted from Home 1,2. The number of steps to go from the actual position to reach the absolute position, defined by the numerical value is calculated by the program.


·    Negative motor positions starting with a minus (-) sign.



Go the number of steps in positive or negative direction, counted from the actual position.

·    Negative values starting with a minus (-) sign.


Home 1

Set the stepper motor to Home 1; see also


Home 2

Set the stepper motor to Home 2; see also




Use ini keys

If the checkbox “Use ini keys” is checked, two pull down menus are available, the first menu contains the relevant sections of the assigned file “MicroscopeConfiguration.ini”; the second menu contains all the parameter names of the selected section. This way, the value, assigned to any parameter name of the selected section can be used to move the motor.






The program does not check the correctness of the used parameter name; the sense and correctness of the used parameter has to be checked by the batch file constructor!


The parameter value is handled as motor position to be reached; it is the absolute position of the motor in motor steps, counted from Home 1,2; see also above “Goto”.



Information about the usable parameter names and values can be found in the chapters


o        The X-Y-stage unit

o        The scan area

o       Magazine unit and slide loading

o       Tray- and slide loader”.












If “Advanced” is checked, further parameters are available.

Because the motors are driven in micro step mode the useable values are limited.



Reasonable values are found in the range from 32 -127. This value influences the current thru the stepper motor coil and so the torque of the stepper motor. By modification of this value the optimum between torque, noise and vibration of the motor will be affected. If the value is too high the accuracy of the micro step is modified (1 step ≠ 1 μm), if the value is too low, lost steps can be produced or the rotor will not rotate.









The u-time

·    The “u-time” parameter means the “time of one micro step” (“u” means “μ”) and is used to define the time evaluated between the execution of 2 micro steps of the rotor.

·    The u-time is used as a factor and defines the pause time between two steps that following each other if the rotor rotates with the full speed. This factor affects both, the full speed and the torque of the rotor as well; the torque and the speed are nonlinear reciprocal to each other.

·    The u-time is defined for each motor separate in the software, depending on the driven mechanics; e.g. the turret motor has to handle higher load then the focus motor.

·    This value defines the possible full speed of the stepper motor.

The value of the u-time may be varied between 8 and 64; lower values define higher speed with reduced torque, higher values define higher torque with lower speed; noise and vibration may be affected also.


The calculation of the u-time

Time between two step pulses = (u-time + 1) x 4 μs

Usable values are: 8 ≤ u-time ≤ 64


A value, lower then u-time=8 should not be used, because missed steps can occur or the mechanical drive will not start. If the value of the u-time will be increased, the motor speed reduces and the torque increases.


Further, stepper motor relevant information can be found in the chapter “USB and DC-controlling” and “The stepper motor implementation






Don’t wait until motor stops

The batch execution command control will stop, until the command is executed. Only, if the status “desired position reached” is receipt from the motor, the command execution control goes to the next command in sequence.


If the checkbox is checked

The command execution control of the program issues the “Number of steps to go” to the motor and executes the next command in the batch sequence immediately without waiting for the status answer.  The status of “desired position reached” will be checked before the next command is issued to this motor.



In question of power load, not more than 2 stepper motors should run at the same time!









For parameters and their explanation please refer to the chapter above “X-carriage

Information about the usable parameter names and values can be found in the chapters

o       The X-Y-stage unit

o        The scannable area

o       Magazine unit and slide loading

o       Tray- and slide loading”.





Focus and shutter unit

For the command explanation and their parameters please refer to the chapter above

o       X-carriage

Information about the usable parameter names and values of the focus unit can be found in the chapter

o       The focus unit





FL reflector turret unit (filter wheel)

For the command explanation and the parameters please refer to the chapter above

o       X-carriage

Information about the usable parameter names and values of the filter wheel drive can be found in the chapter

o       The FL reflector turret unit






MIDI tray loader

For the command explanation and the parameters please refer to the chapter above

o       X-carriage


Information about the usable parameter names and values of the tray loader can be found in the chapter

o       The tray- and slide loading







MIDI slide loader

For the command explanation and the parameters please refer to the chapter above

o       X-carriage


Information about the usable parameter names and values of the slide loader can be found in the chapter

o       The tray- and slide loading



DC-Stacker (Magazine loader)







DC-Magazine loader (Magazine feeder)





DC-Slide loader















Example program (Magazine feeder)

·        The magazine is manually inserted into the feeder channel from the left side.

·        Move the magazine in the feeder channel forward until the right magazine sensor is released;

·        Move the magazine backward in the feeder channel until the left magazine sensor is released.

·        The movement should be done continuously (endless).









The steps:

1.      Select the magazine feeder unit (1)

2.      Set “stop with sensor” and “forward” (2)

3.      In the menu “Advanced” set the parameters as shown (3).

4.      Press ‘Add to list”

5.      Set “stop with sensor” and “backward” (4)

6.      In the menu “Advanced” set the parameters as shown (5).

7.      Press ‘Add to list”

8.      Press ‘Apply”

9.      Insert the magazine into the magazine channel from the left side.

10. Press the button “Start”.

11. The program will run continuously until the program is stopped with the stop button or the power will be switched off.

12. Save the file with the menu “File”.