Program “CamLab” for the camera VRmC-8+ PRO



These instructions describe the procedures to setup the program “CamLab” for the camera VRmC-8+ PRO (or other kind of cameras, supported by this driver) on a computer with the operating system Windows® 7 x 64bit; used with the P250, SCAN, MIDI or DESK!



The shown description is independent of the SlideScanner software version and is used to:


·      Handle and control of VRmC-8+ PRO cameras





·      Setup the program “CamLab”

·      Control and setup of the camera VRmC-8+ PRO with “CamLab”








Setup of the DevKit “CamLab” regardless the software version:           VRmUsbCam DevKit for Windows (x86) 3.15b.msi





Start the file


Offline version; stored in this manual:     VRmUsbCam DevKit for Windows (x86) 3.15b.msi


Most recent online version:                       Software for USB Components;               VRmUsbCam DevKit for Windows X86 4.1 Package












                   Setup “CamLab”




Start the file:           VRmUsbCam DevKit for Windows (x86) 3.15b.msi


                              Or the downloaded VRmUsbCam DevKit for Windows X86












Press “Next”















Read the “License Agreement”








Select “I Agree”





Press “Next”

















Browse for the destination folder







Select an option





Press “Next”
















Start the “CamLab” install procedure











Press “Next”















Wait, until installation is finished.
























Read the information










Press “Next”
















Installation finished











Press “Close”
















Control and setup of the camera VRmC-8+ PRO




                   Program “CamLab”


The program CamLab can be used to check the connection, the functionality and the integration of the preview camera VRmC-8+ PRO or other kind of cameras, supported by this driver.



Press:          “Start”         “All Programs”     open “VRmagic”   and select   “CamLab”


After selecting the “CamLab’, the dialogue “Control” appears and the camera window will be opened.


Detailed information about features and to parameterize the “VRmagic CamLab” can be found in the file

 65184-VRMagic CamLab Manual (german).pdf”; sorry, an English version of the German file could not be found at moment (May, 2012).


See also “Downloads





·       The camera uses an USB 2.0 port, otherwise, if the transfer rate of 480Mb/s can not be reached, the camera window will disappear automatically after some seconds!!

·       If such behavior occurs, please try with another USB 2.0 port or remove the driver, then setup the driver again.



If the Program “SlideScanner.exe” will be started, only the real preview camera should be connected; otherwise, if other VRmagic devices are connected also, the start of the program “SlideScanner.exe” may be unsuccessful.







                   Dialogues of “CamLab”




Dialogue “Control”

This dialogue is used to display a live view of any connected VRmC camera, to make screenshots or to recording videos in avi-format.

The shown settings produce a live view of the camera VRmC-8+ PRO.




Because the driver is able to handle all the connected VRmC cameras, the actual camera has to be selected by its serial number in this pull down menu.




Select the format, used to display the image in the camera window.



Select “free-running or “soft-trigger”.






Start the selected action; after starting the dialogue, a live view will be produced.





Paths and directories, for snapshots and avi-video recordings are defined here.












Configuration menus


Set or modify the exposure time, the white balance or press “auto-white”, filter parameters and others, as required.

































Camera window


The quality of the seen image, shown in the camera window, depends highly on the settings in the menus, the shutter time, the white balance, the illumination and the adjusted focus position.


The required settings (except the focus position) for the preview camera are done automatically during the start up of the program “SlideScanner.exe”.


If the Program “SlideScanner.exe” will be started, only the real preview camera should be connected; otherwise, if other VRmagic devices are connected also, the start of the program “SlideScanner.exe” may be unsuccessful.























