Install the USB driver for the Pannoramic scanner



These instructions describe the procedures to install the USB FTDI command driver for the Pannoramic Scanner on a computer with the operating system Windows® 7 x 64bit; used with the P250, SCAN, MIDI or DESK!

The shown procedure is based on the install DVD of the software version 1.16; and is used to install the driver for:


·       Control of the scanner





Install        FTDI command driver








·       Installed operating system Windows® 7 x 64bit

·       The install CD or DVD of the software version to be installed


See also:       Software and driver installation


·       The installation should be done from a HDD, DVD or a pen drive.





Start the file

<Drive>:\Drivers\USB driver for Pannoramic scanners\CDM20824_Setup.exe









The installation of the driver is done fully automatically; no interactions are required.










If the dialogue disappears, the installation of the driver is finished.


