Wash and rinse unit; iSaCS

For technicians and partly for sales managers







The following chapter handles principles, tasks and components of the fluid control during the washing and rinsing procedure of the 3DHISTECH iSaCS.


If the sample received the staining fluid during the staining procedure, the incubation will be done in the chamber of its origin place.

If the incubation time of the stain is over, the specimen is moved to a free wash and rinse chamber.









         Container’s plug



         Flush unit

         Fluid pumps

         Fluid fuses


         Fluid paths


         Fluid flow control

Air wiper

Emergency overflow



























After finishing the incubation of staining, the staining reagent has to be removed from the sample to stop the staining process.

This task is done with the wash and rinse unit.

Before the wash - rinse procedure starts, the slide with specimen is moved by the transporter from its origin place into a free WR-chamber.


The washing fluid is based on distilled water and contains chemicals to fix the properties of the stain.


When the washing procedure is finished, the waste washing fluid is moved into a "waste” container (C3 or C4).


The rinsing of the tissue is done with distilled water (C2); the waste fluid is moved into the appropriate "waste" container (C3 or C4).


Thereafter, the slide is moved from the “Wash-Rinse” chamber, to the “Air wiper” bay.


Finally, the fluid, remained on the specimen (slide surface) will be blown off the sample surface by the “Air wiper”; so, the sample surface will be dry. The slide is moved to its original place and waits there for cover slipping or the staining procedure can be repeated with another stain.



Hazardous and non-hazardous waste


In all cases, the selected fluid path depends on the stain, used during the staining procedure.

If the stain to be removed is poisonous and / or caustic, the waste washing and also the rinsing fluid is always collected in the "Hazardous waste" container.

If the stain to be removed is nonpoisonous and no caustic, the waste washing and rinsing fluid is always collected in the "Non-hazardous waste" container.

Washing as well as rinsing fluid itself is not declared as caustic  or poisonous, therefore these fluids are always collected in the "Non-hazardous waste" container (during software start). 

There are some situations, where the kind of fluid can not be decided e.g. in the overflow system. In such cases, the fluid has to be disposed always as "Hazardous waste".








Wash buffer


The wash buffer is based on distilled water and contains salts and additional chemicals.

The used chemicals are mainly independent of the stain type.

  • Differences will be equalized by the incubation time of the washing fluid.


Example recipe


For TBS pH 7.4 dilution required ingredients


Tris base       120.825g
NaCl               75g
HCLcc            ~38.75 ml
Distilled water:   add to the shown ingredients distilled water until the capacity of 1000ml is reached.


o       A 5l wash buffer needs of course 5x quantities.


Information about main components and recipes of washing fluids can be found in …………...


  • Washing fluid itself is declared as non-hazardous!



Distilled rinsing water


The rinsing water is distilled water. Fill single distilled water into the container.


·      40ml Tween-20 detergent fluid is required for 1000ml of rinsing water.


  • Rinsing fluid itself is declared as non-hazardous!



Non-hazardous waste


The fluid, removed as a result of the washing or rinsing procedure after a non-hazardous reagent (stain) was used is stored here.


  • The container content may be discharged as domestic waste water.



Hazardous waste

The fluid, removed as a result of the washing or rinsing procedure after a hazardous reagent (stain) was used is stored here.


  • Hazardous waste has to be disposed into appropriate collecting containers.















The containers are arranged in the iSaCS as shown.

·      The sequential arrangement of the containers and so the fluid is important.

·      Each container may contain 5l of the appropriate fluid; filled until the lower edge of the “Fluid max. label”.

·         Fill the container (Wash; Rinse) until the max. label

·         A minimum of 300ml fluid content in the container is required; the system can not use fluid below this level for washing or rinsing procedures

·      The states Container “empty”, “full” and “fluid present” are detected by a pressure sensor in the plug.

·      The position of the containers is recognized by Hall sensors on the rear.

·      The user fills the containers for the wash and rinse process manually with the appropriate fluid.

·      The content of the waste containers is disposed manually to appropriate collecting containers.

·      Each container has its own plug to move the fluid out of the container (Wash, Rinse) or into the waste container.









On the rear of the container, positions to hold a permanent magnet are defined. By implementing (bonding) the permanent magnet at the specified position, the container content (kind of fluid) and its position in the arrangement is defined.


·      This way, each container has always the same position and an interchange of the fluids is avoided!



If the container was filled by mistake with incorrect fluid, please clean and rinse the container and its plug with distilled water; especially the container for the Rinse process!
























By using sensors behind the containers, the position and the fluid kind of the container are defined.


·      If the Hall sensor does not recognize a container, the container is missed (the container position is empty) the container is not fully pushed to the rear (the acting position of the sensor is not reached) or the container is in a wrong place.










