Housing, construction

For technicians and partly for sales managers!





This chapter handles the construction and components of the housing as well as the construction of the entire Immunohistochemistry Staining automatic Cover slipping and Scanning equipment (iSaCS). Mainly mountings of the units and components, relation of the units to each other and the construction of mechanical units are discussed.


·      Description is based on the software version 1.20 and the scanner’s part is based on “Pannoramic MIDI modular”.




















  Hiba! A könyvjelző nem létezik.

The housing of the equipment consists of



Four front covers



Components of cover


Bottom left front cover         (see movie "Openings; doors")


Bottom right front cover  (see movie "Openings; doors")


Top left front cover     (see movie "Openings; doors")


Top right front cover    (see movie "Openings; doors")


Top cover            (see movie "Openings; doors")


Rear wall             (see movie "Openings; doors")


Right-side cover            (see movie "Openings; doors")


Left-side cover (see movie "Openings; doors")











Construction; iSaCS



Behind the housing of the iSaCS main units are easily distinguishably


·      Base frame

·      Truss

·      Specimen scanner

·      Power tower

·      Transporter

·      Slide storage

·      Specimen image

·      Staining unit

·      Wash -rinse

·      Air wiper

·      Cover slipping


·        For safety regulations regarding human health and scanner functionality please refer to:   Precautions




















Mainly the construction and components of the units are shown, detailed information will be found in the description of the unit itself.






























































               Base frame



The base frame holds the entire equipment and the housing.


















The truss defines the mountings and the position of the units and components to each other.


Slide comb


If the slide rack will be inserted from the right side of the equipment, the slide comb is used to check the correct position of the slides in the slide rack.


·      Slanted placed slides in the slide rack or not fully inserted slides will prevent the insertion of the rack!




Overflow basin


The overflow basin gathers fluid in emergency situations.


·      To drain the basin, remove the overflow drain tube from its holder and connect a syringe with a capacity of 50ml and suck out the fluid.


















Specimen scanner


The scanner’s part of the ISACS consists of the following main components:


1.      Mounting (Base) plate with mountings to the ISACS truss

2.      Scanner unit

3.      Image path with objective changer and tube lens

4.      60N Photo port with Spinning disk unit and scan camera PCO.edge 5.5Mp (not shown)

5.      Tilting table with immersion liquid feeder, objective changer and entire image path

6.      Mounting for the FL illumination unit table; for Lumencor SPECTRA light engine

7.      Power tower; with power supply and main control electronics
























Power tower; electronics



The power tower contains the power supply and control electronics, mainly for the specimen scanner unit.


All other units, related to staining and cover slipping are controlled via a separate, central and local electronics unit.



Main components are

·        Main control

·         Transporter control

·         Staining control

·         Vial chain control

·         Wash-rinse control

·         Cover slipping control










          Power, control




















The transporter unit is situated behind the slide storage unit and moves the slide from the slide rack to any required position in the storage, and returns into the slide rack.

The transporter is able to move the slide by the help of the slide mover in X-Y-Z directions.


For more information about the transporter





































Slide storage


Slide storage can be divided into following components

·      Manipulation; 13 bays

·      Slide rack, Incubator; 72 slide bays

·      Wash and rinse chambers; 12 positions


As visible, 97 storage places are realized in the unit and these are numbered as shown. Nevertheless, the maximal number of slides during a preparation session is limited to be 72 slides, the capacity of the slide rack. All other possible slide places are used during the creation process and have often special tasks.

This arrangement allows the execution of different tasks simultaneously, e.g. while one slide stays in the washing and rinsing process, the stain may be applied to another specimen, a 3rd slide may be covered with the cover slip during the capturing of the specimen preview may be done on a 4th specimen and the transporter may move a slide into a required position during scanning of a 5th slide.


This small example shows the modularity of the equipment and this modularity helps to save execution and preparation time.





Slide rack


The slide rack (or slide container or also named as incubator) is removed and inserted from the right side of the equipment by the help of the handle.

·      Insert the filled slide rack and press it into the fixing position.

·      The correct inserted slide rack position is sensed via a micro switch.


The slides, containing the specimen and a barcode, can be inserted into any slide bay, face up; a special sequence is not required. Slide bays may be left blank, as desired!


·    The slides with specimen are inserted manually, face up into the slide container

·    The container is removed or inserted from the right side of the equipment

·    Contains up to 72 slides for 1 creation process session.

·    Important  The slides are not fixed in the bays




Slide tray


The slide transporter puts the slide into “Bay1” of the slide tray. After this the scan process starts.

When the scanning of the slide is finished, the transporter removes the slide from “Bay1”, and returns the slide to its original place in the slide rack.

The action will be performed by moving the slide tray and the transporter into appropriate positions.

The handover and takeover of the slides during the scanning process are always done in “Bay1” of the slide tray.


Note! The slides are not fixed in the slide bays, so they can fall out of the slide tray if the slide storage is not held horizontally.













Slide image



To execute the staining procedure of the specimen, the position of the specimen in relation to the glass slide is important. If more tissues are situated on the glass slide, all parts have to be stained separately, because staining fluids are often very expensive.


·        By making an image of the glass slide surface, the position and size of the specimen’s area(s) are exactly known.


The barcode, assigned to the specimen contains information about the specimen and staining values and staining procedures. The content us analyzed by software and will be used to perform the staining procedure.



Main components are

·         Specimen illumination

·         Specimen camera

·         Objective

·         Barcode illumination


          Slide image














Staining unit



The staining unit is used to apply the appropriate stain onto the specimen, so parts of the specimen will fluoresce during the FL scan procedure. By using different fluorophores (stains) different parts of the specimen will be seen in different colors. The staining procedure of one specimen may be repeated several times, each procedure with one stain.


Main components are


·         Reagent vial

·         Vial chain

·         Vial chain drive unit

·         Reagent code reader

·         Reagent applicator

·         Pipette tip mover

·         Air pump

·         Pipette tip









































Wash and rinse unit



If the incubation time of one staining procedure is over, the properties of the stain has to be fixed. The fixing procedure is done with the washing fluid. Rinsing of the specimen removes washing fluid residues. Residues of the rinsing process are removed with the “Air wiper”; it is blowing up finest water droplets from the specimen surface.


Main components are

·        Fluid containers

·        Container plug

·        Fluid pumps

·        Fluid flow control valves

·        Chamber selector

·        Wash-rinse chambers


          Wash-rinse unit












Air wiper



Residues of the rinsing process are removed with the “Air wiper”; it is blowing up finest water droplets from the specimen surface.






Main components are

·        Compressor

·        Silencer

·        Air wiper head with air input

·        Wiped fluid drain

·        Air dropper

·        Head holder


           Air wiper














Cover slipping

If the staining of the specimen is finished, the specimen will be covered by a cover slip. The mounting media is stored in a vial. The media applicator fills the pipette tip with a defined quantity of the mounting medium and applies it onto the slide; then, the suction cup takes a cover slip and places it correctly onto the slide. By using defined pressure onto the coverslip, the coverslip will be pressed onto the slide without remaining air bubbles.




Main components are


·        Mounting medium vial

·        Pipette tip

·        Media applicator

·        Suction cup

·        Compressor




          Cover slipping unit