Install the USB driver for Pannoramic SCAN, MIDI or DESK



·      This description is true until the software version 1.14; based on the operating system Windows XP® x32bit



The shown procedure is used to install the driver for:


·       Control of the scanner




·    The driver is found on the install CD: <CD ROM> \Drivers\ Pannoramic USB driver\.

·    Install the driver via the device manager and the “Found new hardware wizard”.


If the driver was installed wrong previously or a wrong driver was installed; the entire driver must be removed first, before the driver can be installed again. Therefore, the actions to remove the driver are described also. The shown dialogues and sequences can differ in regard to the version of Windows xP.












Remove the driver


1. Click on “Start”, select “Control panel” and “Add or Remove Programs”.


Wait for creating list



Find the item “FTDI FTD 2XX USB Drivers” or the name of the wrong driver; click on it and click on “Change/Remove”.














2. Disconnect the USB cable for the Pannoramic Control from the rear connector of the microscope; then press “Continue”.

















3. Click “Finish”.


















4. Close the window “Add or Remove Programs”.




















Install the driver “ftdi2xx.inf”


5. Reconnect the USB cable for the Pannoramic Control to the rear connector of the microscope.



6. The USB controller port is found by the “Found new hardware wizard” and the dialog is opened automatically.



7. Select “No, not this time” and click on next.

















8. Select “Install from list ...” and click on next.

























9. Select “Don’t search ...” and click on next.























10. Select “Universal serial bus controllers” and click on next.


This dialog is displayed only, if the driver was removed / deleted previously.























11. Click on “Have Disk ....”






















12. Click on “Browse ....“
















13. Locate the file and click on “Open”


The driver is found automatically if the appropriate folder is opened.

The file “ftd2xx.inf” is located on the install CD for Pannoramic scanners.

<CD ROM>: \Drivers\ Pannoramic USB driver\

















14. Click on “Next“.

























16. Click on “Continue anyway“.






















17. Click on “Finish“.


After a few seconds the hardware will be recognized by the operating system and then the USB controller is ready for work with the service program or the Program MScan.exe.







·       Now the scan program “SlideScanner.exe” or the service program “SlideScannerService.exe” can be started.






