Install the scan program for the Pannoramic microscope



These instructions describe the procedure to install the scan program “SlideScanner.exe” on a computer with the operating system Windows® 7 x 64bit; used with the Pannoramic microscope P250, SCAN, MIDI or DESK!

The shown procedure is based on the install DVD of the software version 1.16; and is used to install the program for:


·      The scan procedure of slides                          (Scan program)

·      Hardware services and movement of the units      (Service program)



·      The service program is also installed / copied during the installation of the scan program; there are no explicit dialogues!

·      The service program is protected by a license file against unauthorized use. The options of the service program can be used after install only, if a special and valid user license file exists for the service program. 



·      The Matrox Imaging Library version 9.0 has to be installed prior to the program Slide Scanner. Is the program slide scanner already installed, install the Matrox Imaging Library version 9.0, then remove the program slide Scanner and install it again!








Uninstall               the Pannoramic Scanner Program SlideScanner.exe”

Install                    the Pannoramic Scanner Program SlideScanner.exe”

























Install                    the Scanner Service Program SlideScannerService.exe”






















·      Installed operating system Windows® 7 x 64bit

·      The install CD / DVD of the software version to be installed

·      Successful installed Matrox Imaging Library; prior to this installation procedure.


See also:      Software and driver installation


·      The installation should be done from a HDD, DVD or a pen drive.


















Start the file

<Drive>:\Pannoramic Scanner\Pannoramic_Scanner.exe



















·      Before removing the actual version or before installing the new version, please disconnect the Scanner / Viewer dongle from the USB port.




·      Welcome screen “Setup wizard”








Press “Next”






















·      Installed version found







Press “Uninstall”































·      Remove the found version from folder








Press “Uninstall”





















·      The Welcome screen of the uninstall wizard












Press “Next”






















·      Remove the found part from the folder









Press “Uninstall”























·      Uninstall in progress



























·      Answer the question wit “Yes”



Press “Yes”





















·      Removable  part found









Press “Next”
























·      Remove the found part from the folder









Press “Uninstall”

























·      Uninstall of the part is finished









Press “Finish”






















·      Exit uninstall wizard











Press “Finish”























·      Check for installed version








Press “Next”



















·      Select your “License Mode”




Install standard scanner




Press “Next”



























·      Read the “End-User License Agreement”









Select “I accept …”




Press “Next”






















·      Install the version to the destination folder










Press “Next”





















·      Install in progress










Press “Next”




















·      Acknowledge the installation of the part









Press “Install”





















·      Installed components




























·      Prepare the software





























·      Installation finished


Select options


·      Check to place shortcuts only for current user

·      Show user’s guide






Press “Finish”











·      Please read the user’s guide of your scanner














·      Before starting the software “SlideScanner”, the microscope USB driver has to be installed!

·      After installing the new version, please reconnect the Scanner / Viewer dongle to the USB port.

·      Start the program “SlideScanner.exe” by clicking the icon “Pannoramic Scanner” or from its folder.


The path is

C:\Program Files\3DHISTECH\SlideScanner\SlideScanner.exe




















·      Before starting the software “SlideScannerService”, the microscope USB driver has to be installed!

·      Copy the actual, valid license file “MService.lic” into the folder.


C:\Program Files\3DHISTECH\SlideScanner\

·      If the license file is not valid, the program “SlideScannerService.exe” can be started but the options are all inactive and can not be selected!

·      Start the program “SlideScannerService.exe” by clicking the icon “SlideScannerService.exe” or from its folder.


The path is

C:\Program Files\3DHISTECH\SlideScanner\SlideScannerService.exe