Umbilical cord

The so called “umbilical cord” contains the flexible fluid pipe and the wires for the pressure sensor. Both are covered by an energy chain.


Cord mounting

Fixes the fluid pipe, the sensor wires and is used as mounting for the energy chain.


Container plug

The container plug contains the pressure sensor and realizes the fluid flow from the container to the destination or waste fluid into the container.


See also:       Container plug













                   Container plug



The container plug and its construction allow the flow of the fluid out of the container (washing and rinsing) or used fluid can be moved into the waste container.


A pressure controlled sensor detects the states “container empty”, “container full” and “fluid in the container”.


·      Depending on the fluid level in the container, the air in the sensor pipe will be compressed or decompressed and so, the required fluid level states can be recognized.




By calibrating the pressure sensor, other container fluid states like 1/4 full, 1/2 full and 3/4 full can be detected and displayed.



















·      If the plug is inserted into the container vertically, the bottom-bell is filled with air and so, the fluid will not stay in the sensor pipe. This way, the accuracy of the sensor’s state is increased.
























The spindle has 4 threads, so a very high precision of longitudinal movement can be reached.

This precision is required to positioning the appropriate nozzle to the fluid entry of the wash – rinse chamber.



The slider is slippage free mounted to the spindle, so a misalignment of the nozzles can not occur if the movement direction of the slider is changed.








Chamber’s construction


Fluid entry

On the top side of the chamber there is the Fluid entry hole through which the fluid flows into the center of the slide’s specimen area.

The “blind” is permanently fixed to the rear end of this fluid path in order to block the way of the fluid to that direction.


Slide holding spring


As the slider arriving to the chamber, the slide fixing spring is pushed downward and fixes so the slide in its position for the appropriate procedure. The spring will be released as the slider moves to the next chamber.











Slide rack switch

The "Slide rack switch" (storage switch) is used to signal the presence of the slide rack.

·      If the slide rack is present and inserted correctly, the switch is closed.


Stepper motor


The stepper motor rotates the spindle and moves so the slider over each chamber or to the flush position.

The longitudinal movement resolution of the spindle driven construction is 1μm so the nozzles can be moved accurately to the fluid entry of the chamber.


·      During the processes “Apply fluid” and “Remove fluid” the nozzles are exactly placed by software.



Home sensor


As the slider moves in direction to the spindle clutch the slider arrives to the “Home sensor pin” and moves it in direction to the opto-coupler. If the acting position of the opto-coupler is reached, the optical path of the sensor is broken and the software will stop the slider’s movement by switching off the stepper motor.


The fluid entry positions of the chambers are defined in motor steps, counted from the home position.

The nozzle position of the slider is a number of motor steps,  relatively defined to the fluid entry position of the chamber.











The slider contains the nozzles for the fluids; each fluid type has its own nozzle.

The slider can be moved over each wash and rinse chamber.

If the slide arrived over the chamber, the slider moves the wash nozzle over the fluid entry of the chamber and the washing fluid will be placed onto the specimen area.

If the incubation time of the washing fluid is over, the nozzle with the waste tube will be moved to the fluid entry of the chamber and the washing fluid will be removed from the sample surface; the fluid is stored in the appropriate container (C3 or C4).

Now, the nozzle with the distilled water tube will be moved to the fluid entry of the chamber and the rinsing process starts.


The rinsing fluid will be removed from the slide surface with the nozzle “waste” and the fluid is stored in the appropriate container (C3 or C4).












                   Flush unit

The flush unit is found at the home position of the slider. It is used during software startup and software exit. The unit is smaller than a slide chamber because only the nozzles are connected to each other. In special conditions (software exit) the flush unit allows the removal of the droplet separator’s fluid via the valve air.



See also “Start up software” and “Shut down software”.






























                   Peristaltic fluid pumps

To avoid contaminating of the liquids washing, rinsing and waste, the appropriate fluid is moved by a dedicated peristaltic pump.


 The amount of fluid to be carried is controlled by the pump. The pump is driven by a stepper motor. The number of steps (the rotation angle of the pump's shaft) controls the quantity of fluid and the time, elapsed between 2 step pulses is used to control the speed of the carried fluid.


·      If the pump is switched off, the fluid path is broken; the pump’s behavior is like a closed valve.


As the shaft rotates, the amount of the fluid is moved from the tube input along the tube by the speed of the rotor until the fluid amount arrives to the output.



See also “Materials”.















                   Fluid pressure fuses

 Normal work

·      Normally, the fuses do not act, the fluid flows vertically thru the appropriate part of the fuse unit.



