When designing and testing a new DCF, it can be helpful to use the grab safe commands to keep Intellicam stable. You can easily clear an image in black, white or gray an image using the Image | Clear menu command. You can grab simultaneously using different digitizers on a system that uses multiple digitizers, create or open the desired number of DCFs and then select the appropriate "Digitizer number" in the "Overview" property page of each DCF. You can create a DCF even if you do not have a physical board. Just select a virtual system in the menu Options | System Selection. If the grab commands are disabled while a valid DCF is active, the DCF is on a virtual system. To grab you must save the DCF and change the current system to a physical one; then re-open the DCF and you will be allowed to grab with it. When choosing a system in the menu Options | System Selection, you can make it the active system by double-clicking on it with your mouse (rather than clicking on the "Make Active" button). You can specify a startup template file as your new Digitizer Format document. Just choose the "Browse" button in the "New" Digitizer dialog box in the menu File | New. Any Digitizer Configuration Format developed on a virtual board might be specific to any product version of that board. You can have more than one view of the same Digitizer Configuration Format. Select "New Window" in the Window menu. You can dynamically switch between the 3 available DCF views. Select "As Report", "As Text" or "As Editor" in the View menu. You can display discreet pixel values in an image document by using the "As Pixels" view. You can open 2 views, and have one "As Image" and the other "As Pixels". This also works during live grabs. If the default keying color interferes with other applications, it can be modified in the Preferences | System dialog. You can quickly define a child area in any image buffer by double-clicking the image and dragging to the desired size. You can grab in a child areas instead of the whole image by clicking the "Grab in child area" option of the Preferences | Images dialog. You can load an image from file into an existing image buffer by clicking the Image | Import menu item. If you loaded an image from file, you can undo all subsequent processing done on it by selecting the Image | Reload menu item. The Digitizer Controller window gives you a visual interface to all supported controls of MIL functions MdigControl, MdigChannel and MdigReference. You can disable the default continuous validation of DCF documents and then trigger the validation manually by selecting the Dcf | Validate DCF menu item. New documents are always created on the active system, which is not necessarily the owner systems of the active DCF.