Tour 2:   Optical path; SCAN, MIDI and DESK


designed for technicians


This chapter should help you to do the first steps to go familiarly with the scanners Pannoramic SCAN, MIDI and DESK.


The entire construction of the appropriate scanner is based on its optical path and the slide loading method; manually or automatically.


In this chapter, the optical path of the microscope part will be shown and the used components are introduced.




Optical path of the Pannoramic SCAN





















·      To reach an optical path without lost of light intensity, the optical axis is arranged straight, without mirrors.







Optical path of the Pannoramic DESK









































·      To reach a small, compact desktop scanner, the image path as well as the illumination path is reflected in an angle of 90degrees with the illumination mirror and the image mirror as well.








Optical path of the Pannoramic MIDI











































·      Only the illumination path uses an illumination mirror, the image path is straight.



Brightfield illuminated optical path of the SCAN MIDI and DESK


The emitted light of the light source is collected by the aspheric lens and the produced parallel light rays are send to the illumination mirror (DESK, MIDI only). The mirror reflects the light in an angle of 90 degrees to the condenser.

The condenser concentrates the light to that area of the tissue that is just observed by the objective pupil and the scan camera; the condenser illuminates the field of view (FOV).

The light travels thru the tissue and is collected by the objective.

Into the space between objective and tube lens optical components can be inserted, like the fluorescent filter block (SCAN, MIDI) or in the DESK, the image mirror.

The image, created by the objective together with the tube lens can be modified in its size by using camera adapters with different magnifications.

The reached magnification, seen by the CCD of the main (scan) camera is the result of the product of objective magnification and camera adapter magnification.

Example: If the objective magnification is 20x and a camera adapter with a magnification of 0.63x is implemented, the resulting magnification is 12.6x.

Remark: The magnification of the camera adapter can not be varied as desired, the construction of the image path and the size of the CCD of the used camera limits the usable camera adapter magnification.

The CCD of the camera transforms the incoming light into electrical charge, this is read by the camera electronics and the composed data stream (the image) is transferred to the software.





Introduction of components



A detailed description of the used components can be found in the chapter “Components and construction” of the file “Optics_and_Illumination.htm”




Halogen lamp




























·      The focus position of the aspheric lens in relation to the filament of the lamp is ~13 mm.

·      The best illumination quality will be reached if the center of the filament is in the focus position of the aspheric lens!

·      During movements of the microscope or during the aging process of the filament, the optimal focus position of the aspheric lens may be lost, resulting in improper illumination of the FOV.







Lamp tube

In microscopes the illumination of the tissue is very important. The lamp (illumination) tube contains the optics to produce light with a high density and coherent rays; so, the field of view can be illuminated evenly.


1.   Ring nut

2.   Aspheric lens. The focus position is ~13 mm.

3.   Distance ring “a”; SCAN: the aperture is near to the diffuser

4.   Diffuser

5.   Distance ring “b”














Illumination mirror; MIDI, DESK


Because in MIDI and DESK the illumination housing is mounted onto the scanner plate from beneath, the illumination mirror reflects the incoming light, in an angle of 90 degrees, to the condenser.

·   For best illumination results the mirror position must be adjusted.


























The condenser concentrates the incoming light to the field of view (FOV).

Because the size of the illuminated part of the tissue is critical, the condenser position can be adjusted; the focus position is 10.9mm nominal.



The best illumination results would be reached if we would use an objective also to illuminate the field of view; but because objectives are very expensive, a condenser is used.


·      In view of optical aspects we can say, the condenser is a simplified objective.

























In microscopes, the objective gathers the light, emitted from the tissue to be observed and focuses the rays to produce an image. The character of the objective is given by the magnification and the numerical aperture.


The position of the objective and the distance to the tissue is very important to produce a focused (sharp) image. Because in Pannoramic microscopes this distance can be modified by moving the tissue position on the Z-axis (focusing) both positions are important, the objective position and the nominal focus position.




In the standard version of SCAN, MIDI and DESK the 20x magnification is implemented. In exceptions, the user ordered the option 40x magnification also and so an exchange from 20x to 40x magnification or vice versa may be requested.
























40x objective


On the scale of the 40x objective, the thickness of the cover slip should be selected.

·      If the real thickness of the cover slip differs from the selected / adjusted value, the quality of the scanned FOV may be reduced!

















Objective and condenser


The parallel light rays, created by the aspheric lens and the diffuser are focused by the condenser to the field of view, observed by the objective pupil.


To reach a sharp (focused) image, the slide is moved in Z-direction toward or away from the objective pupil, in the defined focus range.



·      Because the tissue may vary in thickness, the actual focus position must be checked / adjusted always during the sample scan process.
















Camera tube

·      On the side, near to the objective, the tube lens is situated; this performs the image (together with the objective).

·      Into the space between objective and tube lens further optical components can be inserted, like the filter block for the fluorescent scan or an image mirror like in the DESK. 

·      For best image quality, the tube lens should be mounted into the camera tube until it stops!

·      The camera adapter 60 C1” can be also connected to the 60N interface.

·        The camera tube of the DESK is equipped with an adapter 60 C1” so a 60N interfaced camera adapter can not be connected.

























Camera adapter


The camera adapter is situated between the camera tube and the scan camera and offers the possibility to insert lenses or other optical means like filters into the image path.

If lenses are inserted, the camera adapter modifies the image size and the magnification.

The usable magnification of the camera adapter depends on the scan camera’s CCD size and its resolution and the construction of the optical path.




See also:      Camera adapter


















Scan (main) camera

The charge coupled device (CCD) of the scan camera transforms the incoming light (the image) into electrical charge; and this is read out by the electronics of the camera.

