·      If the fluid flow in the tube get obstruction for some reason (or the valves are wrongly handled in the service program), the pressure in the tube system increases.

·      To avoid damaging of internal components and parts by aggressive fluids, the fuse will act.

·      Every tube path has its own fuse.



See also "Emergency overflow system"



·      Tubing of fluid paths can be found in chapter “Fluid paths”.


















Principle of fuse


Normal work

·      Normally the ball blocks the way in the direction to the nut's hole, and the fluid flows vertically in the tube (as shown).




·      As the pressure in the tube increases and the force of the spring can not compensate the pressure any more, the ball will not cover the tube stub and the fluid can flow via the nut in the direction to its hole.

·      After this the fluid enters the fuse housing, gathers at the bottom of the housing and flows out over the emergency overflow exit; see Fluid pressure fuses above.



See also "Emergency overflow system"













By using the 2-channel valves “Air”, “Flush” and “Waste” and by switching on the peristaltic pump “Waste”, the flow direction of the appropriate fluid can be controlled, depending on the task to be done and kind of fluid to flow.


·      The valves are controlling always only the waste path of fluid!


·      Tubing of fluid paths can be found in chapter “Fluid paths”.















By opening or closing the clamp(s) of the appropriate valve the path will be controlled.



·      Tubing of the valves to other components can be found in chapter “Fluid paths”.






















Fluid paths




                   Depressurize flush path

 By detaching the pipe from its blind stub and moving this pipe end to the overflow basin and opening the manual pipe clamp, the flush unit may be depressurized and fluid can partly drained.




·      If the procedure is finished, please reconnect the pipe to its blind stub and close the pipe clamp!




















                   Flush path

























                   Rinsing path











                   Washing path

















                   Waste path



 The path, “Hazardous waste” and “Non-hazardous waste” depends always on the stain, removed during the washing and rinsing procedure.


·      If the removed stain, removed during the washing process is not poisonous and not caustic; the removed washing fluid will be routed to the non-hazardous waste container.


·      Rinsing fluid will be drained to the hazardous waste container if the stain was poisonous or caustic otherwise, the rinsing fluid is drained as non-hazardous waste.


























































                   Fluid flow control

The fluid flow is usually divided into 4 phases


·      Software start

·      Apply fluid to the specimen

·      Remove fluid from the specimen

·      software exit


The fresh fluid will be driven directly from the fluid container to the appropriate chamber in its dedicated pipe line system by its own pump; so contamination of the fluid is avoided.


·      During startup the software, the slider will be moved to the Flush position (Home) and the filling of the pipes with the appropriate fluid is done.


Because the waste path handles the fluid flow from several possible sources and the waste fluid will be collected in 2 containers, the source and destination path of the waste fluid will be selected by valves.

·      During exit the software, the fluid of the Air dropper will bee removed and then the pipes of the valve system will be emptied (filled with air).


Because the pressure of the pump may be much more then required “Fluid pressure fuses” are implemented; these fuses acting only in emergency states.











 In the following, the fluid flow will be separated by source, destination and task.

















                   Start up software


During the startup procedure of the software the tubes and pumps for the washing and rinsing process have to be filled with water or washing fluid respectively and the fluid supply tubes must not contain air bubbles.






Fill rinsing fluid

First, the slider is moved to the flush (home) position by the software. The rinsing pump and the waste pump are switched on. The rinsing pipes will be filled with distilled water. The fluid moves through the Rinse pump and the fuses to the slider. The flush path to the valve "Air" is blocked.



·      The fuses are not shown on the image. For fuse implementing, see “Fluid pressure fuses”.

·      The piping of the container C1 is not shown, because it is excluded during this operation.

·      Because the wash pump does not work, its behavior is like a closed valve.


The fluid is moved from the waste nozzle via the waste fuse, the waste pump to the valves.

Rinsing fluid is non-hazardous, so the fluid is pumped into the non-hazardous waste container.


The rinsing pump is switched on and pumps distilled water to the appropriate slider opening. In the same time, the waste pump moves the fluid into the non-hazardous waste container.








































Fill washing fluid


The slider stays in the flush (home) position. The washing pump and the waste pump are switched on.

The pipes of the washing path will be filled from the wash container via the wash pump.

The washing fluid arrives to the slider’s nozzle and the fluid will be removed from the slider nozzle via the waste path.

The washing fluid itself is non-hazardous, so fluid is pumped to the non-hazardous waste container.



·      The fuses are not shown on the image. For fuse implementing, see also “Fluid pressure fuses”.

·      The piping of the container C2 is not shown, because it is excluded during this operation.

·      Because the rinse pump does not work, its behavior is like a closed valve.








