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QuantCenter offers modular, high-precision image analysis for whole-slide quantification in histopathology and molecular pathology. Unlike most quantification software, it is more flexible than one-size-fits-all solutions with customizable modules tailored to specific analysis needs, features customizable AIpowered segmentation and deep-learning capabilities delivering superior accuracy, multi-slide batch processing, and integrated visualization tools which provide comprehensive insights without requiring external software. All these offers maximum flexibility for researchers and its scalable architecture make it the ultimate solution for quantitative pathology research.

QuantCenter is an image analysis platform for whole-slide quantification in histopathology and molecular pathology. With customizable algorithms and linkable modules. Integrated with SlideManager, it enables efficient execution of analysis on research study samples, driving precise reproducible results. It offers a range of combinable modules including:


Identifies stained tissue elements based on color and intensity features.


A trainable pattern recognition module for tissue classification and pre-segmentation.

PatternQuant Plus

An enhanced version of PatternQuant, utilizing deep learning for complex tissue segmentation projects.


Designed for cell nuclei detection and quantification of IHC-stained samples.


Detects cell membranes and quantifies IHC-stained histological samples.


A versatile cell detection application suitable for various IHC stainings, including Ki67 slides.


An easy-to-use tool for stain-intensity-based IHC quantification.


Quantifies FISH signals on tissue samples of solid tumors.


Quantifies CISH-stained samples.


Allows users to run custom image analysis algorithms within the QuantCenter framework.


Enables easy access to slide-related data for custom application development.

Additional quantification tools include:


Executes processing and stores analysis results on a dedicated server.


Allows multiple digital slides to be examined in the background, saving time.

Data Visualization (DVT)

Provides integrated data visualization modes, including tables, scatterplots, pie charts, and histograms.

Quantification Examples

The gallery below contains some examples of how widely our quantification modules can be used.

Click on the image to view in details.

Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell quantification

by HistoQuant

Cyprinus carpio epithelium analysis

by PatternQuant

Elongated villous structure with multi-layered nuclei analysis

by PatternQuant

Estrogen stained infiltrating ductal carcinoma in breast tissue

by PatternQuant and NuclearQuant

Estrogen-Her2 stained breast tissue analysis

by CellQuant

Golgi stained neuron network detection in the rat cortex

by HistoQuant

Nuclei classification in the tumour area of progresterone stained breast tissue

by NuclearQuant

Her2 stained breast tissue analysis

by DensitoQuant

Her2-Cep17 DNA stained breast tissue classification

by HistoQuant

Nuclei classification on cytology smear sample

by HistoQuant

Progresterone stained cytoplasm classification

by CellQuant

Testicle organ with sperm cells analysis

by HistoQuant


Key features

Modular and Customizable Image Analysis

Unlike traditional image analysis software, QuantCenter offers a modular framework, allowing users to select and combine specialized tools for precise whole-slide quantification.

Customizable AI-driven analysis enables adaptation to specific research needs, providing greater flexibility than static competitor solutions.

Comprehensive Range of Analysis Modules

Advanced segmentation and classification tools, including HistoQuant, PatternQuant, and PatternQuant Plus, ensure accurate stain identification and deep-learning-driven tissue recognition.

Targeted quantification with NuclearQuant, MembraneQuant, CellQuant, DensitoQuant, FISHQuant, and CISHQuant, covering all major staining techniques.

Custom script integration via ScriptQuant, offering unmatched flexibility in digital pathology.

Superior Performance and Batch Processing

BatchAnalysis-ProcessingQueue allows multiple digital slides to be processed simultaneously, increasing efficiency and throughput.

QuantServer ensures high-speed processing and centralized data storage, optimizing workflows for large-scale research studies.

Advanced Data Visualization for Better Insights

Integrated Data Visualization (DVT) tools, including scatterplots, pie charts, histograms, and tables, enable intuitive and real-time result interpretation.

Quantitative analysis results can be easily exported for reporting and collaboration.

Seamless Integration with Digital Pathology Workflows

Fully compatible with SlideManager, ensuring smooth execution of analysis
on study samples without requiring additional manual steps.

Supports a wide range of whole-slide image formats, making it a universal solution for diverse pathology laboratories.

Scalable for Research and Clinical Applications

Suitable for small-scale research and high-throughput clinical studies, with adaptable computational power and server-side processing.

Enables standardized, reproducible image quantification, essential for clinical diagnostics and drug development.



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