Illumination path adjustments







Set the nominal focus position to 1600 steps and adjust the objective position until the tissue is in focus; then hold the distance between objective and tissue constant during the entire adjustment procedure.

Use always the found number of focus steps!


Adjust the condenser position



Adjust the lamp socket (filament) position



Do the adjustment of previously named components again as required; steps 2 - 5.    


Adjust the lamp position in relation to the socket (pull the lamp out of about 1mm),


Adjust the mirror position in relation to the scanner plate (pull the mirror out of about 1 mm) and



Bend the lamp toward the lamp tube (Scan only, because the tube distance can not be adjusted).





Loosen the mounting bolt for the Lamp tube (if SCAN: loosen the mounting bolt for the lamp housing also) and rotate the lamp tube. Some times there can be reached more proper results in the SCAN.

















Adjust the objective position and the focus position; then hold the distance between objective and tissue constant during the entire adjustment procedure by using always the found number of focus steps!



Adjust the condenser position



Find the correct lamp tube position



Find the correct mirror position



Adjust the lamp socket (filament) position


Do the adjustment of previously named components again as required; steps 2 - 5.    



Adjust the lamp position in relation to the socket (pull the lamp out of about 1 mm),




Adjust the mirror position in relation to the scanner plate (pull the mirror out of about 1 mm) and







Bend the lamp toward the lamp tube (Scan only, because the tube distance can not be adjusted).



Loosen the mounting bolt for the Lamp tube (if SCAN: loosen the mounting bolt for the lamp housing also) and rotate the lamp tube. Some times there can be reached more proper results in the SCAN.














Adjust the objective and focus position


This Adjustment assumes that the focus unit is adjusted, except the objective position.

·      For further information and adjustments see “The focus unit”.


1.     Start the slide scanner program, insert a slide with a tissue and create a live view; the known focus position of the tissue should be nearly to 1600 steps, the nominal focus position.


2.     Produce a live view and set the focus motor position to 1600 steps (or the known focus position).


3.     Loosen the objective mounting by loosening the objective fixing bolt.


4.     Drive the knurled objective nut so, that the objective moves toward the tissue or away from it until the focus is found.


5.     During tightening the fixing bolt of the objective observe the live view and correct the objective position as necessary.


6.     With the option autofocus check the adjustment.


7.     Repeat from step 2 if necessary.

















Adjust the lamp socket (filament) position


Drive the adjustment bolts “a”, “b” and “c” in or out, until the optimal position of the filament in relation to the aspheric lens is found.

·   Remove the knurled bolts of the lamp socket mounting and modify the lamp position in relation to the socket if required or to exchange the lamp.






































Image path adjustment




The entire image path adjustment includes the adjustment of the following parts:


1.   The objective position

    This adjustment ensures that tissues with different thicknesses can be scanned in focus; of course, it was adjusted previously for the brightfield illumination, but the objective position should be checked / adjusted again. If the objective position is incorrect, the tissue or parts of it can not be scanned in focus; see also “Check the optical path adjustments”.

2.   The camera tube position

    The position of the camera tube (lens) affects the color trueness of the scanned tissue; the chromatic aberration becomes visible in more blue, and more red or yellow colored cell borders on the opposite sides; see also “Chromatic aberration” and “Adjustments”.

3.   The camera rotation angle

    If the camera rotation angle is out of the limits, the stitching is not correct and the borders of the FOV’s becoming visible in the virtual tissue with the viewer program, the sample does not fit on the border of the FOV; see also “Stitching’.






Chromatic aberration

The appearance of chromatic aberration can be divided into two main reasons:


1.     The used materials (the composition of the glass) in the lens system; different wavelengths of light will be focused to different positions; and


2.     The arrangement of the lenses to each other (centermost), with other words, the straightness of the optical path (lens system).





















The adjustment of the chromatic aberration is done in the real focus position and in the center of the FOV to be observed. To check the result of the adjustment, the focus position can be modified by some steps in positive or negative direction. In this way, the correctness of the adjustment becomes more visible. If the yellow color occurs evenly on the inner and outer part of the circle in the center, the adjustment is acceptable; see “Focus position +4 steps”.















The images was done in the focus position of the live view, except otherwise specified and with a zoom factor of 2,73























Camera tube mounting


The tube is mounted so, that the correct position can be adjusted; with this adjustment the chromatic aberration is corrected / minimized.


·   For adjustments, loosen the four mounting bolts to make the tube mounting barely moveable.


·   See also “Adjustment procedures”.


























































Stitching errors have two main reasons:


1.     Improper adjusted camera rotation angle and


2.     The hysteresis in Y-direction is too much.


The camera angle becomes important during stitching. If the angle of the scan camera is out of the limit, the stitching does not working well, so the FOV’s, seen with the viewer does not fit to each other. An acceptable camera angle has less then +-0.5 degrees deviation from zero.


If the camera angle is correct and stitching errors occurs, check the hysteresis in Y-direction.


·   See the next chapter “The Y- and X-hysteresis” and also “The X-Y-stage unit




The shown stitching errors existing always parallel inside of the same scanned tissue, it means, if one occurrence is found, all others can also be found on different areas of the same scanned tissue.













Camera changer (the double adapter 60N)





The manual camera changer (the double adapter 60N is a product of Carl Zeiss ltd.) allows the use of different cameras for brightfield illumination scan and fluorescent illumination scan; it may be a component of the Pannoramic SCAN or the Pannoramic MIDI microscope likewise.





·     The camera (mirror position) is selected manually, before the appropriate scan session will be started.














End;   you may continue with the tour 3:          Optics of the P250