Digital microscopy solutions are useful for pharmaceutical companies for archival and documentation purposes, making long-term follow-up during licensing much easier.
Since some staining techniques include perishable components, so stained samples can lose their visibility (color hue becomes brighter), it is important for a slide to remain preserved and to keep its quality during and after the evaluation.
Storing a sample is simpler, as the slide contains digital data and does not require energy-demanding cooling (while brightfield samples keep their quality longer, fluorescent reagents cannot last too long).
As opposed to routine diagnostics where quantitative data are important, in research, measurement and derived statistical data and comparisons applied in series are the basis for recoding research results.
Different tools for scanning brightfield and fluorescent samples include:
- lamp
- filter
- camera
- software
Scanning procedure takes longer. Each of our scanners (except for PANNORAMIC DESK and PANNORAMIC 1000) is capable of scanning both brightfield and fluorescent slides.
In the event of collaboration with a Contact Research Organization (CRO), teleconsultation simplifies liaising and data interchange, mainly if locations are remote.
Application of TMA techniques is advised, as samples examined within identical circumstances can be collected on the same slide.
The Confocal technology widens the palette of imaging devices. To aid research, PANNORAMIC Confocal is the best solution.