The wash pump is switched on and pumps washing fluid to the appropriate slider's opening, during the waste pump moves the fluid to the non-hazardous waste container.





































































                   Shut down software

During this process the Air wiper’s droplet separator fluid container will be emptied.


See the flowchart on the right; only components for the process are shown.


















































































                   Washing process


The washing fluid remains on the specimen for 1 … 10 minutes, depending on the stain properties; the exact time is defined in the process protocol.


·      The incubation of the washing fluid is done in the actual WR-chamber.






























If the incubation time of the washing fluid is over, the fluid will be moved to a waste container, depending on the stain was hazardous or not.


The washing fluid is removed to the hazardous waste container or to the non-hazardous waste container!


·      If the stain is hazardous, the washing fluid is moved to the hazardous waste container!

















































                   Rinsing process

The distilled water is applied to the specimen after the washing fluid is removed.


·      There is no incubation time of the rinsing fluid.






























As the rinsing fluid applied to the specimen, the slider's position is changed to the waste nozzle and the rinsing fluid is removed into a waste container (C3 or C4).




·      If the reagent (stain) was hazardous, the rinsing fluid is moved into the hazardous waste container (C3)!















































Air wiper


After the rinsing process is finished, finest water drops may remaining on the specimen. Because any extraneous material may affect the specimen’s scan quality, residues of the specimen staining process have to be removed before cover slipping.

The specimen must not be heat up for this procedure, residues are removed by the “Air wiper”.

As included in the name, the residues of the creation process will be removed by blowing air over the prepared specimen and so, finest water drops and other residues of the creation process are removed.
























If the real wiping process starts, the compressor will be switched on. The compressed air arrives to the nozzle of the “Air wiper” in an angle of 45º by crossing the silencer (A). The nozzle of the air wiper is a bit larger than the width of the slide, so the entire surface of the slide will be blown with compressed air. The removed fluid will be sucked into the droplet separator (air dropper), where the fluid will be separated from the air. After crossing a second silencer (A), the droplet separator's output is connected to the vacuum input of the compressor and the air loop is closed.


·      The water reservoir of the droplet separator will be drained in defined intervals, if the software will be shut down and the slider of the wash-rinse unit stays in the flush position.












































































                   Droplet separator


 The air, arriving from the air wiper is contaminated with finest droplets as a result of the wiping procedure.

These droplets are separated from the air by gravity and are collected in the lower part of the device. During shut down the software, the droplet separator will be emptied via the valve “Air” and the “Flush” part of the sliders home position.


If the device does not contain anymore water, the tubes of the waste fluid path are filled with air via the "Air input" of the device.



See also:       Shut down software


























·      If the slide will be inserted into the wiper position by the slide mover, the carriage moves in direction to the holder and the compression springs will be stressed.

·      If the slide is inserted by about 60mm, the compressor is switched on and the compressed air arrives onto the sample surface of the scan area in an angle of 45º and the wiped fluid will be moved into the air dropper.

·      Now, the slide mover moves the slide slowly backward, out of the wiper position and the liquid on the slide surface will be moved to the inner edge of the slide.

·      The compression springs pushing the carriage always against the slide inner edge and the wiped fluid can be moved away.

·      If the starting position is arrived again, the wipe procedure is finished and the compressor will be switched off.




The working principle of the “compression spring” is not shown correctly!















Emergency overflow




In emergency conditions fluid may flow out of its dedicated path. To protect the equipment from damage by partially aggressive fluid, an overflow draining system is realized.


Source of overflow may be

·      Any chamber of the wash – rinse unit

·      The rear of the wiper bay

·      Any fluid pressure fuse

·      Flush unit


The fluid is collected by the “Overflow funnel” (Wiper rear), the “Overflow channel” (any wash – rinse chamber and flush unit) and the fuse housing; the flow is realized by gravity.

The overflow fluid is drained to the basin below the slide scanner; a swimmer driven sensor is used to indicate to the software that fluid is present in the basin.

At the lowest point of the swimmer housing, the fluid can be drained manually to an external pot by the help of a syringe and should be disposed as hazardous waste fluid.


·      To drain the basin, remove the overflow drain tube from its holder and connect a syringe with a capacity of 50ml and suck out the fluid.


See also:       Truss


















Fluid control










Air dropper









Vacuum pump (compressor)















Distance measuring sensor













Float sensor




















Peristaltic pump



Yellow, green, blue


Catalog     -pdf






Solenoid operated Pinch Valve





1a, 2a, 3a



Used with solenoid operated products



























Fluid pipe

Two 6-inch section of tubing supplied with valve.


Fluid pipe




Fluid pipe









Two 6-inch section of tubing supplied with valve joined by a "Y" connector.














Tube joiner